Universal Tentis Drop (by oh beautiful brains) [Free Beta. Testers wanted]

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by dcbro155, Feb 21, 2017.

  1. dcbro155

    dcbro155 Active Member

    Aug 8, 2016
    Game dev. Spent too much time converting Coffee in
    Somewhere between the worlds
    #1 dcbro155, Feb 21, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2017
    Hello everybody, hope your week is going well.

    After Tentis Puzzle and Tentis Minute, I'm working on my next numbers game in the Tentis series, codenamed TTTT for Tentis Tribute To Tetris. For now, I'm only working on the basic mechanics, which is a mix of the classic Tentis math and matching mechanics and a dropping of the next tile à la Tetris. Has not yet decided on the business model. I will post here my WIP gifs!

    Don't hesitate to tell me your thoughts on this.

    EDIT: Here's an update and a Gameplay video!

    EDIT2: Beta test form here if you're interested
    Once the beta is open, and a release date set, I will ask testers what price they think the game deserves!
  2. dcbro155

    dcbro155 Active Member

    Aug 8, 2016
    Game dev. Spent too much time converting Coffee in
    Somewhere between the worlds
    WIP - TTTT - Tentis Tribute To Tetris - Mechanics 1

  3. BazookaTime

    BazookaTime Well-Known Member

    I like the look.
  4. dcbro155

    dcbro155 Active Member

    Aug 8, 2016
    Game dev. Spent too much time converting Coffee in
    Somewhere between the worlds
  5. dcbro155

    dcbro155 Active Member

    Aug 8, 2016
    Game dev. Spent too much time converting Coffee in
    Somewhere between the worlds
    WIP - TTTT - Tentis Tribute To Tetris - Tweened Score bar!

  6. dcbro155

    dcbro155 Active Member

    Aug 8, 2016
    Game dev. Spent too much time converting Coffee in
    Somewhere between the worlds
    [WIP] TTTT - Tentis Tribute To Tetris - Mask is now ejected.

    This version's the Masked behaves differently. You need to match him once to remove his mask!

  7. dcbro155

    dcbro155 Active Member

    Aug 8, 2016
    Game dev. Spent too much time converting Coffee in
    Somewhere between the worlds
    TTTT wonderful alpha

    Guys guys guys, I just can't stop playing my own game and I think that's a pretty good thing right? But Ithink it would be better if I also get second opinion lol

    So here's a little google form for a first round of alpha testing. if I get 3 to 5 interested people, which should be enough for now, I'll get the Testflight ready as soon as I can, maybe tomorrow!

  8. dcbro155

    dcbro155 Active Member

    Aug 8, 2016
    Game dev. Spent too much time converting Coffee in
    Somewhere between the worlds
    [WIP] TTTT - Tentis Tribute To Tetris

    Well I got a tile creep!


    That's stressful! Don't worry, the game won't creep that fast lol. I'm having a blast with it! Fill up the wonderful alpha form!
  9. dcbro155

    dcbro155 Active Member

    Aug 8, 2016
    Game dev. Spent too much time converting Coffee in
    Somewhere between the worlds
    I present you a very special tile, the Optimist! It goes up everytime you drop a tile. You will need to take its behavior into account :)

  10. dcbro155

    dcbro155 Active Member

    Aug 8, 2016
    Game dev. Spent too much time converting Coffee in
    Somewhere between the worlds
    Wooo that one is fun! Angry is angry, and punches out of the grid anything that looks like him! Identical numbers that is. Question is: how can you get rid of him?

  11. dcbro155

    dcbro155 Active Member

    Aug 8, 2016
    Game dev. Spent too much time converting Coffee in
    Somewhere between the worlds
    Discord server for all things Tentis

    Hello guys,

    I'm the dev of Tentis Puzzle and Tentis Minute and this current WIP Tribute to Tetris. If you played and liked those two games, and/or are interested in this WIP, I've just put up a discord server where I'll put out informal news, and also where you can contact me anytime. It's a simplified channel, and I'll always give it priority, since it's linked to my mobile. So now you know where to join me!

    Thx for reading, cya :D

  12. dcbro155

    dcbro155 Active Member

    Aug 8, 2016
    Game dev. Spent too much time converting Coffee in
    Somewhere between the worlds
    I really love this one. 2 ways to get rid of Angry: Either match him, or make him meet another Angry!

  13. dcbro155

    dcbro155 Active Member

    Aug 8, 2016
    Game dev. Spent too much time converting Coffee in
    Somewhere between the worlds
    We got a title! It will be simply called Tentis Drop, and will present 3 modes, currently called Classic, Venice and Brawl. I'm also thinking of going premium, and ask testers for the price they think it deserves.

    Tell me if you're interested in testing it out!


  14. dcbro155

    dcbro155 Active Member

    Aug 8, 2016
    Game dev. Spent too much time converting Coffee in
    Somewhere between the worlds
    Tutorial done. Beta next

    Hello guys, some news.

    Between my job hunt and my newborn baby, could not have much time working on this, but I finally finished the tutorial! yay!

    a little taste:

    now in the coming weeks, I'm planning a beta, and I need you. Please send your testflight email address my way, and I'll sign you up. Three goals:
    1. Test out the three different modes, and basically, is the game fun for you?
    2. You tell me what you think the game is worth (will be premium)
    3. Feedback on what could be improved

    thx for reading!
  15. dcbro155

    dcbro155 Active Member

    Aug 8, 2016
    Game dev. Spent too much time converting Coffee in
    Somewhere between the worlds
  16. dcbro155

    dcbro155 Active Member

    Aug 8, 2016
    Game dev. Spent too much time converting Coffee in
    Somewhere between the worlds
    Finally, Beta access have been submitted to apple! If you applied, it should arrive in your inbox soon, if not already. :D

    For feedback, go for email (in testflight) or tweet @dcbro155. Even discord is available: https://discord.gg/X7Wzv9p whichever you prefer, I check them all! enjoy the beta and ttyl!
  17. Stronsay

    Stronsay Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    Thanks for the invite. Could be my favourite Tentis. I struggled a bit with Tentis Minute, but getting on better with Drop. I like the Tetris influence of the drop mechanic, and I'm not feeling quite so rushed; though it's good to still have to do the arithmetic quickly. Keeps the mind sharp. App seems to be running perfectly so far.
  18. dcbro155

    dcbro155 Active Member

    Aug 8, 2016
    Game dev. Spent too much time converting Coffee in
    Somewhere between the worlds
    Thx Stronsay! Great feedback!

    Here's a bit of news.

    Now that the beta first round has been sent, we already collected some feedback, so a great thank you! Keep on feedbacking, we're loving it!

    Also we are planning a second round sometime next week. So we reopened the beta form if you wish to sign up for the second round!


    (If you already signed for the first round, you don't need to sign up again, you will automatically receive every new beta links up to the release day)

    New functions on the menu for Beta second round:
    - Double tap control (thx to Israel)
    - Levels 1 to 5 will have a max numino presence (grid and drops) of 5 to 9 respectively (thx to Avshalom)
    - Creep time will be progressively reduced independant of the level
    - Creep time can be extended with a combo of at least 3 (for now, combos don't yield rewards except for points)
    - You will be able to see the next 4 drops, instead of only one

    Here's a gif of that last one:

    EXCITING isn't it? :):):)
  19. dcbro155

    dcbro155 Active Member

    Aug 8, 2016
    Game dev. Spent too much time converting Coffee in
    Somewhere between the worlds
    Beta 0.2 has been sent to apple! Soon in your Inbox!

    Hey guys, sorry for the delay, the second round has had some issues but it's finally here.

    Beta v0.2 has been sent to apple, so it should arrive in your inboxes soon!

    As previously stated, here are the improvements added to this version:
    - [Control] Double tap control (thx to Israel)
    - [Gameplay] Levels 1 to 5 will have a max numino presence (grid and drops) of 5 to 9 respectively (thx to Avshalom)
    - [Gameplay] Creep time will be progressively reduced independant of the level
    - [Gameplay] Creep time can be extended with a combo of at least 3 (combos did not yield rewards except for points; now they give points AND extended creep time)
    - [Gameplay] You can now see the next 4 drops, instead of only one, to plan your combos

    As a bonus, here's a gif "How to Combo"

    Also, if you did not sign up to the beta yet, you still have time, but do it quick, we're gonna close it soon for this round.

  20. dcbro155

    dcbro155 Active Member

    Aug 8, 2016
    Game dev. Spent too much time converting Coffee in
    Somewhere between the worlds

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