Ready for sale not ready for sale?

Discussion in 'Public Game Developers Forum' started by NickFalk, Nov 6, 2009.

  1. NickFalk

    NickFalk Well-Known Member

    Some of you might recall my woes getting Insulting Monk approved. To my pleasant surprise I received the message that it was now "Ready for sale" from Apple a couple of hours ago. I immediately checked through iTunes Connect, and the beautiful green dot was there, next to the letters spelling Ready for sale.

    However when I tried the link I received the message "the item you've requested is not available in the US Store". (Same thing in Norway by the way.)

    Now, this is only my second app and it's been a while, but I can't remember things delaying 2 hours last time round? Or have things changed/ My mind gone soft and I'm simply being to impatient?
  2. Mike_RNR

    Mike_RNR Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2009
    lead dev on Storm Attack
    Hey Nick,

    Is your release date set to today? If it's set to some point in the future, then that's probably the issue.

    Otherwise... I seem to recall some goofiness when Storm Attack got the "ready for sale" indicator... you might just have to wait a bit longer for the new info to filter through the various App Stores. I wanna say that I've heard of people needing to wait more than 2 hours, so I wouldn't get too worried about it right now.

    Hope that helps.
  3. NickFalk

    NickFalk Well-Known Member

    Actually we're way passed the release date, but thanks. :) Yes I'll try not too worry (although it's been nearly three hours)...
  4. Mike_RNR

    Mike_RNR Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2009
    lead dev on Storm Attack
    Yeah, maybe somebody else can give you some better info. "Don't worry about it" might be comforting, but doesn't really solve your problem :( My guess is there's just some lag time, especially as Apple approves more and more apps each day.

    Hope everything works out.
  5. bravetarget

    bravetarget Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2009
    I've seen people claim it took 24 hours for their app to be searchable on the app store.

    Main point though, if it shows Ready for Sale, you are indeed going to be available before the day is out.
  6. Yup. This is just slow now. Easily several hours after the email for my last app to be viewable. Then another 24 before it popped up in the search lists.
  7. Warder

    Warder Active Member

    I don't understand why, but the app store seems to have different data for each piece of it. I just released Block Busting Planet Panic on monday. It was viewable by directly linking, but didn't show up in search until the next day. It also was on iTunes, but not viewable directly through the app store for a while. Weird

    Seems the same with reviews. If you search for my app, it is 4.5 stars, but when you view the app, it's 4. I guess they have different databases for different data.
  8. NickFalk

    NickFalk Well-Known Member

    Well, for the moment my app simply isn't available at all. Even the direct-link is still non-functioning after 4 hours. Apple's practice is decidedly... odd.
  9. Mike_RNR

    Mike_RNR Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2009
    lead dev on Storm Attack
    Hey this totally slipped my mind. You should probably log into iTunes Connect asap and change your release date to today. Otherwise you'll miss out on some face time under "New Releases", as your release date will not be today, but whatever you had it set to previously.
  10. NickFalk

    NickFalk Well-Known Member

    Thanks Mike. I just changed the date to today's date. It hasn't taken yet but at least now it is available! :)
  11. MrBlue

    MrBlue Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2008
    iPhone Developer
    My app was approved yesterday and did not show up on any lists for 24 hrs. Usually it'll show up within 4-6 hrs, but all the app store craziness probably screwed it up.
  12. rohitvats

    rohitvats Active Member

    Oct 7, 2009
    Software Developer
    My app ("Connectors Lite") was approved yesterday. It is available on the app store when I search for it, but can't see it on any lists.

    I changed the availability date to 6th Nov after receiving the email from apple, but the release date seems to be set to 13th Nov (the original date I put in) !!

    So it'll probably appear in the lists next friday!

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