A community or lack thereof?

Discussion in 'Site Feedback and News' started by jbletsch, Jun 26, 2009.

  1. jbletsch

    jbletsch Member

    Today I started a thread about today's release of the Sentinel 2 game. Prior to starting the thread I ran a search for any mention of the release from the TA homepage. (I have since clarified that the search feature on the site does not seem to include forum postings.) When nothing showed up I posted the thread only to be immediately jumped on by two people who indicated that similar threads already existed. Their comments and tone were derisive. Instead of offering some friendly suggestions on how to prevent duplicate posts they left comments that damage the sense of community that sites like TA are striving to create. I am a new user to the TA forums and only wanted to share some good news about an eagerly awaiting game. Incidents like this discourage participation in an otherwise great site. In short, people need to ease up and help newbies find their place in virtual community.
  2. arn

    arn Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 19, 2008
    I agree with you and it's a problem we've had. Your best bet is to "report" the posts when someone is being unnecessarily rude. We have banned people in the past for this, and will continue to do so until the problem goes away.

  3. jbletsch

    jbletsch Member


    Thanks for letting me know how to respond when this happens. I love the site and refer it to multiple times every day. Most of the time the forums are helpful and friendly and I want to make sure they remain so. TA is closest thing I know to a iPhone/iPod Touch gaming community and poor attitudes on the part of forum posters could ruin that good vibe. Thanks again for your help.
  4. Fletch

    Fletch Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2009
    The Internet
    Thank you both jbletsch and arn. This is something that has always irked me. I never understood why people felt the need to be so rude. For some people, its as if its some sort of contest to see who can insult the OP in the most amusing way...

    The thing is, its often the same people everytime. It seems certain members just lurk the forums for such reptitive threads, just waiting to flame the innocent new member. In fact, I bet I could guess exactly who jbletsch is talking about...*runs off to check*...confirmed
  5. pharmx

    pharmx Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2009
    I think if new members were restricted from posting a new topic or thread, half of these problems would go away. Once they've been around the forums for a little bit and have replied to and participated in a few topics, etc. I think we'd see far less instances of posts in the wrong forums or even duplicate threads. This in turn would lead to less people "attacking" members for silly mistakes. An added bonus to this method would be less "spam" messages.
  6. Myrobotwillneverdie

    Myrobotwillneverdie Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2009
    #6 Myrobotwillneverdie, Jun 26, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2009
    sounds good in theory.

    Lately I've noticed that threads put in the wrong sections have been mostly started by senior members. It seems people just don't understand the difference between game RELEASE, and game DISCUSSION.

    Oh yea, welcome to TA, JBLETSCH! I hope the rest of your stay here is more positive. There really are some awesome people on here. You sometimes have to weed through the rest though.
  7. pharmx

    pharmx Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2009
    True, but that's because when a game is released....people want to discuss it! The only way to solve that would be to make it like the new review section where you can't reply to the release threads. But that would be silly and TA would just get even more fragmented.
  8. Big Albie

    Big Albie Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2009
    Casual gamer/marketing dude
    San Francisco, California
    Welcome to the forum jbletsch. Most members are actually pretty decent and willing to help if you have questions. I do agree though that the hosility irks me quite a bit, and I don't really understand the need for it. If you're doing it constantly, then I can understand the resentment, but if you're a new member just trying to find your way around here, then it's uncalled for.

    Anyway, I hope you enjoy your time around here.
  9. pharmx

    pharmx Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2009
    Think of it as pledges going through initiation to join a fraternity :D

    Nah, I'm just kidding. People shouldn't be harassed, especially if they're new. There's a difference between being sarcastic, and deliberately demeaning someone though. Like Arn mentioned, the best thing to do is report the post if you feel that someone is acting out of line.
  10. worldcup1100

    worldcup1100 Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2009
    This is a stupid question but...
    How do you report?
  11. DaveMc99

    DaveMc99 Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2009
    Seattle, WA USA
    Red triangle top right corner
  12. Kamazar

    Kamazar Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2008
    What's up, jbletsch. Yeah, it happens. There was a period of time after christmas when a bunch of people got new iDevices, and there was a flood of new members on the forum. Unlike you, they couldn't type to save their life, and we got an avalanche of stupid threads like, " xxxxx is out! LOL" followed by, "dude, sah-weeeeet XDXDXD", and it got a lot of us... angry (understatement of the year for some :rolleyes:). People got sick of answering nicely and started flaming them. Now, at the time, that was partially good because it served as a filter. Those that got their feelings "hurt" and obviously didn't care about iphone gaming left and never returned. Those that did want to join our crowd did.

    The problem is that this "filter" survived well after the avalanche ended, and then we have cases like this. The number of threads like this are so few that it really isn't necessary anymore, not that it really was to begin with.

    My advice, just stick around and post in already running threads 'til you learn how it is around here. The more active you are, the more respect you earn, and you won't be just another "annoying n00b". Don't worry about it ;)
  13. worldcup1100

    worldcup1100 Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2009
    Never saw that, thanks!

    EDIT: And would it be appropriate to report a thread that is in the wrong place? Or is report only for more serious matters?
  14. jbletsch

    jbletsch Member

    Thanks for the support and guidance

    Thanks to everyone on this thread for helping me understand why some people get frustrated with duplicate threads, etc and for providing some ways to respond when other forum users say something out of line. I have spent a lot of time in recent months reading the forums and have noticed that most TA forum users are helpful and good natured. I guess that is why I was so surprised by the tone of the two comments made to the thread I started. I hope that we can make sure that such behavior stays the exception rather than the rule.

    That said, I do have a question that will help prevent future duplicate threads. Is there a search feature to the forums? I assumed the search box on the homepage would include forum posts and when I searched for any mention of Sentinel 2 being out nothing showed up so I created a thread. If there is no search feature to the forums I will make sure to manually scan the forums for related threads before creating a new one. Thanks in advance for any help here.
  15. arn

    arn Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 19, 2008
    it can be used for anything including threads in the wrong place.

  16. justThinkEasy

    justThinkEasy Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2009
    There is a Search option on the bar with User CP, FAQ, Calendar, New Posts..

    You can also just search google
    ex. Sentinel 2 + toucharcade
  17. randomdude

    randomdude Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2009
    was it by FifthyCanadian? And hello to TA and back then they usually go soft on newbies.
  18. worldcup1100

    worldcup1100 Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2009
    #18 worldcup1100, Jun 27, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2009
    Him and jchampl I think

    EDIT: Yep it was
  19. jchampl

    jchampl Well-Known Member

    #19 jchampl, Jun 27, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2009
    yeah im sure I totally ruined your day by saying:

    "3 THREADS DOWN, did you even look?"

    it was so dang hostile, and mean spirited. i'm lucky I wasn't banned right there on the spot.

    i could have said something mean like what are you stupid, or called him a name, but I didn't. I simply asked if he tried to look for the game. really stupid rule if you ask me. if you are going to enforce petty crap like this then I want everyone to have an infraction that responded to me with a wise ass comment. you can't enforce this one rule against one or two people and not the rest. load of crap.

    i don't think i was unnecessarily rude. if i called him names, or something sure but not what i did.
  20. zipper

    zipper Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2009
    I completely agree with OP, there have been times where i've seen posts like that,

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