Nintendo explains why Zelda, Mario, and Pokemon won't be on smartphones any time soon

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by Zaraf, Nov 6, 2013.

  1. Lost_Deputy

    Lost_Deputy Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2013
    Venue Manager
    Not sure about the exact date but I assume it's been around a decade since Sega stopped doing hardware. In those years we have had the rise of the internet, Facebook was invented and now every mofo in the developed world has a phone capable of games (massive generalization but I'm too lazy to get stats).

    You can't compare them as the opportunities aren't the same.

    If Sega was looking at going bust (which Nintendo isn't) in today's market they would be looking at taking advantage of a extremely large community of reachable gamers.

    That's what we are looking at here. Nintendo have an opportunity to engage a section of the market who may not have had the pleasure of playing Zelda or Mario. Keep the game releases on mobile to classics only. Leave the new great stuff to their current hardware. People will be salivating to go to the top caliber of Nintendo gaming.

    It won't dilute the brand as they are old games that will only serve to showcase the strength of the current generation on Nintendo hardware and software. People playing Nintendo classics on emus are people who know the brand already.

    I agree that Nintendo are not in the same place of risk that Sega were (another reason why they are no good to compare). The main difference is Nintendo have a great opportunity with little risk involved.
  2. Drummerboycroy

    Drummerboycroy Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2012
    Seeing a lot of posts about whether or not Nintendo will "survive" without coming to iOS...

    Kind of misses the point, doesn't it?

    Sure, Nintendo might "survive," but I for one have never been too keen on simply "existing," I'd much rather "live."

    The plain and short is that Nintendo loses a ton of money not making titles available for a platform that SCREAMS "good fit."

    Zelda on my phone? Metroid on my phone? Uhm, yes, yes, and YES. It's 10 bucks? 15 bucks? 20 bucks? Again, YEEEEEES. Please, just take my money and leave me to my joy.

    Will Nintendo "survive" remaining proprietary? Sure, but so what? It's still perhaps one of the silliest business decisions I've heard of yet.

  3. Sanuku

    Sanuku Well-Known Member

  4. saucybag

    saucybag Active Member

    Sep 9, 2012
    Gametrailers have just released a video 10 ways Nintendo can step it up" I watched it eagerly for the point we have been making but no joy. They did say that they need to have a unified account for eshop purchases, which a few people have said on here though.

    Worth a look
  5. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Again I'm sure Nintendo will survive bit it's more the question if they want to be a huge player or be influential like they used to

    Their share price has gone down 66 % in the last four years. If that doesn't improve then I'm sure there will be changes. No one wants to see them bankrupt or get taken over. But again a lot depends on the next few months. That share price isn't good
  6. redpanda33

    redpanda33 Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Decatur GA
    That share price drop is directly related to the WiiU not being the run away success the Wii was. I just don't understand these arguments about Nintendo but not other companies. That's what I meant about people being weird about Nintendo. "The Vita is not doing well. Think of how much more money Sony would make if they put Hot Shots and a GoW collection on iOS!" Why does that statement never happen but if you switch Hot Shots and GoW with Mario and Zelda it becomes a common statement? "Sure, Sony is making money, but why not more?" Again, when said about Nintendo everyone agrees. Weird, isn't it?
  7. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    I know other companies aren't doing well. But this is about Nintendo as we want to play Nintendo games. As for the vita I've got no interest in their games. They don't have any 30 year old games I want to play. Start a thread about the ps vita if you want
  8. nemerleb

    nemerleb Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2013
    I watched the video and I see no lies about what the guys at GT are saying. Except maybe for the achievements idea. I believe Nintendo has showed its disdain for them as they force you to play the game in an unnatural state (like it wasn't meant to be done).

    Personnally I believe the biggest things that are hurting Ninty are: lack of unified account (I own a 3DS and 3DSXL and am always scared to break one of them and lose my purchases and save games), bad marketing (everyone thought WiiU was an add on for Wii), too much focus on casual gamers, relying on older franchises, and forgetting about third party developpers.

    Ninty already reached out for indies who responded back positively, as many proclaimed they prefer WiiU to PS4 and XBone; the games are coming. However Ninty needs to cooperate with 3rd parties to localize games or aid with dev; like it's been doing with Level5 (Layton) or Sqeenix (Bravely Default). We need to see more of these types of coop.

    Finally, it's true that Nintendo is a company first and foremost, and is pursuing profits, but we should not forget it's a JAPANESE company. This is important in a way it will prefer to sink and die instead of admitting defeat and giving aways precious IP to rivals such as Apple. Pride and dignity still exist in this world you know?
  9. Gov

    Gov Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2013
    Same thing with Tepco the Japanese company behind the Fukushima nuclear plants. They need help outside japan, but won't because of pride and turning face.
  10. saucybag

    saucybag Active Member

    Sep 9, 2012
    This is actually a really good and huge point that is often overlooked, Nintendo are a Japanese company. I remember them saying on one of the podcasts that Apple and Ios isn't as huge in Japan as it is in the rest of the world, I believe it's Samsung who are market leaders there. If Nintendo were to entertain the idea of breaking into the smartphone market surely this would be a factor for them.
  11. nemerleb

    nemerleb Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2013
    #51 nemerleb, Nov 9, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2013
    Hmmm I see; I thought it was the contrary. That adds up to the arguments then.

    The future of gaming, in my humble opinion, should be the unification of handhelds and consoles. What I mean is: they should be bundled as one thing, where buyers wont need to shell out separately for a console and a portable device. The market won't be fragmented; devs can choose to develop console games that use the pad+console, or develop games that only use the pad (similar to current portable games on 3DS). Or better yet the console games that you can also play on the on the pad.

    That simplification of the gaming market will benefit the exclusive gaming companies. The WiiU already has that functionality (Pad+console) and the PS3 is going also in that direction with built-in screens on the controller.

    Apple is reigning currently because of that simplification/unification in its devices: the iPad is an mp3 player, a pseudo-pc replacement, gaming device etc, iPod are so much evolved than simple mp3 players. But the gaming market is so fragmented and dissected that potential buyers are literally lost(2DS vs 3DS, XBOX and PS3).

    I donno if I make any sense or get my point across but that for me can truly save Nintendo: offer a one-device-to-rule-them-all, at a smart competitive price with some meat in its tech stomach, and have developpers decide wether their games will use both the console and the pad, or go portable exclusively
  12. zergslayer69

    zergslayer69 Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2010
    I'd totally love a one device does all, even more so if it were portale
  13. saucybag

    saucybag Active Member

    Sep 9, 2012
    I think Apple could be the first to attempt this with Apple TV. Look at how gorgeous Infinity Blade looks, that's console quality visuals right there. Combine this with MFI controllers and Airplay Mirroring and you have yourself a TV based console which can be whipped straight into your pocket! All it's gonna take is a little refinement on Apples behalf. I use Apple TV at work and like to play around and stream my games to the full screen testing it out but there's a little too much latency right now to make it viable alternative to a console. It's not far off though surely .
  14. Lost_Deputy

    Lost_Deputy Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2013
    Venue Manager
    Valve listed Apple as being in really potent position in this regard. It really depends on Apple. My eyes are firmly on the next model of Apple TV. Could be a game changer :)
  15. saucybag

    saucybag Active Member

    Sep 9, 2012
    Wow really? I'm not suprised mind you what with valve releasing the steam box that essentially does the same thing with different hardware. Apple TV could be a real threat to that considering A. The really good price of Apple TV, B. The massive install base of Ios and C. The huge selection of games available for such a cheap price on the App Store
  16. Zaraf

    Zaraf Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2009
    The video game landscape is always evolving, but Nintendo likes to stick to its roots. I think it has to do with the Japanese mindset, and Nintendo is nothing if not Japanese. But only time will tell if Nintendo is mistaken in not adapting or correct in standing their ground.
  17. Gov

    Gov Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2013
    I want Pokemon X & Y app for iPhone :)
  18. ZigZaGame

    ZigZaGame Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2010
    #58 ZigZaGame, Nov 12, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2013
  19. saucybag

    saucybag Active Member

    Sep 9, 2012

    Nintendo introducing a smartphone into the market would be like throwing money down the drain. Same reason why they are not going head to head with the current next gen giants and making a third very similar next gen console further diluting the market. They focus on a different approach and give the consumer a product that is different enough to have alongside another gaming product, loads of people had either Xbox or Ps but had a Wii also. It's smart tactics like that which keep them in the game.

    Yes they have X billion in the bank but that's not going to excuse losses for them. They won't just shrug that stuff off. Nintendo are the giants whose shoulders have been stood on in this industry, there's a lot of pride and craftsmanship to account for. They will still strive to turn a profit to keep them moving forward.

    As it has been stated in this thread already. Utilising Nintendo's back catalogue on smartphones to accompany existing products and services is a smart idea. It could generate massive profit from almost nothing, all the games are made. The hardware is all developed. It's a low risk, high gain strategy that could work.

    Let's not revisit it in 40 years. Let's keep discussions and interest alive NOW and show Nintendo that there is a real consumer base in an upcoming mobile market that is crying for genuine Nintendo quality rather than half arsed copies of Nintendo products.
  20. Andy C83

    Andy C83 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2010
    Over the Rainbow
    1. Bring back the Game Boy.
    2. Print money. :cool:

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