Universal Modern Combat 5: Blackout - (by Gameloft)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jul 23, 2014.

  1. madreviewer

    madreviewer Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2013
    Mc4 and mc5 weapons look buff but I am ok with them.
    One of the problem of mc5 is the unblanced skills betwen classes
  2. Mess

    Mess Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2013
    Looks like we are getting two new maps. Well two old maps back revised for MC5. That's good news.
  3. DantBro18

    DantBro18 Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2012
    Theres a Modern Combat twitter page that has some info on what is coming in the next update. I think its @Modern_Combat
  4. Der-Kleine

    Der-Kleine Well-Known Member

    4 months and they couldn't even come up with anything new...
  5. Mess

    Mess Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2013
    Yeah I forgot a /s... I watched Bnates latest vid and he seems mega pumped for two old maps, masks, and leagues...

    I would be more pumped for news of the bugs being fixed myself.

    I am sure I will play again after the update as it will make it fresh and fun again, but I am not pumped for it... Yet....
  6. 373R|\|4L |\|00B

    373R|\|4L |\|00B Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2014
    I don't understand this. What are they doing? Why spend time on these old maps at all? Don't get me wrong, it's better than nothing but on one hand they repeatedly emphasized the continuity aspect of the game between SP and MP, and used it as a way to justify the always online requirement, but now they're releasing old maps that are most probably going to look nothing like the the SP missions. They have enough different environments (and resources as a consequence) in SP to create at least 4 NEW maps. What's making my blood boil is how they're trying to wrap this damage control into a PR win by saying "they listened" to our wishes.

    Like Mess said, the #1 priority is fixing bugs. Why can I hide behind a box or wall in SP but bullets go through them in MP? How can I get shot by a player when I'm behind him? Why can I get knifed from a distance? Why are some players dying from a grenade I threw before it explodes? Why am I getting kicked out of matches when I fall from too high? Why are some players teleporting? Why is suicide from grenades sooo buggy and laggy? Why am I randomly getting respawned back to my camp? (I've scored a few easy flag captures this way) Why is the game freezing, crashing, server disconnecting, etc.? Why is it permitted to launch air and bomber strikes right before the timer ends in a CTF draw? Why did I lose my save and had to start from scratch TWICE?

    How long are we still going to have to wait?

    The good news is that MP squad matches seem to be evolving a little bit with the "Revenge" mode, some sort of rematch I suppose, and the fact that you'll be able to pick / vote for the map you want to play.
  7. ricanrocks

    ricanrocks Member

    Sep 10, 2014
    im actually growing on gameloft through this news. Im assuming with all this new content they are aware of the bugs and are/already fixed them. If this update comes in for thanksgiving ima be hella pumped
  8. DantBro18

    DantBro18 Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2012
    Is the update ever going to be released, they always say "just a few more weeks", or "should be any time this week". Now it seems that whenever its getting close to release they announce that their working on another feature. Before you announce an update, make sure you have it nearly finished so it can be released a week or less after the announcment, not a month or more after the announcment. And for Fs sake stop recycling maps and add original content. MC5 is literally the Battlefield 4 of iOS, and Gameloft is the EA of iOS (yes I know EA has a mobile division).
  9. Redman5006

    Redman5006 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2013
    My thinking as well. Remember, it was like 7 months delayed for release. Good thing the took all that extra time to test it and get it just right. Hahaha
  10. Rip73

    Rip73 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    It's been called the "holiday update" so it's not too difficult to figure out when it's coming.
  11. Der-Kleine

    Der-Kleine Well-Known Member

    too little...
    ...too late?
  12. Duste

    Duste Member

    Jul 29, 2014
    Anyone else having trouble with the Heavy since the nerf?
  13. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    It is if you live outside the USA that is

    For those who do live outside the USA the 'holiday' update probably means its coming out late this week (Perhaps 27th/28th November as its Thanksgiving in the US - not the rest of the world though). For the rest of the world we dont have a holiday that week
  14. Rip73

    Rip73 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    Ah, yes, well here's the problem with calling it the holiday update.
    The rest of us in Europe would perceive it as Christmas as that's the next major holiday and the Studio is Europe based.
    But also "Holiday" is singular and the plural "holidays" would be more commonplace for Xmas while the singular would generally be associated with Thanksgiving in America.
    Sort of anyway.

    I thought everybody would more or less be aware of American Thanksgiving anyway but the problem is they could be implying either timescale because more info over "the coming weeks" was also mentioned and that would miss Thanksgiving and leave Christmas as the window.

    Wednesday will tell one way or another.
  15. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Yeah to be fair holiday could also mean Xmas (Or Christmas !) ;)

    The app store shuts on 21st Dec so Wednesday 17th 'could' be a big big night (and maybe also thurs/fri)

    Should be exciting
  16. ricanrocks

    ricanrocks Member

    Sep 10, 2014
    why are you guys assuming wednesday, or even thanksgiving altogether? There seems to be a lot of new content and i would hope that Gameloft would take their time and assure no new bugs...
  17. DantBro18

    DantBro18 Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2012
    One of the Gameloft Twitter pages just replied to some guy saying it's the Christmas holiday, not Thanksgiving.
  18. 373R|\|4L |\|00B

    373R|\|4L |\|00B Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2014
    #1838 373R|\|4L |\|00B, Nov 24, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2014
    Thanks for the info! So 6 months for 2 rehashed maps and no new MP game mode. I suppose we shouldn't hold our breath for actual new content any time soon. Better than nothing I suppose. Any news on bug fixes (haha!...)?
  19. stlredbird

    stlredbird Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2009
    If there's MFI support I'll be happy.
  20. Luciano1084

    Luciano1084 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2014
    More multiplayer maps! Please ###

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