Odd Squad Balance Discussion (Contains Spoilers)

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by ArtNJ, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. ArtNJ

    ArtNJ Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
    New Jersey
    #1 ArtNJ, Jun 5, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2013
    This thread is to discuss game balance, including the balance of rare items and non-starter common items. As such, it could be considered to contain spoilers if you want to discover all of the items yourself.

    Non-Standard Common items:

    1. Toxic Moxie ($5): gives one unit 3 damage and +3 attack for its turn: Seems decent(ish) for a $5 item. Not sure I want it in my deck, but its decent;

    2. Shield ($10): Forget the exact name, but for only $10 it gives all fighters and structures +2 defense on the next turn. Very strong item, borderline too strong for a common item? Might be better as a rare.

    3. Siege Machine ($?): 6 life structure, 1 damage to a fighter for $5 or 5 damage to a structure for $10. Has anywhere on the board range. Is a very strong structure.


    1. Bejeweled Magical Turban of Wonder ($10): move any special square to anywhere you want it, one time use. Wow! Great item, but potentially game altering. I think it may be a little too awesome for $10 though...move an enemy dollar square and you deprive him of $10 and give yourself $10 for multiple turns.

    2. Poof the Magic Dragon ($25): 15 attack, 15 life, 6 speed, and a one square activateble "incinerate" attack for $10 which does 1-5 damage. I think the "incinerate" attack should be a tad stronger or cheaper, but otherwise balanced.

    3. Teleporation Device: ($15): Costs $15 to teleport any adjoining unit anywhere. I can see this being game altering at the end of a game, but its not that easy to fit in and use effectively. I dunno, I kind of think that means its probably balanced as is.

    4. Obstinate Shiny Turtle of Power ($?): 99 health wall that gives you +1 score per turn. Not sure how much it costs, but its a seriously game altering item. The health should perhaps be lowered to 25ish, but the cost is relevant to know;
  2. berkeleymalagon

    berkeleymalagon Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2013
    founder + CEO of @FireStickGames. our first game i
    Seattle, WA for the last five years. FL & NY befor
    Great analysis!

    One note is that there are other rares that help balance Oddities like the turtle. Let me know if you'd like me to spoil it for you ;)

    Another note is that since rares are, well, rare, they take more matches/energy to collect. We considered this energy spent when pricing the rares, so there are a few that are pretty cheap - their affordability contributes to their rarity and vice-versa. That said, there's certainly space to improve this stuff. I'll say that I've played this game with the team with all the oddities unlocked, and it's awesome. Turtle? No problem, I'll just bust out my [insert rare Oddity name] and take it out... ;)

    Still, a different set of issues that contribute to this are around Odd Coins in matches that are forfeited/abandoned. If these matches gave you odd coins, you'd be able to discover these other balancing Oddities more readily. We're working on v1.4 which will introduce a proper "forfeit" which will reward the winning player, and it will even automatically enforce a 48-hour time limit for turns (take too long and you automatically forfeit).

    Anyway, thanks for the thoughtful review of the balance. We'll be reviewing this stuff constantly now and in the future and this helps.

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