No iPod 6th gen.

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by vii-Lucky, Oct 5, 2014.

  1. vii-Lucky

    vii-Lucky Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2013
    We all know that together with the release of a new iPhone there is an iPod touch release too. But this year there's no new iPod released. It's been two years since the release of iPod 5th. Do you think apple will abandon iPod Touch?
  2. Fangbone

    Fangbone Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2012
    Michigan, USA
    #2 Fangbone, Oct 5, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2014
    Someone in another thread said that on the Tuesday after the iPhone 6/6+ was announced that Apple announced they were done with iPod. Not sure if it's valid but kinda makes sense. They now have the iPad mini and mini with retina for the entry point.
  3. Fangbone

    Fangbone Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2012
    Michigan, USA
    Ok just read an article that says Apple discontinued the iPod classic. So it says nothing about discontinuing the iPod touch. With any luck they will be announcing the new iPod touch when they announce the new line of iPads.
  4. Lazer Kat

    Lazer Kat Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2013
    #4 Lazer Kat, Oct 5, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2014
    I'm just not sure there's that much of a market for it anymore. Practically Everyone has a phone which does everything the iPod touch does. I bought a touch for my 3 year old daughter, but besides this rare niche sort of buyer, there is no longer mass appeal to the device.

    Yes. I expect it to be discontinued, but there are rumors the 6th gen will be announced with the new iPad (which we should see an announcement for this month).

    I'll always remember it though. My iPod touch 2nd Gen started my iGaming addiction, way back in 2008.
  5. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Think you may as well buy a second hand iphone now as they're so cheap (I bought an iPhone 4S 64 gig which had been brilliant)

    I started off with an iPod touch 4th gen and then 5th gen. Great devices
  6. Zenfar

    Zenfar Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2010
    Maybe we will see an iPad Nano on October 16th.
  7. vii-Lucky

    vii-Lucky Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2013
    IDK about releasing it along with the new iPads.

    But eitherway i will be getting the new iPad mini
    2 months after the release date.
  8. kmacleod

    kmacleod Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 1, 2009
    Artist / Writer / Designer
    Wouldn't surprise me one way or another to see a new one in a few weeks...
  9. ob1cat

    ob1cat Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
    It would be a shame that they discontinued them, it was the only available "cheap option" for indie developers to get up to date iOS devices for testing our games :(
  10. Columbo

    Columbo Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
    Recently, I've been favouring buying second hand iPhones through Amazon as my cheap indie option.

    Amazon seems to give much stronger protection to the buyer than most of the other places you might try to buy second hand devices.
  11. ob1cat

    ob1cat Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
    I may try that, thanks for the suggestion!

  12. Adams Immersive

    Adams Immersive Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Dec 5, 2008
    Freelance interactive design and programming
    I'm sure there will be new iPod Touches some time (maybe tomorrow's event? maybe soft-launched next year when parts shortages from other devices ease up?).

    Here's why I think so:

    - The iPod line as a whole remains extensive (screen, capacity, and color choices). A smaller market these days, somewhere way down the priority list, but not dropped. They have 18 different iPod Touch models alone! They could scale that way back before needing to cancel the whole line.

    - Apple just redesigned their whole site, including adding a Watch tab, and yet iPod still remains a featured main tab. (Even AppleTV doesn't have that.)

    - The departure of the Classic leaves, if anything, MORE demand for an iPod Touch (maybe even a 128, but certainly more than the Nano's measly 16.)

    - The iPod line is a cheap Apple gateway for children or dumbphone holdouts. And it's a valuable brand people still know very well.

    - The iPod Touch sets the iOS entry-level price WAY lower than an iPad Mini or iPhone. (Good for encouraging small developers.)

    - BUT the current Touch is very slow compared to all other current iOS devices. It doesn't support all the latest iOS stuff, and although it now ships with iOS 8, it's far from ideal for running it. Even an A7 update would be welcome.

    - That makes the current Touch an albatross around developers' necks: this one old slow holdout that's still sold brand-new! I REALLY wanted my game Scree to support iPod Touch, but I've decided it's just too slow. A shame.

    My conclusion: it may not be top priority, but new iPod Touch models--at least a speed bump--have to be coming eventually. (This week would not surprise me.)
  13. BTNLegend

    BTNLegend Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2012
    Personally, I don't care if there's never another iPod Touch release and iPod Touch 5G is the last in the line-up. I haven't been gaming all that much on the iPod Touch 5G lately with the exception of the occasional retro arcade game. I've been listening to music, watching movies and reading comics on it as well as using utility apps. It does everything I need without me having to buy a phone since I quit using a cell phone in 2012. I do think however that the discontinuation of the iPod Touch line-up is silly since it's still popular with kids. But, that also has to do with me not being a fan of kids owning iPhones in the first place.
  14. meyer

    meyer Active Member

    Oct 11, 2014
    Ipod touch 6 needs to exist,it's a great portabke device at one third of the price of smart phone with just calling ability removed.

    They really killed it with ipad air 2 though,The best device they've ever made imo.
  15. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Quit using a cellphone in 2012 ? Damn !

    I'm not a big phone person at all (iphone 4s for £200), my contracts $20 a month as i dont need tons of minutes/txts etc but its ideal for if i break down in my car or need to contact someone. Think in the year 2014 its strange not to have a phone.

    I dont mind kids owning iphones, dont think they should have the latest ones though ! If you were a kid i'm sure you would love a phone !

    Shame about the ipod touch, i dont think you can say its 'silly' as its still popular with kids. If it sold tons they wouldnt stop it and would come out with another, its obviously selling less and less so they're moving on

    I had an ipod touch 4th and 5th gen, great devices in their time
  16. BTNLegend

    BTNLegend Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2012
    As long as payphones still exist, I have no problem really. I don't own a car, so that's also not a problem for me. I barely have any contacts and don't ever contact people unless it's utility companies. I prefer e-mail for all contact.

    I'm old school so there were no smartphones when I was a kid. All I used the phone for was to call up some friends in order to hang out and that was it. I hate phones and how dependent we have become of them these days.

    Yeah I guess. Meh, I don't care. It's up to them.

    I still use my iPod Touch 5G and even have an app on it that allows me to call and text people via Wi-Fi.

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