people usually look down on gameloft despite it's still the leading dev of IOS

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by klarence, Mar 25, 2012.

  1. klarence

    klarence Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    admit or not, I get to say gameloft is still the best or second IOS dev.
    tintin, mc3 and gangstar rio debuted on app store within one month, tintin is console quality, mc3 is best FPS game for mobile so far and gangstar rio is even better than gta3.
    only gameloft could made these happen. and many other devs still can't catch up with the quality of nova 2 or dungeon hunter 2.
    just imagine if gameloft made a premium sequal game to shadow guardian, it's would be awesome.
    gameloft deserves a better result than now-- no matter financial or fame. I even think apple should reward this company some money for their outstanding contribution to IOS ecosystem.
    but they became a freemium game maker months ago, how big a loss to IOS.
  2. Dirty Harry Hannahan

    Dirty Harry Hannahan Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
    Planet Earth
    Not everyone shares the opinion that Ganstar 3 Rio is better than GTA 3. :rolleyes:

    Not a fan of the giant obnoxious file sizes for Gameloft's titles.

    Oh and Gameloft has acquired the rights for a Batman game, "The Avengers" and "Spiderman".
  3. Echoseven

    Echoseven Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 19, 2011
    The red Skittle
    They obviously weren't that good if they were forced to turn Freemium.

    But from what I've gathered, they have two divisions - the "good one" and the "other one". Guess which one makes what games?

    I don't mind them going Freemium - as long as is means we still get some premium titles out of them.
  4. JCat

    JCat Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2009
    CEO E-Commerce
    #4 JCat, Mar 25, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2012
    I enjoyed a number of Gameloft games (Asphalt 6, MC3, Dungeon Hunter II, Sacred Odyssey). Dungeon Hunter 3 however, was a turn for the worse, so now I feel differently. I hope that was just bad decision, and they can redeem themselves. They can clone all the games they want, but nothing worse then those damn IAP. Then there's Zynga, and suddenly, Gameloft doesn't look too bad..
  5. ninjackid

    ninjackid Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2010
    They used to make a few quality games like the MC or NOVA series, like Zombie Infection and Spider-Man, but now all they make is that freemium crap.
  6. Royce

    Royce Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2011
    I look down on gameloft because they are leaders on iOS, very poor leaders marching iOS gamers down a painful, grueling path to PS Vita ownership :p
  7. Farfield

    Farfield Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2011
    #7 Farfield, Mar 25, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2012
    In my opinion, Gameloft has good titles, and as a publisher they are great, but as developer leaves much to be desired, 'cause the titles that they have are good, but only that, as example: N.O.V.A. 2, Shadow Guardian, Dungeon Hunter III.

    These titles don't have the quality that anothers game have, of course Gameloft has "premium" titles, to me, these great titles are Order & Chaos and Modern Combat 3 (the multiplayer, not the campaign) but the reason of what makes to Gameloft a great publisher, it's cuz there offer to the user titles that there isn't in the plataform, take for example MC3, that is a great FPS with great Multiplayer, why? cuz there is effort put in that game, now, take Mass Effect Infiltrator from EA, the concept is great, bring Mass Effect to the iOS, but it is needed a huge creativity, it's difficult to bring a title with good quality, and i not only mean the graphic in a game.

    For me, there is needed a combination of graphic, dinamic and interesting story (in case of be a no-casual title) an important thing is the way that a developer combines the gameplay with the controls (more important in a touch-screen) and anothers things.

    Back to the topic, Gameloft has a great strategy to sell the games, but to me, it needs more... effort and care in the creation of the games, be more original, give more quality in the games to the user. All that i just said is my opinion, to other people i know Gameloft it's a great developer and it's okay to me, but in my case... well, i just told it.
  8. dumaz1000

    dumaz1000 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2010
    #8 dumaz1000, Mar 25, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2012
    Freemium/"social gaming" is, by far, the most successful business model on the iOS/smartphone/tablet marketplace. Roughly 60% of all commercially successful apps on the iPhone/iPod are of the free-to-download variety. Roughly 50% of all successful iPad apps are free to download. It cannot be argued that Freemium is king, whether you like it or not.

    But Gameloft is not the company who dominates the AppStore's top grossing charts. Not a single Gameloft Freemium game is anywhere to be seen. Gameloft's most successful Apps are paid apps, Order and Chaos, and Modern Combat 3. Dungeon Hunter 3, Six Guns, Urban Crime. These games don't chart at all. That's the ironic part. Gameloft sucks at Freemium. They are not the top company. Not even close.

    Gameloft "had" good games, but people took them for granted. They made good mobile games. They don't make them anymore. You never really appreciate what you have until it's gone. This can be said of Gameloft and EA. They brought a heck of a lot to mobile gaming. They deserved a better fate. They made high quality games and people did nothing but spit on them for that. Nothing they ever did was good enough. People always demanded more. They were getting damn good games for $7, but greed knows no bounds, I suppose. You can't really blame Gameloft for deciding not to do it anymore.

    If you give a mouse a cookie, it's going to want a glass of milk.
  9. triggywiggy

    triggywiggy Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2010
    Freelance writer, Student, Casually employed in re
    Perth, Western Australia

    This is am example as to how difficult it was to read your post. Try using a full stop. :p
  10. Echoseven

    Echoseven Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 19, 2011
    The red Skittle
    Hey, come on.

    He used four!
  11. Wait, their making a Batman game?

    For the love of god, DONT BE FREEMIUM!!!
  12. Farfield

    Farfield Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2011
    Better now? :)
  13. Xapped

    Xapped Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2010
    gameloft montreal (seems like ubisoft through??) seems to make the good ones.
  14. Echoseven

    Echoseven Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 19, 2011
    The red Skittle
    I don't think it's an actual "division" in studios - I just thought they have teams assigned to the quality stuff, and teams that are meant to pump out games fast to turn a profit.
  15. lord-sam

    lord-sam Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2009
    United Kingdom
    Only Gameloft has the budget to MAKE these happen!

    And it was more that 'a' freemium game - its been several, and they're all way below par.

    However, I do admit that they have made good games. Brothers in Arms and MC3 were my favourites.

    When have you ever seen a GL freemium title in the top charts (excluding top grossing! That's too easy) for a week or more?!
  16. fulcizombie

    fulcizombie Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2011
    The only big game that gameloft has ever released in modern combat 3 . Most of gameloft's games are trash . I'd say that I've enjoyed MC3 and asphalt 6 and that's about it . Companies like EA are much better, IMO .
  17. Der-Kleine

    Der-Kleine Well-Known Member

    I think there are alot more great gameloft games than that, though they weren't quite as successful. (For example Rainbow Six and Starfront: Collision )

    And comparing it to EA? Other than Dead Space and some of the NFS games I can't really think of anything really great from them.
  18. Sanuku

    Sanuku Well-Known Member

    Guys`s relax - First at all Gameloft is doing fine. They might have lost their leading Position but if it comes to their shareholders and what they are expecting for this Year turnover everything does look good.

    What I could care less about as a Gamer does for some of their shareholders sound like Christmas and does make sure that Gameloft won`t run ever into some bigger Troubles as Ubisoft had 2004/2005 when Electronic Arts wanted to buy them.

    I won´t go deeper into it since I don`t care about any or their Freemium Games since that isn`t a Genre that I do care about at all so I`ll make it quick:

    Yes Gameloft does have some big IP acquired like their upcoming Batman Game or their Men in Black 3 Game.

    Yes Gameloft will release a lot other bigger Franchise this Year that are their own IP and yes they are aware of that some of us literally hate them for the Freemium Stuff which is one of the Reason why the had last Month their PR Preople swarming the Country and show some Stuff around that weren`t yet shown or even listed anywhere.

    So instead of hating them don`t loose your hope in them - They are fine and I`m sure they might turn back to be one of the Top Five Developer on the iOS/Android Market.

    Till then...

    Now let`s talk about Electronic Arts:

    Let`s Face it. When a Company is generating more Profit then Ubisoft or Activision and even Apple is mentioning them that they had created more Profit on the Appstore then anyone else then it`s easily to say that they must have done something right and it just can`t be only One Game as Dead Space or some Need for Speed Game.

    What some of you might have forgotten or might even don`t know is that Electronic Arts isn`t simple just EA Mobile there are a few other well known Brands some of you didn`t have mentioned that run below the EA Brand like the following Once:

    • Chillingo
    • Clickgamer
    • ...
    • ..
    • .
    Some of the biggest Brands on the iTunes Store that sold in the last few Months at least a Million Times on the iTunes Store are from those three Brands and some Games we all know that are still not released yet are still being polished and will hit the iTunes Store in the upcoming Months.
  19. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Totally agree. Loved game loft at first, the first two dungeon hunter games were brilliant. But now everything's freemium. I'm not anti freemium but it's a joke the way 'some' of their games play. Eg Six Guns I really liked, if they upped the reward money for missions it would be good but you get such a low reward you spend most of that on bullets. As to compare Gangstarr and GtA that's a joke. GtA is far superior.

    The CEO said future games would be a Mix of freemium and normal pricing models. 2 months later they announce the rest of their 2012 titles will be freemium!

    I now don't buy any Gameloft games or download them. If they released Duneon hunter IV and it's an RPGS then I must admit I'll be happy
  20. Der-Kleine

    Der-Kleine Well-Known Member

    Where did they say that? (that all their games in 2012 would be freemium)

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