Double-checking; release date

Discussion in 'Public Game Developers Forum' started by kakburk, Apr 13, 2011.

  1. kakburk

    kakburk Active Member

    Mar 16, 2011
    Hi dear TA,

    I'm afraid I'll screw this up so I want to ask one extra time to make sure I've understood this correctly before releasing my first game for ios.

    • I can set a date far in the future, like summer this year.
    • Then submit for approval to Apple who will start the review-process as soon as they have time.
    • After being approved, I can change the date to something closer, like a week away.
    • The game is not guaranteed to be release on that date, but shortly after?

    Thanks in advance for answers on if my understanding is correct, I know I've seen posts on this before but couldn't find them by searching, soz.
  2. MrLeQuack

    MrLeQuack Well-Known Member

    yah, you can set your release date!After apple aproved it, you can release it right away or whenever!!
  3. kakburk

    kakburk Active Member

    Mar 16, 2011
    right, thanks!
    one of the reasons i asked was that i read someone claiming that Apple delays the approval if you have a date set for release that is far away.
    seems silly but i just wanted to make sure.
  4. MrLeQuack

    MrLeQuack Well-Known Member

    no problem, better safe than sorry:)
  5. Sinecure Industries

    Sinecure Industries Well-Known Member

    It will release at midnight of the day you pick, it's a pretty good way to make sure all your promotion coincides

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