Help me remember the name of the game (pretty please)

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by speedyhead, Aug 29, 2011.

  1. speedyhead

    speedyhead New Member

    Aug 29, 2011
    #1 speedyhead, Aug 29, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2011
    This is silly I know, but it's also driving me mad...
    I was looking at a lot of reviews for iPhone games yesterday and I stumbled across a review in IGN (at least I think it was there) for an Action/Adventure game that looked really cool and just stunning. I don't remember the name of the game and now I can't find it (otherwise this post would be useless) but here's what I do remember about it:
    1. The design of the levels was at least partially watercolor style.
    2. Walking through the level, the world would built itself around you wherever you walked (a very nice design and one of the things that attracted me most to the game)
    3. The view was 3rd person, slightly from above like in many hack&slash games (Diablo etc.)
    4. The review gave the game a pretty high score, but also mentioned that the story of the game was pretty weak.

    That's pretty much what I remember.
    Ideas anyone?
  2. Der-Kleine

    Der-Kleine Well-Known Member

    The only thing I can think of that fits that description is Bastion, but that isn't an iPhone game...
  3. speedyhead

    speedyhead New Member

    Aug 29, 2011
    That's it! Thanks a lot...:D:D:D
    That explains why the hell I couldn't re-find it in IGN...
    Now, why the hell I thought it was in the iPhone section is a mystery I guess I'll never solve:confused:

    Thanks again.
  4. Der-Kleine

    Der-Kleine Well-Known Member

    Point 1 and 2 were the main hints for me! :D

    And btw, there is a demo for it on steam, in case you didn't notice. ;)
  5. speedyhead

    speedyhead New Member

    Aug 29, 2011
    Downloading it as we speak(or type):)

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