Bombardiers Guild: FREE

Discussion in 'Price Drops, Must-Have Freebies, and Deals' started by Nijo, Dec 14, 2010.

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  1. Nijo

    Nijo Well-Known Member

    Bombardiers Guild is FREE for a limited time:

    Bombardiers Guild is:
    - a steampunk styled gravity wars / scorched earth / iShoot type game
    - perfect for playing in short 3 minute bursts (yet with an engaging story!)
    - perfect for playing with one hand :rolleyes:
    - easy enough that anybody can get started (now even easier!)
    - challenging enough to test everybody's skill (still as hard at the end!)
    - some say it's one of the best two player games on the app store :cool:

    Get it now while it's free!
  2. ipod_david

    ipod_david Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2010
    will this get some gamecenter additional love from you? (GC and OF integration).
    I really enjoyed this title back then on GREAT "Puzzler" !!!!
  3. Nijo

    Nijo Well-Known Member

    Sure, if there's enough love from the players. :)

    GC == Online Multiplayer.
    That would be ace, but I need to see enough player interest.

    Get downloading!
  4. Nijo

    Nijo Well-Known Member

    Number 71 of overall free apps. Aiming for the top 50!

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