Universal Pure Car Driving Simulator [FREE]

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by CviGames, Aug 30, 2016.

  1. CviGames

    CviGames Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2016
    Hello guys, we are proud to show you the upcoming game "Pure Car Driving Simulator" for iPhone and iPad.
    We worked hard to make it "purely" funny. The game features 8 different cars (and more will come) with real time damage and livery reflections. The city features more than 100 km of streets freely explorable, plus secret areas like underground railway and more. The player is free to explore the city (and to refuel at the gas station when needed), paint his car, and play mini games hidden in the area.
    It will be live in the next days, if you are interested in downloading it on the launch day, or have any question about the game just reply to the forum :)
  2. Stronsay

    Stronsay Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    Seems very ambitious for a mobile title! I like idea of exploring the city and discovering hidden areas. Is it possible to leave the car and explore on foot? I guess it must be if there are underground areas. Will it be premium or free with cars to buy? Looking forward to this one anyway.
  3. CviGames

    CviGames Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2016
    Thank you Stronsay! The game is free and players will have to earn money to unlock all cars, and here are the mini games available so far, that will generate money:
    -Parking test: the player must park the car in a fixed spot in the less time he can.
    -Hotlap: a lap around the city, from north to south, and back to south :)
    -Money hunt: player must find the 5 hidden packages inside the city within 5 minutes, packs appear in different positions every time the mini game is started;
    -Top Speed: the player must reach the highest speed he can;
    -Multiplayer: a lap around the city against a real opponent;
    All results will be submitted on Game Center Leaderboards.
    By the way, the streets are populated with traffic. At the moment it is not possible to move by foot, but as the game grows up it may become possible.
    The game has been released some day ago on Google Play (here's the trailer)
    But iOS version features a better graphics, with 60 fps guaranteed, 4x AA, and many others improvements ;)
  4. Dailon80

    Dailon80 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Program Director/Radio DJ
    Thanks for sharing the info with us
    Glad to see it will be even better on iOS
    Def keeping my eye out for this one!
  5. CviGames

    CviGames Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2016
    Hello guys, thank you for your feeds! The game should be live in a few minutes, I will be glad to read what you think, in order to improve it in the next update ;)
  6. Stronsay

    Stronsay Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    First disappointment is that the graphics don't remotely match the photo posted above. Secondly, it's much more video game than car simulator. Really, it seems like a pre-alpha game at this point. I tried a timed lap but found it difficult to follow the route. Maybe an on-screen map should be the first consideration to help with navigation.
  7. CviGames

    CviGames Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2016
    Thank you Stronsay :) I'll take your opinions in mind for next updates.
    Well it's strange that graphics does not resemble the one in pictures: it is the very same, i didn't change anything. The game is an "Arcade" Simulator. I focused on the fun of driving around, and the driving physics derives from the one I developer for Pure Gymkhana Rally.
    In this moment I'm launching the first update because I found that on some device multiplayer doesn't work properly.
    The other thing that I discovered is: people doesn't go around the city in search for the other hidden challenges... I should improve this side.
    What do you think about real time reflections on cars?
  8. Stronsay

    Stronsay Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    Okay, looking closely I can see the photo uses the game engine, so my mistake. It's taken from a good angle! Anyway, "Arcade" simulator is a better description. I have driven around the city but not discovered other hidden challenges so far. Problem is, without a map, I'm not sure which areas I've visited. I could be going round in circles, so I hope you will consider this. It's probably a ton of work to make a live map on screen, so just a separate static map of the streets would be of benefit. On the other hand I guess you don't want finding the hidden areas to be too easy. Perhaps add some street names! In the meantime I'll continue searching.

    I did notice the real time reflections and was impressed to see those implemented in a mobile app. They work well in making the cars look more solid. Neat programming there. I haven't tried multiplayer but in view of your comments will wait for the update.
  9. Kimchisoju

    Kimchisoju Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2015
    Me thinking after downloading this game

    I knkw why its easier to have this in the evening. Less detail and what not but a simple weather system would be awesome if thats ok. And more traffic. The city doesnt feel lived in but thats just me
  10. CviGames

    CviGames Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2016
    It must be this indeed. I evaluated the option of a map and discarded it for a software optimization. But I will add it probably, because no one seems to care about the hidden challenges.
    I also thought to add a button for each challenge right inside the menu, but that would lower the willing to explore the city...
  11. CviGames

    CviGames Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2016
    Thank you for your opinion :) The fact that the game is made in the evening was just to add some kind of "special factor", but in the next versions I am thinking about adding a real-time day-night condition based upon the player's device.
  12. Stronsay

    Stronsay Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    I devised a search pattern and found my first hidden challenge. It didn't take too long. Also discovered a subway entrance and risked driving along the track. Fortunately I didn't encounter any trains.
  13. CviGames

    CviGames Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2016
    One of the challenges is quite hidden, it requires a bit of investigation # Anyway i'm already working at New challenges :)

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