missing scores in GameCenter

Discussion in 'Public Game Developers Forum' started by gazjm, Apr 19, 2011.

  1. gazjm

    gazjm Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2010
    Network Consultant
    Warrington, England

    I have released a version of my app which has gamecenter enabled. However some users scores don't appear to be showing on my device, they have assured me they are there. I also saw a users score appear in my sandbox mode.

    If a user is using the game from a jailbroken device and an illegally downloaded copy, would this affect the submission of games from the device?

  2. nyarla

    nyarla Well-Known Member

    I don't know if jailbroken affects it or not.. apart from that, don't worry too much, this seems to be fairly normal, I'm having the same thing happen, and have seen it happen in other games before..

    I bet parts of GC are down for maintenance or something. Had reports of peoples' scores not appearing, or appearing and disappearing. And the number of people on my leaderboards hasn't gone up in days, despite a couple hundred people buying the game in that time!

    I also get some (but not all) scores appearing in sandbox mode, no idea why - those people have been testing other apps and accidentally left GC in sandbox mode maybe - but I think it's normal..
  3. softak

    softak Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2009
    This happened for my update, too.
    I have two account in game center and these accounts see only their own results, nothing else.
    One account lost previous results.

    Older games are working fine.

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