Are there any coders interested in collaborating with a writer?

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by Jaytee, Mar 2, 2009.

  1. Jaytee

    Jaytee Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    I am just curious if there are any coders with interest in developing a game (probably RPG style) with me. I'm a writer interested in iPhone development. I have coding experience, but unfortunately my computer won't run the iPhone SDK, so I'm looking for other ways to get involved with development.

    If there's anyone willing to co-develop a story-heavy game with me, let me know. It just seems like many iPhone RPGs right now are either old ports or action-heavy, story-lite affairs. It'd be nice to see a well-developed storyline on an RPG made for iPhone.
  2. butters

    butters Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    Have a look at my sig.

    I'll contact Ryan (the Dev) and ask him if he can use your skills.
  3. rcloudsoftware

    rcloudsoftware Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2009
    Hi Jaytee,

    Butters alerted me to your post, and I would indeed be interested in talking to you about the game I'm working on, to see if your storytelling might find a home. I think you are spot-on with regard to content, it's kind of amazing how little original IP is being developed for the iPhone, so many titles are just ports (albiet, some wonderful ports that I fully enjoy) or rehashes of existing titles.

    My game (working title: Spellwars) is not a traditional RPG, so if you are specifically looking for that type of epic, square/enix style of game-storytelling it might not be a good fit. I don't see the game as being story-heavy, so you may need to find another project to get that part out of your system. That said, I am very interested in developing the world and stories within the world of Spellwars, and there is all sorts of room for storytelling, and I am a huge believer in the value of storytelling. The game has the need, and I'm sure you can fill it if it interests you.

    The landing page is being designed as we speak, hopefully it will be up tomorrow or wednesday, but for now you can read what's at these links for a general idea of what we are doing: (my makeshift landing page placeholder)

    There is a lot more information in the Ning group, which is invite only at the moment for project contributors. If you decide to get involved I'll be happy to extend an invite.

  4. Macjames

    Macjames New Member

    Feb 26, 2009
    Jaytee, would you be interested in collaboration on the written story? I'm no coder so unfortunately i can't help you out there.

    After reading about spellwars it sounds and looks like an interesting concept i too would be interested in pitching some ideas to help develop the world and stories of spellwars.
  5. Jaytee

    Jaytee Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2009
  6. Silver Josh

    Silver Josh Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2008
    hey, your stuff is good... :)

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