$25 US iTunes Gift Card Contest From MyGiftCardSupply

Discussion in 'Promo Codes and Contests' started by MyGiftCardSupply, Nov 8, 2013.

  1. MyGiftCardSupply

    Nov 8, 2013
    #1 MyGiftCardSupply, Nov 8, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, 2013
    I have been browsing and enjoying this forum for quite a while, and finally I registered an account and thought I would kick off the new account with a promotional giveaway

    How To Enter to Win the $25 US iTunes Gift Card

    In a reply to this thread, write a few sentences (or more) on what you love most about the iTunes store, your favorite experience from a purchase, or what you would spend the $25 US iTunes gift credit on if you win.

    This contest will run for one week, after which we will choose our favorite entry (extra points for humor and creativity) and provide a coupon code to redeem a free $25 US iTunes gift card[/URL] from MyGiftCardSupply.

    Easy as that. Additionally, as a participation bonus, all entires will be credited with a 50% discount coupon to purchase a $10 US iTunes gift card

    Looking forward to your replies; thanks for your participation!
  2. ronit

    ronit Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2011
    Let me be the first to reply. :)

    I'm a big fan of iTunes. I love music and had a huge collection of Audio CD's. iTunes helped me rip all my CD's collection with no trouble. iTunes import the CD at typically around 10-12 times faster than any other third party software I ever used. This was the beginning of my love towards iTunes.

    Another great feature of iTunes I love is that it easily allows to correct or add missing information of a track or song i.e. metadata. iTunes download all the song/track info including album art and organize it very beautifully. It's very easy for me to browse through my music collection. The great experience is complemented by the good features that iTunes offers to sort the music (title, albums etc).

    Than Apple released iTunes Match. I was a bit skeptical at first, to give all my tracks information and everything but once I started using it. Mind blowing experience. What I did was once all the information list was matched by Apple servers, I deleted my collection and download high-quality, DRM-free, 256k AAC version. Cool? It kept all my music data like rating, date last played everything with better quality than what I had earlier (128k AAC).

    Now with iOS 7 and iTunes Radio, I am more and more in love with iTunes. I tried it few days back, was in a mood to listen to Backstreet boys and I thought it will play tracks in same sequence but it actually played great songs that go together with the mood. Though we already have such services like Pandora but I think iTunes Radio is an amazing step forward for the music lovers to keep listening to music wherever you are.

    what you would spend the $25 US iTunes gift credit on if you win.

    I think its pretty obvious now that if I win, I will spend it on buying new music tracks. Thanks for the contest.
  3. klink

    klink 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 22, 2013
    No thank you
    What I like best about iTunes is all the different things you can buy in the iTunes store. I created this list for another website.

    Items available in iTunes:
    IOS Apps
    TV show episodes
    Digital Magazine Subscriptions
    Hulu Plus
    Digital Newspaper Subscriptions
    Dropbox 100GB yearly subscription
    Netflix Subscription (Using Apple TV)
    imatch subscription
    Pandora One

    Too many choices for me to decide on one thing to spend my iTunes gift card on. :)
  4. nerdherd

    nerdherd Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2012
    From iTunes, I could got lots of my favorite games and apps.also newly music.
    I am totally a big fan of apple.
  5. Tannorexic

    Tannorexic Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2011
    Somewhere in the spiritual realm
    #5 Tannorexic, Nov 9, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2013
    The iphone has drastically improved my quality of life.
    I know that sounds kinda superficial.
    But with the advancing technology that can fit in our pocket, our lives are getting easier everyday.

    Before I had an iPhone I used to get lost all the time. I'm terrible with directions, but now with the click of a button, the phone tells me exactly where to go, and better yet, it gets updated frequently, so I don't find myself driving through a dirt path and getting lost in the bush like that one time I borrowed my friends Chinese brand GPS. (A farmer towed us out in the morning!)
    On top of that, it tells me when I'm speeding, so I'm sure I've saved a lot of money in speeding tickets from my iphones friendly nagging, as well as optimally saving my life, and others!

    If I need to quickly jot down a phone number and don't have a pen?
    No longer will I desperately try to carve it into my arm with blood, now I can just scribble the words in my notebook app! My iPhone has potentially saved me from being an amputee!

    When I'm bored on the train, no longer do I have to awkwardly glance at the gothic kid sitting beside me, fearing that he might put a hex on me. nope, not anymore.
    Now I can happily play motion based games and look like a lunatic swaying my arms about, trying to get the marble in the hole! The tables have turned, I'm the weirdo now!

    When I'm sitting in the passenger seat in the car and hear THE BEST SONG IN MY LIFE. I no longer have to weep knowing ill probably never hear it again. I just hold up my soundhound app and viola! I can immediately download the song and listen to it on repeat for the next 4 days until I hate it from overexposure.

    The AppStore has revolutionised my life, and has saved me from a lot of sticky situations.
    I think sometimes we take our iPhones for granted, but we shouldn't. They really are a tool that can potentially save lives. Texting and phone calls have become secondary to all the great apps and games.

    Best purchase from the AppStore- I'd have to say all of the puzzle games I've ever downloaded. They help me with my concentration immensely, with therefore helps me in my field of study. Keeps the brain sharp and alive, but it is disguised as fun.

    What would I spend a $25 card on? I'd gratefully spend it on 25 different 99c apps from my wish list. :)
  6. vii-Lucky

    vii-Lucky Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2013
    I mostly spend my time in the iTunes store browsing for different kind of games and apps to try(its fun). I also enjoy Listening to iTunes radio Cause its so awesome!

    I've been enjoying Games i bought because its pocket edition, Its crazy because how could one believe that a GTA game will be port to small devices!?
    Even other hardcore games that requires High specs.

    If i win i will spend my prize on the games,apps and songs that had caught my attention and enjoy it for the rest of my life!
  7. Snozberry

    Snozberry Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2012
    What I love most about the AppStore is the plethora of free games.
    People who can't afford to buy iTunes cards all the time can still have just as much fun, and constantly play new games without paying a cent.
    I know one might question how someone could afford an expensive device, and not credit, but often iTunes credit exceeds the cost of the device over the years!
    I haven't made a purchase in months, due to simply not having the spare cash to spend, yet I'm still thoroughly enjoying the iOS gaming world. That's what I love about the AppStore. :)
  8. dayu03

    dayu03 Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    #8 dayu03, Nov 9, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2013
    what you love most about the iTunes store
    well, i love many app, there is much app that you cant found on another platform, iTunes Store has beautiful User Interface and great Environment for iOS Devices.

    what you would spend the $25 US iTunes gift credit on if you win.
    i will buy the great paid app from touch arcade top review list, hehe :)
  9. MyGiftCardSupply

    Nov 8, 2013
    Great replies so far! The contest ends this week so please get your submissions in! :)
  10. dalbertson

    dalbertson Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
    My ode to the iTunes store;

    Oh iTunes store, with apps galore I'll be kept busy evermore.
    I can watch the Walking Dead, or read about a Wimpy Kid.
    (while dead and kid don't technically rhyme, its close enough)
    Play all night on Fist of Awesome, listen to a song called Possum.
    Bust a groove with Djay 2 or read a comic book called Groo.
    (Love me some Groo the Wanderer, any fans of humorous comics should give it a shot.)
    Go stargazing, send a tweet, keep track of all the things I eat.
    Try not to purchase IAP and fail at that goal miserably.
    (sorry all you fans of premium games, I realize I'm part of the problem)
    So yes, I love the itunes store and just can't wait to download more.
  11. Gamermom

    Gamermom Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2013
    What I like best is that it is a easy safe place to purchase and download thousands of great products. If I won the $25.00 GC I would probably purchase a couple books and a game or two.
  12. TheMerc

    TheMerc Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2012
    Generally speaking, I love how iTunes really grew to become a virtual melting pot of everything and anything you might need or enjoy doing. Do you need a quick, accessible game to play while you're waiting in line? iTunes has what you need. Do you need a fully immersive, console-like quality game that will suck you in and keep you fully invested in the game from start to finish? You came to the right spot. Need an app to catch up on some reading? Plenty of those there. Games, books, music, movies, utilitaries, iTunes has it, and is ready to provide a user-friendly experience to anyone who'd like to dip their toes on the iOS digital scene. In today's world, one that's becoming more and more in tune with technology, iTunes is an obligatory stop for anyone who's looking for an all-around great digital experience.
    My personal favorite purchase experience was with Telltales' The Walking Dead game. Being the first current-gen port I ever bought on iOS, I was blown away by the storytelling and by the nearly imperceptible divide between the console version and this version, played on a device that I could switch off and keep in my pocket. It was the game that told me that, more and more, iOS was becoming a platform to keep an eye on in the next few years.
    If I happened to win the $25 gift card, I'd definitely spend the majority of that sum buying comic books on the ComiXology app. An indispensable app for a comic book geek like me!
  13. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    *ehem* The iOS is for songs: (in case you don't get the parody: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kV7ou6pl5wU )

    Tim Cook: The iOS is really really great
    Me: ...For songs!
    Tim: I’ve got a fast connection so i don’t have to wait
    Me: ...For songs!
    Tim: There's always some new apps
    Me: ...For songs!
    Tim: I browse all day and night
    Me: ...For songs!
    Tim: It's like i’m surfing at the speed of light
    Me: ...For songs!
    The iOS is for songs
    The iOS is for songs
    Why you think iPod was born?
    Songs songs songs

    Tim: Squashy!
    Me: Oh hello Tim Cookie
    Tim: You are ruining my keynote!
    Me: Oh me sorry, me no mean to
    Tim: Well if you wouldn't mind please being quiet for a minute so i can finish?
    Me: Me no talkie
    Tim: Good

    Tim: I’m glad we have this new technology
    Me: For songs -whoops!
    Tim: Which gives us untold opportunity
    Me: For so—oops, sorry!
    Tim: Right from you own iPhone
    Me: For-
    Tim: You can research, browse and shop
    Until you’ve had enough and your ready to stop
    Me: FOR SONGS!!

    Tim: Squashy!
    Me: The iOS is for songs!
    Tim: No!!!
    Me: The iOS is for songs!
    Tim: Squashy!
    Me: Me up all night sorting ringtones with songs songs songs!

    Tim: That’s nuts. You’re an audiophile.
    Me: Ah, sticks and stones Tim Cookie
    Tim: No really, you're an audiofreak
    Normal people don’t sit at home and stuff songs into their iPhones.
    Me: Ohhhh?
    Tim: What?
    Me: You have no idea
    Ready normal people?

    Ready! Ready! Ready!

    Me: Let me hear it!

    The iOS is for songs!
    Craig Federighi: Sorry Tim
    The iOS is for songs!
    Craig: I dig Lonely Island!
    All these guys incline to buy
    lotta songs songs songs!
    Tim: The iOS is not all about songs!!

    Now i know for a fact that you, Phil, check AppShopper for freebies everyday.
    Phil Schiller: That’s correct.
    Tim: And Dan, you buy tons of IAP in Clash of Clan.
    Dan Riccio: Sure.
    Tim: And Jony, you plan to turn global population into hippies with your iOS7 design.
    Jony Ive: Yes I- wait what?
    Tim: And Craig, you tweeted me a sweet "like a boss!" yesterday!
    Craig Federighi: True!
    Me: Oh, but Tim, which band do you think he got the idea from? Hmm?
    Craig: ...yeah
    Tim: UGGHHH!

    Me: The iOS is for songs!
    Tim: Nuts!
    Me: The iOS is for songs!
    Tim: I hate songs!
    Me: Get an app and make a tap
    For songs songs songs!
    Tim: I hate you audiophiles!
    (harmonizing) soooooongs, sooooongs! Songs! Songs!
    The iOS is for-
    The iOS is for-
    The iOS is for SONGS!

    (...and you can already guess what I'd spend $25 iTunes credits on if I win :p)
  14. YMCMBRules

    YMCMBRules Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2013
    What I love about the AppStore: How easy it is to download and find games, and also how most games are around less than $8 :) If I won the $25 GiftCard, I don't really know, since I really don't have much time to play games anymore, but maybe buy some good songs or movies since I rarely do that. :)
  15. khuanoz

    khuanoz Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2012
    what you love most about the iTunes store, your favorite experience from a purchase, or what you would spend the $25 US iTunes gift credit on if you win

    The iTunes Store is the only store for apps as far as I'm concerned and I think it fitting to add that my statement is anything but bias considering I'm a proud owner of a Nokia Symbian with Ovi Store (nope it's neither dead nor extinct yet thank you very much) and an Android Jelly Bean with Play Store (sure it supposedly has more download but seriously ask yourself why PvZ 2 took so long to release there =P), never tried BB or the new Firefox but I think that's good enough =D

    My favourite purchase would definitely be those insanely expensive app like Final Fantasy IV when they dropped their price ever so slightly while the worst possible purchase would be QuickOffice which went from $19.99 to FREE (Thank you Google, reaaaally appreciate that)

    I would definitely spend my $25 on a 10gb iCloud storage since I've too much contents on all my iDevices that it's good to store them all in the cloud where it gets synced nicely =D

    great site by the way, liking the varied payment options though I still trust PayPal the best =D
  16. minhonow

    minhonow Active Member

    Jul 22, 2013
    #16 minhonow, Nov 12, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2013
    First of all , Apple store is way better than any other stores !
    When I just open the App store , I always feel some excitement from new features even though I don't plan to purchase anything .
    Its quite fun for just eye shopping and get some new trend not only Games but many other categories too !

    And of course , I love when developers and App store launch their Price drop event ! i know some times price is not that big deal, but I can feel that they want to share their good game with us which is so great for any gamers !
    For that reason, I always try to pay attention to the new developers who have potential to make best game , and actually buy their game with my card !

    For me, App store is great connection between any good developers and me by interacting each other.

    Some times they give us "Free stuff" , and also there will be my turn to swipe my debit card.

    Lets make better game together !!

    I would like to buy Walking dead full package that I love to play for Christmas season ...at home ..with my iPad... Haha : )

    ( understand my writing , its my second language thanks for reading : )
  17. warcrack

    warcrack Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2010
    Electrical Engineer
    In iTunes love :games,songs,apps, movies for one word: all!
    Great service and the chance to buy all of them with gift cards.
    I would spend my $25 on Mac App Store
  18. jared9876

    jared9876 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2011
    Dallas TX
    My favorite things about the App Store is just the insane amount of incredibly awesome stuff! There are so many amazing gems like heroes and castles, infinity blade and pocket god. This is what makes the App Store the best in the market. Now what would I spend it on. More games and device 6 as well as ocean horn this Thursday.
  19. Bernar

    Bernar Member

    Nov 12, 2013
    #19 Bernar, Nov 12, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2013
    My favourite thing about the App Store is the fact that I could throw birds in Space; build amazing structures in a pocket game; give a candy to a cute monster by cutting some ropes; run for my life from a grizly bear; dig in the ground to give enough water to a crocodile so he could bath; and much and much more... and all of this on my pocket! :)

    I would spend the $25 on some games and some educational apps, as I need them so much.

    Thank you for this.
  20. hectoremilio

    hectoremilio New Member

    Nov 13, 2013

    I live in a 3rd-world country: Honduras. The itunes account for my country is very restricted in both music and apps. Thanks to services like mygiftcardsupply I can have an american account and buy movies, music and apps for me and my family! I really love this service, buying a gift card here is almost impossible, but thanks to them I can buy one and have the digital code delivered via email in just minutes!

    If I won the $25, i would buy ios resources for my theological studies (I'm a seminary student) :)

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