Turn Based JRPG ideas

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by cubytes, Feb 11, 2010.

  1. cubytes

    cubytes Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2009
    #1 cubytes, Feb 11, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2010
    here lately i have been brainstorming different ideas about how to take the traditional turn based JRPG formula in its entirety but tweak and enhance it for a more modern approach

    and i think i have finally figured it out....

    FYI: some of these concepts began as ramblings from earlier posts about RPG ideas but i really wasn't sure what to make of them at the time; now i know exactly what i was trying to do :)

    in a turn based RPG the transition from real time open world to combat:

    -traditionally it has been random battles
    -which evolved into enemies that spawn on the map running into them starts the battle
    -and of course in game cut scene sequences that serves as the transition from the open world to the battle

    whats missing here is a COMPLETE lack of realism and control on the gamers part; sure with prespawned enemies gamers can run around them but there is no control and absolutely no realism

    there is also no interactivity between the enemies and the characters in the field its like they are from completely different alternate realities until they collide with each other; then they can of course take turns trying to kill each other

    so heres the ideas:

    -environments will be carefully crafted as living worlds with lots of creatures trumping ROCKSTARS GTA franchise in terms of how interactive and alive the world is
    -enemies, monsters and just general creatures and animals will be pre-spawned on the map, others will appear when you trigger something but all the creatures will interact with the environment and with each other realistically
    -gamers can interact with these creatures as in pet the creature, feed the creature, hunt the creature for food or loot (which will instant kill the creature without having to fight it if your levels are high enough), or capture the creature for a mount or just a NPC party member
    -capturing will start a sort of mini game kind of thing and you can have some monsters level up and transform into new bad ass monsters if you tend to them enough or keep them alive long enough
    -there will be a button when you want to fight press the button which will signal your party members to pull out their weapons thus initiating battle with all the creatures or enemies within a certain range
    -most creatures will run away from you
    -some will charge you but they will attack your party and do damage until you flee as in run away and lose them or pull out your weapons to fight
    -creatures will also have relationships with other creatures and hold grudges with you like if you kill a baby whatever their mother will come at you really pissed off and stuff like that or if you do something bad there will be a bounty out for you and stuff like that
    -some cretures will have a hive mentality like if you kill one a ton of other creatures of the same kind will freak out and charge you down if your not quick to getting the hell out of there
    -some creatures will be territorial or come at you to kill you and what you can do is stand your ground or deploy an item via interact to calm the creture without having to fight it
    -typically creatures will have moods and personalities and some will randomly get pissed off at you and others will be scared of you and run away; while others might be domesticated
    -you can also just randomly capture horses or different creatures for mounts
    -the idea is the gamer has to initiate the fight but they also have many other options which i call interact options to choose from in any given situation
    -and of course when you pull out your weapons to fight you will go into battle with all the creatures around you so sometimes you have to chase down enemies and then pull out your weapons when you get close enough to fight them in a turn based battle
    -other times your completely surrounded by enemies and it wouldnt be a good idea to initiate a fight in that situation you want to get some distance or separate them and take them on individually

    and thats it :)

    pls forgive the grammar and organization of the above thoughts im in a hurry to write the gist of what im thinking about down for notes and stuff so i dont forget them :)

    what do you guys think?
  2. cubytes

    cubytes Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2009
    -the basic idea is that players must initiate the battle thus going into battle with all the creatures within a certain range; meaning all these creatures appear within the turn based battles

    -you have interact options that you can initiate these will be like capture, distract, hunt if your levels are high enough, and of course a generic interact which will allow you to play with a creature to make them like you more and if they like you enough you can capture them without fighting them?

    -the interact options can translate into the battle options although i havent really thought about this much; in terms of being able to interact with the environment or interact with an enemy

    -interact in battle you can take a weak enemy hostage thus using them as a shield for a couple turns; but with a decrease in over attack damage of course

    -you can jump on the back of a monster, tickle them or lure them and essentially make them go berserk damaging other enemies during that turn

    -and other interesting options that i cant think of right now

    -the interact options in battle will be context sensitive or random or only available under certain situations (levels, variables, randomness ect)
  3. ultimo

    ultimo Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2009
    I like ur ideas....
    TBS is the evolved version of Chess & wht U have come up with seems like a more realistic but untested gaming features...

    One of them being <-you have interact options that you can initiate these will be like capture, distract, hunt if your levels are high enough, and of course a generic interact which will allow you to play with a creature to make them like you more and if they like you enough you can capture them without fighting them? >

    when ever I used to play games.... I used to visualize or imagine, why cannot we do something else? Is this all to this game?

    Seems like ur God sent to make iPod touch & iPhone a bettr gaming device :)

    PS :
    I'll be watching this thread for about 9.5 hrs every weekday :)
  4. cubytes

    cubytes Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2009
    im just thinking out loud here :)

    -would it even be practical?
    -would it add value to the core game play?
    -and if so; is that value enough to justify all the effort such a system would probably require?
    -i mean i dont really want to change the traditional combat system or the turn based systems of a typical JRPG
    - i only want to change the world and how the AI creatures, monsters, enemies ect all act within this world
    -and most importantly how the player can either "interact" (positively and/or negatively) or just tap a button to immediately start the fight
    -and of course the player has control when they want to fight (with the exception of bosses or story driven battles) they can launch the battle thus loading up a traditional turn based battle with all the creatures within range anytime they want or they can just run away or try to interact while taking damage

    what do you guys think?
  5. ultimo

    ultimo Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2009
    No one else around I guess...

    When whoever made Amazon.com, had he be able to make it if feasibility was wht he was concernd about?

    I think there is this app in the making called Strange Creatures by MacDaddy, it just is not mashed with the TBS idea.... yet ;)

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