Dungeon Defenders Item Marketplace

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by xMUGIWARAx, Dec 31, 2010.


    xMUGIWARAx New Member

    Dec 31, 2010
    Hey everyone. Since there isn't a thread for this already, I figured I would start a thread for trading/looking for/giving away, items. To start it off, I'm giving away some godly Lv10 swords for free. Friend me on GC (xMUGIWARAxLUFFY) and invite me into a game, and I'll hook you up with one (while supplies last, lol.)

    Also, I'm looking for a katana with 100+ base elemental damage (preferred lightning or fire.)

    Hopefully we can get a decent marketplace going here of people buying and selling stuff, who knows.
  2. Infamous97

    Infamous97 Well-Known Member

    i added you

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