Playstation Vita Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Haruhi, Dec 12, 2011.

  1. S.I.D. CrAzY

    S.I.D. CrAzY Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    If that's true I might just skip it, I was already having doubts if I would enjoy the game or not.

    The multiplayer portion of the game doesn't make it fun?
  2. tygamr

    tygamr Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2010
    #3402 tygamr, Nov 4, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2012
    It's because of the subgenre of RPG it is. Monster Hunter is the same way, but less action oriented. They are only really fun if you play with friends- by yourself, forget about it. I wouldn't have gotten it if it weren't for one of my friends. Probably won't play it much by myself either. My biggest gripe with these types of games is a lack of much story, and lack of exploration. They revolve around doing quests, killing monsters/collecting items, and getting better equipment- pretty much all you do. I'd definitely go for Virtue's Last Reward- you'll get a lot more gameplay out of it than Assassin's Creed.

    I would not recommend getting it if you don't have friends to play with. You can play with random strangers in this- actually forgot about that until now. But still, you'll have the most fun playing with friends, less fun playing with strangers, and the least amount of fun playing by yourself. If you aren't a fan of Monster Hunter, God Eater, or Phantasy Star Online/Universe/Portable, then you won't like this.
  3. Teknikal

    Teknikal Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2010
    Belfast N Ireland
    Completely agree Uncharted is the only game I believe the developers really made an effort in it's almost worth buying a Vita for alone. Resistance isn't great it feels very unfinished but it's still a lot better than Gamelofts attempts imho.
  4. K.D!

    K.D! Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2008
    I wouldn't say Uncharted was 'that' bad. Sure, it lacked the big set pieces that the PS3 trilogy has, but I still think it tops anything I've played on iOS. I would personally consider Dead Space iOS and Mass Effect iOS to be 'pro developed' and yet despite most iOS gamers raving over them, they're FAR worse than Uncharted... thank god they both cost less than £5.
  5. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    Frankly, I thought that even Gameloft's Uncharted clone, as crappy as it was, was a better game than Uncharted Vita. I've never felt as disrespected as a gamer by a developer as I did while playing Uncharted. Both Dead Space and Mass Effect (the iOS versions) are far better games than Uncharted -- they have better stories, better action, better combat mechanics, and far more challenge. The game pretty much encapsulates (and magnifies) everything that is wrong with contemporary console gaming. But it does look pretty, I'll give you that :p. And Sully is pretty cool.

    Not trying to offend provoke anyone: I just have pretty strong feelings about that game. If you enjoyed it, more power to you. Personally I wouldn't use it a yardstick to measure Vita gaming against other platforms.
  6. Der-Kleine

    Der-Kleine Well-Known Member

    Creed Shapes: Liberation


    and Titled Creed


    are pretty funny games.

    Really though, I'd call the glitches in AC3L funny and not annoying.
  7. LucianOrb

    LucianOrb Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2010
    Wait, are you saying that you found Shadow Guardian to be better than Uncharted Vita?

  8. JBRUU

    JBRUU Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I have not played uncharted. I would agree that resistance is a joke compared to similar iOS games. But Gameloft's shadow guardian a better game than Uncharted??I could not bear to complete that thing. It was incredibly boring and repetitive, the only thing going for it was great graphics. (Still are good by today's standards, actually, just needed AA on the iPad).
  9. Jinathin_x_X

    Jinathin_x_X Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2012
    all these ios games does not come even close to uncharted golden abyss lol... wtf is wrong with that guy, he doesnt even have a vita. just coming here to troll around.
  10. JBRUU

    JBRUU Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Square is a mod...
  11. K.D!

    K.D! Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2008
    Yep, we definitely played two different games. Both were pretty much completely stripped of what made the console versions fun to play in the first place. Mass Effect had such a completely forgettable story that I actually played the game with the sound off for most of it because the constant mindless banter just failed to make anything sound remotely interesting. The combat mechanics were pretty much none existent (tap on a target and the game does the rest for you... all you had to worry about was jumping in and out of cover) and as far as challenge, wow, has to have the most anti climactic boss battle ever! That guy that teleports everywhere was easier than most of the standard grunts. You can tell the same people made Dead Space because it suffers the exact same problems in terms of challenge, combat mechanics (which Dead Space gives you more control over) and story... though you could argue that Dead Space doesn't really have a great story even on the consoles. Hell, I even thought that the on-rails Dead Space game for the Wii was a better game than the iOS one. Both Dead Space and Mass Effect were also incredibly short in overall length too. It's a good thing they were just mobile games really because if those things were released as $40 Vita/3DS games, they wouldn't have gone down so well.

    Also agree with others about Shadow Guardian, it's not only the worst Uncharted style game I've played, but one of my biggest iOS purchase regrets.
  12. tygamr

    tygamr Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2010
    Well if you think the gameplay in Uncharted GA is bad, then you probably wouldn't like any of the other Uncharted games. I honestly couldn't disagree more about all those iOS games being 'better'. Don't really see how Uncharted's combat mechanics are bad at all- they are exactly the same in the PS3 games. I also disagree about the story being bad- it was a lot better than Uncharted 3. What bugs me about your comment, is you give no explanation at all- you just say it's a terrible game.
  13. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    Shadow Guardian is crap. But it was actually challenging in normal difficulty. Uncharted Vita had simply zero challenge, with a ridiculously overpowered (and repetitive) melee, idiotic AI (which responded to you taking cover by getting closer to you so you could use your ridiculously overpowered melee move on then). It gave you puzzles that literally solved themselves, platforming that was impossible to fail, a story that was both a blatant Raiders of the Lost Ark rippoff and made no sense whatsoever. To top it off, the game ended with probably the worst boss encounters I've ever played -- basically a sequence of mindless quick time events. The game was an insult to hardcore gaming.

    I know that the PS3 games had similar mechanics, but they has the advantage of 1) much better stories; 2) incredible set pieces that made the environment part of the action; 3) way better level design; 4) much better enemy AI. Uncharted Vita played likethe developer had taken all the unmemorable and silly parts of all three Uncharteds and assembled them into a single game. To compare the PS3 games with the Vita version is like comparing the first Robocop with the direct-to-video sequels.

    Man, you guys have put me on a bad mood. I'm now despairing for the future of console gaming, not just the future of the Vita.
  14. Jinathin_x_X

    Jinathin_x_X Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2012
    Uncharted vita was un-challenging.. Haha. Looks like you can't unlock all the trophies
  15. Jinathin_x_X

    Jinathin_x_X Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2012
    Thanks to all these money apple has been making. All the devs are slowly starts to moving on to creating bite size cheap games with no stories. Hardcore games are probably gonna disappear in next 10 years at least for the consoles. Unless they becomes like pc
  16. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    Why would I care to unlock trophies in a bad game? :rolleyes:

    But thanks for reminding me of another reason hardcore gaming is dying.
  17. LucianOrb

    LucianOrb Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2010
  18. Jinathin_x_X

    Jinathin_x_X Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2012
    You can say its a bad game. And I can say the same to all these crappy iOS titles
  19. Teknikal

    Teknikal Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2010
    Belfast N Ireland
    #3420 Teknikal, Nov 4, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2012
    I'm really puzzled how most wanted is getting such good reviews everywhere it's lacking so much it's not even funny, there is no real car customisation , no decals, no custom paint jobs, you can barely tweak the cars at all, no buying upgrades all the cars feel exactly the same , no real story, no proper driving view.

    How can this possibly be considered a good racing/driving game it's actually one of the worst need for speed games I've played, I'm actually trying to get into it as I spent £40 on it but so far it hasn't clicked at all for me.

    edit: nevermind looking at user reviews it seems pretty obvious EA paid off all the main review sites, I'm sure the vita version is very faithful to the console but it's just a bad game between this and the stunt they pulled with Fifa I think this is the last EA game I ever buy.

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