iPod Touch, 3rd gen. support.

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by Issac, Sep 23, 2012.

  1. Issac

    Issac Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2011
    Just wondering if everyone would chime in on how much longer you think this device will see support for 'bigger' releases. I was just about to download Street Fighter x Tekken, but it won't work on my device. Same with Lili.
  2. lepeos

    lepeos Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2010
    I think you've answered your own question
  3. Issac

    Issac Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2011

    Hmmm... maybe. There are recent, major releases like Horn and Wild Blood that are still 3rd gen.

    I guess what I should have asked is how long the previous gen is usually widely supported in iDevice land, as I am relatively new to the concept of upgrading as quickly as the tech world does.
  4. lepeos

    lepeos Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2010
    I'm sure there are games released that will still support 1st Gen technology, the problem is that it's the hardware leaps that iOS goes through each year that attracts developers, now capable of realising an ambition thanks to a faster processor or updated ram or whatever.

    It's not ideal, and you might even say its one of the benefits of a traditional handheld like a DS that it's still going to play games released today the same as it will games released 5 years ago.

    I guess the best advice is just to try and time your upgrades with new product launchs to squeeze the best out of your device for the time you'll have it.

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