Universal Outwitters - (by One Man Left Studios)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by crex, Jul 4, 2012.

  1. Only just played a few games so far, and I haven't find good uses of snipers either. Move too slow to ever get in range of combat.

    But so far it seems it doesn't really pay off to build the bigger units. I have had better luck with the cheap fast runners, maybe boosted a little by a medic, which can quickly get forward on a suicide mission to kick the base.
  2. JCman7

    JCman7 Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2009
    Mechanical Engineering
    I've only finished one game since getting it release night... Takes forever to finish a game wish you could have a game where you're forced to play back and forth till its over
  3. Kirenx

    Kirenx Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2012
    Why would you play an async game then? That is like me playing a FPS online and complaining that I can't pause...
  4. Tonyzorz

    Tonyzorz Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2011
    South Korea
    Great game but it really takes a long time to finish a game.

    I see Huk in the screenshots on itunes, is that really who I think he is?
  5. Juuicetin

    Juuicetin Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2010
    I wa thinking the exact same thing, but I don't think it is possible. Must be some kind of joke.
  6. backtothis

    backtothis im in ur base killin ur d00dz
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 13, 2009
    college student (junior)
    Houston/Austin, TX
    Lol, if that's Huk, he's really slowing things down xP.

    Not to brag (too much), but I'm now 5-0, and I've spent an hour total, if even, on the game. Deleted 20 people from my GC list, so feel free to add me now: Backtothis. Shoot me an invite once I buddy you, thanks. Going to start up my placements in a bit.
  7. TheUnrealEngine

    TheUnrealEngine Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2010
    Vancouver, BC
    #167 TheUnrealEngine, Jul 6, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2012
    Everytime I try to rejoin a game, it starts to load then the game crashes. Is anyone else having this problem?

    I've turned my iPhone 4s on and off and cleared it frim multi-tasking but that hasn't worked.
  8. MarkHerm

    MarkHerm Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2009
    Apple seemd to have some problems with a DRM server the last couple days so it might be a good idea to delete the game from your device and reload it directly from the App Store. As the games are in the cloud anyways you won't loose any progress/active games.
  9. Wicked8146

    Wicked8146 Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 17, 2009
    Dinosaur hunter
    Los Angeles
    I like this game a lot. I play on my US iPhone that doesn't work where I live, London, so I can only play when I am home with wi-fi (when it's not broken, ha!). So anyway, I am sympathetic to those who take awhile on their turns. If you don't mind a delay, go ahead and invite me: Wicked8146

    I paid the $2.99 for all the content. I loved Tilt to Live and honestly, after seeing Indie Game: The Movie, I'm going to give smaller teams like One Man Left my money. So far they are 2 for 2 with quality games IMO.
  10. MarkHerm

    MarkHerm Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2009
    same here... I instantly paid the money. This is a great game and is easily worth the meager $2.99.
  11. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    I really do wish there was an offline mode but oh well, I'm willing to give it a try.

    But man this game is huge! I thought it'd be small for a 2d turn based game. I wonder what all that size is for..
  12. Magdalene Felix

    May 11, 2012
    Yeah, basically a game that puts your life on hold for hours. You should't even be able to pee. I'm getting a bit tired of the impatient players that fill the chat with stuff like "Hurry! Faster! Come on! Give up if you're not gonna play!" Ffs, I AM playing. Everyone just needs to chill.

    Anyway, I keep getting errors when I try to submit my turn. Luckily, my moves get saved, but it's still annoying since I need to reload the game to re-submit.
  13. How much different are the other teams? If I understand correctly the units is basically the same, except for one special unit. Is that alone worth getting the other teams for?
  14. Quantum Apocalypse

    Quantum Apocalypse Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2011
    Melbourne, Australia
    As said before, a single player mode would be extremely difficult to make an appropriate AI for. If you mean local mode, pass'n'play is a local offline game you can play with friends etc by passing around your device.

    As for the size, it is a very smooth universal and iPhone 4S+ iPad 3 retina compatible game.

    The teams indeed only differ in appearance and the special unit. Except, the units do change playing style around a bit. Additionally, with the character pack you buy, you also get the two associated maps which you can select in Friendly Matches and Pass'n'Play.

    I honestly recommend the Uber pack. I mean, the game right now is completely 100% with no ads etc either, and it is great value for all the teams and future ones added with future updates.
  15. Gabrien

    Gabrien Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2009
    I'm not sure at this stage. But it is worth getting to do right by some developers who are doing right by you. So long as you're enjoying the game of course.

    By the way, folks who don't mind/prefer slow(er) games, feel free to invite me as well.
  16. MarkHerm

    MarkHerm Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2009
    Well it's worth supporting the devs bringing an awesome online multiplayer game to the iPhone and iPad. It's darn cheap anyways to get the all-packs IAP. And while supporting the devs you even get different teams to play.
    If you like the game, is there really a question of buying the IAP? :confused:
  17. Blackharon

    Blackharon Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2010
    Game Designer for Ludia
    I'm seeing snipers as more of a defensive unit. What I've been doing is drawing out opponents runners with one of mine sitting in the middle of no where waiting for it to pounce. Occasionally I'll get lucky and it will draw out something bigger!

    Then BAM. They didn't even see it coming.

    [Cackles madly]
  18. TheFrost

    TheFrost Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2010
    I just bought them... Uber pack gives you everything: all teams and all maps and all future packs too, so I think is really worth it. Now I have more variety :)
  19. Malphes

    Malphes Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2011
    For the Adorables teleporting snipers all over the map with a mobi is great fun. bwahahaha
  20. Blackharon

    Blackharon Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2010
    Game Designer for Ludia
    Still haven't played them. Something broken in my brain saying cuddly + deadly = too creepy for me.

    I'll stick to my fish pirates and multi-armed robots for now.

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