Apps and education

Discussion in 'iOS Apps' started by THACBR, Mar 13, 2013.


    THACBR New Member

    Mar 13, 2013
    #1 THACBR, Mar 13, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2013
    I've two sons, Ruud and Dylan and they like to play on my iPad. I don't want them to get exposed to violent and aggressive games, so I'm focusing on educational apps from now on. I have downloaded an educational app a few weeks ago:

    It's called Dikkie Durf (dutch) or in English 'Dave Daring'. Dylan is 4 years old and likes to play the game. His vocabulary is increasing significantly and he gets more skillful with the game every time he plays. The app can be played in more languages, so I'm now trying to learn Ruud a few English and German words, like butterfly and bird. I've downloaded the game in the iTunes store:

    This app made me realize that a child can learn from gaming. There are a lot of negative sounds about gaming for kids, but I don't agree with these. I think that educating a child with games can bear fruit for his future. Hence, I've also downloaded a math game and a draw game for my kids. So I'm ignoring the books and let my children play with my tablet (I also became tired of reading books for them). I hope that more educational apps will be developed in the future and that more parents will use them.

    Greetings THACBR

    THACBR New Member

    Mar 13, 2013
    Recommendations for educational apps are always welcome!

    THACBR New Member

    Mar 13, 2013
    I agree. In this present world, we cannot do anything without technology. In stead of criticize it, I think it's better to take it as an opportunity. Lot of scientific research has proven that educational games make kids perform better.
    By developing educational games, we can prepare kids for the world they will be living in and at the same time give them proper education!
  4. kimbrinson,

    kimbrinson, New Member

    Apr 10, 2013
    My dd spend most of her iPad leisure time playing educational apps.Her favourite app is Splash math. Its an engaging and interactive app. She appears to have fun from this app. We can expect this enthusiasm follows them in school years :)

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