Ravensword: Shadowlands Quest/Content Suggestions

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by JBRUU, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. Primoz

    Primoz Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2012
    #21 Primoz, Jan 12, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2013
    It's actually post-apocalyptic with minor "traditional" Sci-Fi elements.
  2. VaroFN

    VaroFN Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2011
    I agree with everything you said, but this. THIS. Even better: Ravensword meets Monster Hunter. It can't go wrong!
  3. Shadowking2214

    Shadowking2214 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2012
    Add dragons as paid story driven DLC please :D
  4. Thank you jbruu, I couldn't figure out how to make a thread, coould you tel me please,
    On a side note, or a main note I would like the quest to be a rogue Mage is taking citizens from aven and dragging them to his cave/ dungeon and he arch Mage charges you with getting them back... And so u go down into the dungeon, and there are four levels, a fire level with a fire boss and denizens and a fire based puzzle, a water level with water creatures and boss and puzzle, a shadow based area and the final level has the rogue mage and is filled with the undead and there is a reward of new runes and armor at the end, mabey a lightning rune, a water rune, and a rune that enchants bows to do magic attacks...
  5. gemineye62

    gemineye62 Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2010
    #25 gemineye62, Jan 15, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2013
    I really enjoyed this game!

    I have a few suggestion as well , for a possible update.

    Firstly , I really like the suggestion of having more of the skeletons appear
    in the game. And yes, spider riding skeletons is a cool idea I think.
    Just make the spiders bigger and faster , so they become a real threat.
    Make it so the spiders can temporarily web you if you are not careful.

    The goblin characters could also ride larger and faster beasts as well.

    Secondly, I think the " levitate non living things " spell was greatly under used
    in the game. How about using it to move chests close that you can reach,
    or to build a bridge or platform to reach other areas? Be able to pick up
    stone and throw them at enemies. Block doorways with a stone block and then
    shoot over them to kill enemies in the room.

    Thirdly, I thought the "push backwards" spell could have been more fun to use if the characters did not always land on their feet. Have it so the spell actually
    knocks them down. One character knocked backwards into a wall gets
    stunned. Also the ability to send an enemy backwards crashing into another

    Thank You!
  6. Excellent espessialy the force rune ideas, I wanted to yell fus' ro' dah!!! But it felt to lackluster to do that, I want the ragdoll effect for the people...
  7. So josh, can u also ontop of some bigger quest add some bounty quests like go kill 30 goblins or 10 orcs or something, nothing bug or fancy, just a few quests to pass the time, doesn't need to be voiced, u could add a quest board to the inn or the market and accept whichever one suits ur fancy and have a messenger standing by it with ur reward for completing it...
  8. Where's josh, he hasn't posted on this one or the other in quite some time...
  9. JBRUU

    JBRUU Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I like this idea.
  10. joe8675309

    joe8675309 New Member

    Nov 20, 2012
    #30 joe8675309, Feb 2, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2013
    I love this idea, and I think that along with this, and some other great ideas, some new quests needed to be mainly added to near the end of the game. For instance in the crags where at least as far as I know, there are no side quests.
  11. lukeperman

    lukeperman Member

    Jan 28, 2013
    Few good suggestions so far

    Been half following this thread. Absolutely love Crescent Moon's work with Ravensword. After completing it, I fired up Avalon again the other day. Amazing to see how far they have come with the series...

    I for one would resist the calls to make some elements of the game easier. Whilst the inventory could be improved, I kind of like that I have to wade through all my stuff to find what I need. After all, the character can carry a hell of a lot of stuff, so it's a small price to pay, and adds to the realism.

    I also like that there are only four quick slots. You have to be really judicious about what you put in there.

    After completing the game on the hardest difficulty (in a fraction of the time it took the first time round) I'm definitely thirsting for more side quests, and wish the enemies were harder to slay. I'd even like them to respawn mid level, so that you have to fight your way out of places too. The citadel and the mine seem weirdly empty on the way back out.

    I'd like to see more use of magic, greater variety of loot and more gems. Way more gems......
  12. U do realize that aralon is not part of the series right it is it's own series and to be honest I liked it a lot more... But you do have good ideas...
  13. lukeperman

    lukeperman Member

    Jan 28, 2013
    Ahh yes - I realise it's not a series story wise, I was purely commenting on the game style. They began with Aralon and have improved through each Ravensword release. Thanks for the correction though!
  14. Sorry to be mister corrector here but they started with ravensword and then released aralon and then ravensword 2...
  15. lukeperman

    lukeperman Member

    Jan 28, 2013
    Fair enough :/ :)
  16. joe8675309

    joe8675309 New Member

    Nov 20, 2012
    #36 joe8675309, Feb 14, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2013
    Hey, just curious,
    When is the next expansion planned for release, approximately.
  17. Josh said in the other thread that they r working on it, no aprox date yet tho...
  18. sir_racer05

    sir_racer05 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2012
    Kansas, USA
    does anyone know if there is going to be any expansions or anything for shadowlands? is there a thread the says anything about this?

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