So how do you maintain motivation - especially with setbacks?

Discussion in 'Public Game Developers Forum' started by Sinecure Industries, May 21, 2011.

  1. Sinecure Industries

    Sinecure Industries Well-Known Member

    So how do you guys keep motivation and momentum when making your apps? I'm always curious to hear what people do to get through rough patches.

    Here's a post by one of our guys regarding what he does when trouble and frustration comes around: Modular App Development
  2. MrLeQuack

    MrLeQuack Well-Known Member

    I am currently working on my first game, my luck is that i do not work alone, i am part of a 2 guys team!I am the coder and he is the designer, anyways , when i hit a rough patch i usually discuss things with my designer! And one of the things i found out helps the most is to approach stages one at a time, and concentrate on the most current one!
    Great post by the way.
  3. Sinecure Industries

    Sinecure Industries Well-Known Member

    Thanks, glad you liked it. We're trying to build a bigger team so we can have a few heads working together on things, it's a good thing to have someone to bounce ideas off.
  4. headcaseGames

    headcaseGames Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2009
    Mobile Game Developer
    Hollywood, CA
    it does get difficult, but then no one ever said things would be easy. One thing I have learned to deal with is to constantly "expect the unexpected" and do the best that you can to account for however much X factor will pop up during all stages of development and then release. There's no way to know what exactly could happen (memory blowouts, crappy framerates, exhausted coder, effects of general burnout - and then sitting for who-knows-how-long in submission, a game EXACTLY LIKE YOURS releases, you release during a big/crowded time where lots of other things release, the media is going crazy with something much bigger than you, etc) <- and so on, and so forth

    All you can do is plan to the best of your ability, get backup plans for everything (reasonably), one thing that is definitely to be avoided is the "we'll cross that bridge when we come to it" mentality as far as heady tech and design issues go. So long as you have everything scoped out within reason, then the odds are that your plan ought to go fairly smoothly from start to finish.
  5. Promit

    Promit Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2009
    For us, it's really just a dead-set belief that we have a strong team who can really create a solid, successful product that really stands out. We also need to pay rent. It's a good one-two punch.
  6. MoxyDave

    MoxyDave Active Member

    May 19, 2011
    Make awesome games for mobile devices
    ^^^ this ;)

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