OtherGreatGames.com helps marketing game-apps, now open

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by MarcoIGames, Jan 3, 2012.

  1. Hi there,

    I always wanted to have a service to help me with the marketing of my game-apps. Not finding the right one, I decided to build my own.

    With setting up a special "other great games"-screen within a game which showcases up to 6 other games linked to the iTunes-Store, the developer will get his own game being showcased within other games. (Just like those banner-exchanges a few years ago)

    For every player, who gets to see that screen, the developer will earn credits to show his own games to 4 players of other games in exchange.

    For now, I´d like to hear, what other developers think about it.
  2. DomAjean

    DomAjean Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2011

    I think it is a great idea. It would be cool to see like 3 screenshots that visually explain how it works. Or even better, a promotion video that you put on Youtube, blogs etc.

    I will talk about it to the others to know what they think...

    Good luck with this, sounds like a cool idea :)

  3. Hi Dominic,

    thank you for your feedback. I will add some screenshots shortly, you are right - the two screens in the article image are way too small.

  4. Blackharon

    Blackharon Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2010
    Game Designer for Ludia
    I'm not sure how you plan on balancing this out.

    You show 6 apps in your ads, and receive 4 credits. This means you're showing more ads than you're giving credits for, which means you're running out of ads to show eventually.

    Are the other 2 apps being displayed paid advertisements or give aways or reserved for other methods?
  5. That´s right, the other 2 credits will be reserved for partly own games to help finance the system and to give away as free startup credits for new users.

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