Problem with iTunes Store Credit

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by break5, Aug 28, 2008.

  1. break5

    break5 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2008
    I use an iTunes gift card to buy/get stuff like apps and music, and when I just tried to get a free app, it told me there was a problem with my iTunes credit: I looked at the place right next to my account name in the iTunes bar, and it doesn't say what's usually there: how much $$ is left in my gift card. Has anyone else had this problem?
  2. different

    different Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    Yeah, my store credit has disappeared and I can't buy anything. Happened whilst trying to download Koi Pond.
  3. mek

    mek Well-Known Member

    ive discovered that the store credit usually resides on a few various itunes servers, whilst not on others...

    in some instances, i've purchased something, which deducted from my credits, and later when i log onto itunes, it shows either the original amount before the purchase, but they usually sync up eventually and are usually accurate, it may take a few hours or days to populate all the itunes servers with the correct account, esp. if there is no activity on it

    my suggestion is, restart itunes, and try the purchase again

    a quick note, my account is set up with my credit card, and i add gift cards to it, so whatever balance is deducted from a purchase, it runs through the card first, then the overflow onto the credit card...I havent tried it with just a gift card, or even out of the united it could be different
  4. break5

    break5 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2008
    ive tried both restarting iTunes and signing out and back in of my account, and still no luck. i guess ill just wait a while and see what happens... after all, the error message said "due to a problem with itunes"... whatever that means...
  5. wilson

    wilson Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2008
    Canada, ON
    ya all my store credit is gone and were you buying koi pond with store credit different?
  6. different

    different Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    Yeah, I have ~£20 in there. :(
  7. tosui

    tosui Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2008
    Toronto, Canada
    Oddly, I have no gift card credit (strictly using credit card), and yet I can't even "purchase" a *free* app!!

    Something strange is happening in the app store...
  8. break5

    break5 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2008
    #8 break5, Aug 29, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2008
    it's working for me now... how about anyone else?
  9. different

    different Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    Yep. Managed to purchase Koi Pond, Billy Frontier and my credit balance is reinstated. :)

    Phew! I thought I had lost £20!
  10. pablo19

    pablo19 Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2008
    my way

    I dont use the credit card, only gift cards :).

    but there is a problem when I download something thats not free... the original amount remains. I found a way to know how much money you have left and making the original amount, the new amount. Just buy something from itunes that costs a lot more than you have. For example if you original amount was 25$ just buy zollingers atlas for 30$. It will tell you you have insuficient store credit, click on ok and you will have your current credit on the top right.

    hope this helped:cool:

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