What do you look for in a Game?

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by Scraff, Feb 1, 2012.

  1. Scraff

    Scraff Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2011
    So, heres a question, when you are looking to download a new iPhone game, what do you want from it? What makes it good?
    And what convinces you to part with your $0.99 and download it?
  2. studepaber007

    studepaber007 Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
    #2 studepaber007, Feb 1, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2012
    Here's my criteria when looking for a new game...

    Universal - I've got an iPad, iTouch and in a week or so an iPhone. I don't want to have to download a game twice.

    No IAPs - or if you do have IAP's please make sure it's child protected!

    Has it sold well on the App Store?

    Does it have good reviews? iTunes reviews I don't always trust, I put more faith into peoples' impressions on forums like this one :)

    Can I feel like I can accomplish something in a short amount of time (like 10 minutes)? I've found my favorite iOS games are the ones I can play in short bursts. Haven't been able to get into alot of longer games (RPGs, RTS, turn based, although I like these types of games on other devices)

    I'm sort of a fan of over-the-top graphics and music in iOS games. By over-the-top I mean flashy, trippy visuals and techno-type music (or just music that gives off a good vibe (think Tiny Wings, Whale Trail, Sad Robot))

    I keep coming back to a game if there's a high score to beat (personal or leaderboards), cool unlockables or if the gameplay is super addictive.

    Usually if a game is only .99c and matches alot of the above criteria I will purchase with no remorse. I look at it this way, a cup of coffee costs more than .99c, but you get more pleasure/longevity out of a good iOS game :)
  3. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Sadly i dont pay much interest to any reviews in the app store. If someones written a review and its more than 2 sentences i might 'believe it'. But if its a few words like 'great game, well worth it' then i ignore those.

    I mean look in one of the sections here, people will write a very positive review for the sake of winning a few dollars in a voucher. So thats one example of how the app store reviews are useless.

    Dont go crazy with IAP's with games. Price is important, yes the dev might think its worth $2.99 but the buyers might not think like that, plus if the games cheaper i bet you'll sell more anyway so should make more profit than if it was at a high priced margin.

    Graphics arent everything, to me its all about gameplay

    I'm a huge fan of vector graphics, simple to do, attracts some retro gamers to the game as well.

    Ideally originality, i must admit i cant stand 1000's of angry bird clones etc but i dont mind clones of old classics from the 80's. Theres plenty of brilliant arcade MAME games which arent available or updated in the app store so there are tons of ideas to look at and 'update'.

    I dont know why people keep recreating or copying Angry Birds though, if theyre going to steal/borrow ideas then there are plenty of games before Angry birds to look at !
  4. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2010
    college student, ENG/WGS major
    Lexington, KY
    #4 SkyMuffin, Feb 1, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2012
    I'm mostly interested in:

    -Unlockables that are not near-impossible to achieve/that don't require grinding or IAP. Something like an experience or leveling system, or some kind of in-game currency that can be earned. A good example of this is the Rocketcat Hook games, or Kingdom Solitaire. A bad example of the grindfest thing is Mega Jump or Ninja Fishing. Achievements are okay but not required, I'd rather have an in-game experience than a meta game experience.

    -Some kind of personality to the characters or graphics. I prefer non-3D super amped up games because I've found that there is so much overfocus on the graphics that the game becomes kind of dull and lifeless. I'd rather have simple retro or hand-drawn graphics any day.

    -Run reliably and does not crash. If it does crash, it gets fixed decently fast (a few weeks at most). There's plenty of other games on the appstore to move on to, so no use wasting my time waiting.

    -Does not take up tons of space on my device. I have a 32gb device but it makes no sense to have a mediocre game like Oregon Trail take up 1.2 gb when I can fit 50-100 much more entertaining games into that same space. This is why I generally avoid Gameloft games too. A few exceptions to this are Puzzlequest 2 and FFT: WotL.

    -Has reviews on the appstore that are not obviously fake or all from the same person...if I see that I immediately avoid it. Same for if I see it on the forums here.

    -I also kind of hate accelerometer games but a few (like Superblox) are okay.

    -Is not a freemium or social game. I have tried them before but they're always really boring to me.
  5. AdColvin

    AdColvin Member

    Feb 2, 2012
    I think that a lot of the simple 2D games are great, but I find that I only use them once or twice before trying something else. I think because there are so many of them now, it takes something really unique to make me want to return to it again and again. There are exceptions of course, Angry Birds, Tiny Wings, Monster Dash etc.

    But the games that make me come back to them tend to be the richer 3D games. A lot of them have slightly frustrating interfaces, but some of them are great and I find them much more immersive, which is big factor for me in looking for a game. A good example for me is Fight Night, which I recently bought for the iPhone. Highly recommended. Call of Duty Zombies is another good example.

    I don't like games that stop you every few seconds to explain how something works. I should be able to pick up most of the controls with just a few prompts here and there.

    And I like games that challenge you to get better in some way, either by beating a high score, solving a puzzle, moving to the next level etc. But obviously the gameplay has to be enjoyable first. Achievements don't really add much to the game for me.
  6. I wonder in one thing: how to make an IAP child protected? (There are coin based upgrades in my app, and I implement IAP only not to angry possible impatient players.)
  7. Though glad to hear this, but indeed graphics are everything before they go above average. Especial nowadays, if you do a game weak in graphics, even it's really original and successful, it'll soon overwhelmed by tons of clones with better graphics!
  8. Meets most of the above, my app may interest you. Recommend it: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/gemania/id471333673?mt=8

    Anyway it's free and worth a try. All I need is a decent review if it's your
  9. azt44

    azt44 Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2009
    Mostly What i look for :

    Fun to play. ( Obviously )

    Some kind of games that would really make me hooked on it! .

    Also if the game worth the pricetag , i wouldn't mind spending it .

  10. LOLavi

    LOLavi Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2011
    iPhone gamer
    Fun to Play

    High Replayability


    Gameplay either unique or polished

    Graphics amazing
  11. Snozberry

    Snozberry Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2012
    i never really care about reviews or appstore ratings for a game,
    i look at the art style, game genre and uniqueness.

    if its a puzzler and it has unique gameplay elements its pretty much an unstably, regardless of everything else.

    nice colourful graphics help, i usually hate match 3s but i just HAD to download monsters ate my condo because the design was so beautiful i fell in love.

    im realy digging colorful pixel style games lately and will also unstably.

    but mainly, any puzzlers id buy..i think a PushMo clone would do very well, or a chocolate castle clone..but seem like quite simple puzzlers but very unique. shame the stubborn devs won't bring it to iOS
  12. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    1. Gameplay. For me, this includes CONTROLS and Mechanics of the game, and how they mash up to make a good game. This is always what I look for in a game first thing.

    2. Graphics. Cant ignore this. Im not saying it has to be 3d, but it has to be smooth... Really smooth. There are a lot of fantastic games with superb 8-bit graphics because of how they were used in the game. Also, the graphics are the first-line selling point.

    3. Replay Value. This is always a big issue when it comes to puzzle games. Despite having to replay the puzzles to get 3 stars, it usually is just the same solution. Those games that force some changes in how you complete the puzzles/missions/quests and has some 3-star challenge to complete, are top notch in my book. Also, Endless modes with good variety is a current addiction.

    Runner-Up: The "WOAH!!" factor. My fingers usually itch when i see gameplay videos and trailers for these types of games. From this, a little stalking ensues, checking out the gameplay, graphics and replay value.
  13. Quite demanding if added together...
  14. LOLavi

    LOLavi Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2011
    iPhone gamer
    Well not really. I have quite many games like that, Dungeon Raid, MC3, Charadium II to name few.
  15. Blackharon

    Blackharon Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2010
    Game Designer for Ludia
    Amazing graphics? It's been a while since I played but I wouldn't say that
  16. LOLavi

    LOLavi Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2011
    iPhone gamer
    Okay they're not amazing, but they're clear and good. That's enough for me when the rest is amazing. To add a couple more, Jetpack Joyride and MAMC also hit all those which I said I looked forward in a game.
  17. jDun1212

    jDun1212 Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2012
    1. Gameplay that has to be first it's so important.

    2. Graphics. Ugly games are really hard to look at for too long for me. Plus better graphics shows that the developer has put in some serious time.
  18. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    Unique in gameplay, in graphics would be nice too. If you like a genre you won't mind buying a few similar games, but after a while you start to tire of the same old thing. In order to impress me these days a game either needs some genuine innovation or be the absolute best in its genre.

    I'm also getting bored of repetition, so no more endless runners if I can help it. Replay value is a must.

    Oh, and retina support. When we've got as many options as we do with the App Store, we can definitely afford to be picky about things like this. It doesn't have to be the most beautiful game ever, but displaying at the native resolution for the device should be a standard every developer adheres to.
  19. Firebird2002

    Firebird2002 Active Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    Mainly fun and great story.
    Infinity Blade lacks a in game story, but is so much fun I loved it a lot.
  20. ManofAegis

    ManofAegis Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2010
    California, USA
    Uniqueness: is it a fresh and new game, or is it just another "go with the flow" type of game? This basically applies to every aspect of the game such as gameplay, sound/music, and graphics.

    Storyline: I like a game that draws me into it. This hooks me the most on games. Without it, games really feel boring. Even with a small amount of story would suffice rather than none.

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