Rejected for making my UIWebView not bounce

Discussion in 'Public Game Developers Forum' started by micah, Dec 2, 2009.

  1. micah

    micah Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2009
    game developer
    San Francisco
    Skeleton Key has been crippled with a horrible bug that causes it to crash and die every time a player loses all their lives for several weeks now. I fixed it, submitted an update, and just got my rejection email!

    The offending snippet of code is:

    if([scrollView respondsToSelector:@selector(setAllowsRubberBanding:)]) {
    	[scrollView performSelector:@selector(setAllowsRubberBanding:) withObject:NO];
    The instructions for Skeleton Key is just a UIWebView loading a local web page, instructions.html, that comes included with the app. Using html and css was the easiest way I could figure out how to make richly-formatted scrolling instructions. The only problem was when you scroll off the top or bottom of the screen, the web view "bounces" and doesn't look very good because it shows gray, instead of the instructions.html background image. So I disabled the bouncing.

    This has been included in Skeleton Key since version 1.0, but they decided to reject 1.6.1 for it. I guess I'll just have to make the instructions slightly uglier and head to the back of the line now...
  2. d1

    d1 Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2009
    Don't you love Apple sometimes :)
  3. PixelthisMike

    PixelthisMike Well-Known Member

    Well wait a second, it distinctly says you haven't been rejected...

    And why don't you just use:

    scrollView.bounces = NO;
    Saves having to call a private API... Or you could set the background colour of the scroll view to match your instructions background colour if you want to keep the bounce but lose the grayness. Unless your instructions background is more complex than a simple colour :)
  4. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    Seems like a really pointless thing for Apple to care about, but it looks like PixelthisMike has your answer so... cheer up :)
  5. PhagoCychotic

    PhagoCychotic Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2009
    Ah, I was wondering why I couldn't progress in the game after losing all my lives. Good luck on getting this fixed (so I can play again :))
  6. micah

    micah Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2009
    game developer
    San Francisco
    Hey, you're right, it was rejected! It looked like a rejection email, but the subject was "Skeleton Key 1.6.1: Application Submission Feedback", and I just got another email saying the update was approved and is ready for sale. Look at that! I didn't realize Apple gave you "feedback" without rejecting you. Well that's good.

    And I also didn't realize I could do scrollView.bounces = NO;.. will look into that for the next update. Thanks.
  7. PixelthisMike

    PixelthisMike Well-Known Member

    I've never known them to give "submission feedback" instead of rejecting either! You were checking to see if the method existed first so if they ever removed the private API (which is the danger of calling private API's) then the game wouldn't crash, you'd just get the ugly grayness back again. Perhaps they looked kindly on your safe access of their private methods :)
  8. Vexxed

    Vexxed Active Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    This is a new thing they just started doing. We got something similar for one of our games. I just hope they start doing it with things like keywords (removing them instead of rejecting) and marketing text (put on hold instead of rejecting).

    Ultimately it's in their best interest since it will massively cut down on resubmissions and the amount of time they spend retesting apps.
  9. PhagoCychotic

    PhagoCychotic Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2009
    I just updated in iTunes, so yay!
    *sorry for butting into the dev forums*

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