Beginner questions for button action!

Discussion in 'Public Game Developers Forum' started by WellSpentYouth, Feb 2, 2009.

  1. WellSpentYouth

    WellSpentYouth Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2009
    iPhone programmer
    App Tech Studios, USA
    I am a Beginner. Ok, so I can make the "Hello world" app. Got the icon thing down. Can make a background, text, all the easy stuff. Now, if you have a second, how do you make it respond to a press by printing text with MULTIPLE buttons? This is in window based application.

    What template and basically how do you make a simple menu. Basically, you click on a button and it puts you in a completely new screen or whatever.

    If their is a helpful youtube vid, or site or something, or if you have time, please notify me.

    Thank you so very much!
  2. Hi. What you did with the one button, you basically do the same to create more. But to change to a different view (another screen, like the settings or info screen in a menu for example) see my earlier thread here (where I got some great help and even a video tutorial).
    You may have missed it as you need to know that the term 'view' is used for your different screens. You have one window to work on, which can have multiple views.
    Have you tried the podcast I told you about? Have you bought a book yet? You really ought to do both if you haven't already.
  3. WellSpentYouth

    WellSpentYouth Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2009
    iPhone programmer
    App Tech Studios, USA
    Thank you! Yes, I tried the podcast. It is semi helpful. I'll look at the other thread! A little more detail about the button would be nice, want do I name it in IB inspector? What code and where makes the text for more button? Thank you for your valued time!

  4. It really does sound like you need to buy a book, perhaps one on learning C first before one on Objective C (as all Objective C ones I know of assume you already know C). I have gone straight to a book on Objective C as I got the basics down from watching that podcast's episodes I gave the link to (as well as downloading some sample codes from the Apple website and messing about with them). If you haven't watched the other episodes on it, I suggest you do. There is one where he makes a coin flipper app for the Mac not iPhone, but it is still using Objective C, so it will help you learn how to set up various buttons. The coding is slightly different for the iPhone, but the theory is the same.
    You ask what to name a button in IB- you don't have to actually name them anything. I just give it the look I want by dragging a button graphic onto it (that I made myself in a Mac app called Pixelmator), and associate that button to a method you write into the class file for that view (the .h and .m files) by holding Ctrl and dragging to/from the Files Owner object in the xib window in IB. It's very hard to explain this without being able to show you, which is why I suggested watching the podcast (I suggest watching all the episodes even though they are not all for iPhone apps) and downloading the video tutorial SchenkStudios generously provided in the other thread, to see how to get a button to change to a new view.
  5. WellSpentYouth

    WellSpentYouth Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2009
    iPhone programmer
    App Tech Studios, USA
    Thank you, I'll do everything you said. Just wondering what machine the devs are using. I got 2.4 ghz macbook aluminum. (macilum)

    Thank you!
  6. Schenk Studios

    Schenk Studios Well-Known Member

    Video Tutorials

    We've moved things around a bit on our server. You can go here to get video tutorials.

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