Universal Beta testers needed for Monster Trainer

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by SpiritBomb Studios, Apr 12, 2016.

  1. SpiritBomb Studios

    SpiritBomb Studios Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2013
    Game Developer
    Saigon, Vietnam
    #1 SpiritBomb Studios, Apr 12, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2016
    Hi guys,
    We're developing Monster Trainer, a shoot-them-up game in which you will be collecting and training cute monsters.
    (Think of a Pokemon-ish shmup)

    We have done an early alpha version with the core gameplay that we're really excited to play with, and now we want to share it with you.
    Here are some concept art and animations of some monsters in the game:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    If you want to be one of the earliest players trying this game, please send me your Test Flight ID.
    (We haven't got to the optimization part yet, so iPhone 5 or newer are preferred)
    The first beta test program will start soon in a few days.

    We are also crowdsourcing ideas for the full version of the game, so if you've been dreamt of something cool, let us know. We will try our best to make it into the game.

    Currently we're thinking of collecting monsters, feeding them, breeding them, and of course evolving them. What do you think?
  2. SpiritBomb Studios

    SpiritBomb Studios Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2013
    Game Developer
    Saigon, Vietnam
    #2 SpiritBomb Studios, Apr 13, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2016
    Here's a gameplay trailer we've just made:

    Please note that although we call it a "beta test", the game is still in very early phase of development (it's been only 3 weeks).
    We want to add so many features and content to the game, and we are listening to your feedback and suggestions to make it one of the coolest games ever.
    Stay tuned.
  3. liteking

    liteking Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2013
    Indie Game Developer
    Looks great.
    I'm in.
    I've sent you my Test Flight ID
  4. SpiritBomb Studios

    SpiritBomb Studios Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2013
    Game Developer
    Saigon, Vietnam
    Build approved

    Hi guys,
    The build has been approved by Apple.
    You should check for Test Flight invitation now.

  5. Limelight

    Limelight Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2014
    To save my city.
    So i've tested the game. It was fun and the control is very responsive. The only thing I can suggest to improve this game is that you have to atleast put some life bar on the character. I noticed that there is no second chance when an enemy hit you.
  6. Killerrap

    Killerrap Member

    Apr 11, 2016

    I would like to beta test the app and stream it :) let me know if I can join. I'm beta testing a few apps right now so I would be excited to help

    TestFlight email is:
    [email protected]
  7. SpiritBomb Studios

    SpiritBomb Studios Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2013
    Game Developer
    Saigon, Vietnam
    @Limelight: Thanks for your suggestion, we tried putting a life bar before, but it makes the game a bit too relaxing. We decided that we want to make an intense experience that users must be very careful and concentrating to survive.
    Instead, we will make additional features such as monster upgrading, equipment, etc. to make your squad stronger.

    @Killerrap: Thanks for being interested. I have added you to Test Flight. Enjoy!
  8. liteking

    liteking Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2013
    Indie Game Developer

    Awesome! The game is very challenging and fun.
    I have unlocked 2 monster pets. They are so cute!
    Here's my best so far, still trying to beat the first boss :eek:

    Attached Files:

  9. SpiritBomb Studios

    SpiritBomb Studios Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2013
    Game Developer
    Saigon, Vietnam
    We have got very positive feedback from many testers.
    There are still some Test Flight slots left, anyone interested please let me know.
  10. krillin63

    krillin63 Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2013
    Im really interested to become a beta tester
  11. SpiritBomb Studios

    SpiritBomb Studios Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2013
    Game Developer
    Saigon, Vietnam
    Hi krillin63,
    Please PM me your Test Flight ID. I'll send you an invitation
  12. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    The game is pretty hard, I haven't gotten very far yet but done a few runs and not gotten far enough to see past what the basic gameplay is or what's in the prize box when I fill the bar. But it does seem pretty hard even in the first few minutes
  13. TheGreatEscaper

    TheGreatEscaper Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2014
    The difficulty really spikes after the first boss, the enemies become something like 1.5 or maybe even 2 times as strong.
    Two suggestions:
    Make a shop with upgrades - otherwise what are coins for?
    Make multiple levels: having a single 'endless' style level isn't the best option for a game like this. Otherwise games become too long later on or the opening sections become too easy later on. Maybe have five-ten different worlds where once you beat three bosses that level is complete. This allows for more variety, content, and interest.

    Like right now, I am enjoying the game a lot, but I feel like the Single level layout won't cause long term addiction.
  14. SpiritBomb Studios

    SpiritBomb Studios Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2013
    Game Developer
    Saigon, Vietnam
    We have received a few feedback saying that it's too hard too, so that's not just you.
    On the other side, many users who are shmup fans are really excited about the seemingly impossible difficulty.
    We will try to balance the difficulty settings to make it a bit more friendly to new users.
  15. SpiritBomb Studios

    SpiritBomb Studios Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2013
    Game Developer
    Saigon, Vietnam
    Congrats on beating the first boss.
    You are absolutely correct about the difficulty spike after the first boss. To be honest, we haven't finished tuning that part yet, so it's really too difficult, even to our dev team.
    The game right now is only 5% of what we want to do in the full game.
    Yes, we are planning to create a story mode with 10 levels, different event modes to challenge different player skills and weekly tournament (endless).
    We're also designing the monster collecting and upgrading features, so you can spend your earned coins anyway you like.

    We're very happy that you like the demo.
    Monster Trainer is our major project this year. We really love the game, and will try all we can to make it one of the best games of its genre.
    Stay tuned
  16. Jayg2015

    Jayg2015 Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2015
    Player 1
    Liberty city
    I would really like to see the coins used to upgrade the power ups.
    I think this would solve the difficulty curve and keep people playing much much longer.
    By upgrade the power ups I mean the duration of each power up.
    Maybe 100 coins adds 2 seconds on the first upgrade of each particular power up.
    Then 500 coins adds 2 seconds ... Then 1000 adds 2seconds .
    And you have to do it for each one.
    This would solve many problems like I said and it would keep me playing for months
  17. TheGreatEscaper

    TheGreatEscaper Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2014
    Great to hear the response! Also, I was quite surprised I didn't notice this earlier, but if you want to appease the bullet hell fans you need a visible hitbox.
  18. SpiritBomb Studios

    SpiritBomb Studios Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2013
    Game Developer
    Saigon, Vietnam
    @Jayg2015: thanks for your feedback and suggestions. Yes, we're experimenting ideas about the monster upgrading system.
    Currently we're thinking of Fusing monsters to level up, feeding/petting monster to increase friendship points, using evolution stones to evolve monsters. It takes some time trying out different ideas, but we're taking our time to choose the best ones.

    @TheGreatEscaper: Yes, thanks for the advice. Currently the hit box is the monster rider, we'll try to make it more obvious and maybe explain it with a short tutorial.

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