Posting of Old Games in the iphone forum

Discussion in 'Site Feedback and News' started by Connector, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. #1 Connector, Jan 25, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2014
    Lately, it just seems to be a huge rash of new threads started in the iphone forum of games that are really old. Like tonight, there are 5 new threads of old games, where many had threads before in the past.

    Please check to see if there are already threads for them, or just try generally to start games for new games please. This forum is getting flooded lately of new threads for old games.

    Someone a couple of days ago started 10 threads of old games in the same day, and it just seems the forum is getting flooded with new threads of old games.

    I'm sure some of them are reposted by the developers too, but it is just getting to the point where it seems the forum is getting flooded with new threads for old games.

    I realize there maybe some gems missed in the past, but please make sure there weren't old threads made in the past. It might be nice to also mention that it is an old game cause many people are looking for new releases.

    Also, it seems like there is a trend to post up every single new release that comes out, but it might help, especially if they are freemium, to download them, and try them out before posting them up to see if they are any good.

    I know the intentions are good to post everything that pops up on the trackers, but somehow it might be nice to somehow screen them a little.

  2. Red1

    Red1 Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Nov 26, 2010
    The threads you're referring to (and responded to) were created automatically by the "TouchArcade Bot"

    I cleaned up the first ones, but since it's still happening, I'll ask Arn to take a look.
  3. It is kind of half toucharcade bot and half members, it just seems lately that the iphone forum is getting flooded with old games, it is making the forum hard to go through.

    But anyway, thanks.
  4. Echoseven

    Echoseven Moderator
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    Jul 19, 2011
    The red Skittle
    #4 Echoseven, Jan 25, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2014
    I'm pretty sure that for the "bot" to make a post, someone has to press a button in the TA app.

    If you see repeats of games that already have threads, just report the new ones. And if you add the URL of the original thread every moderator would really appreciate it too.
  5. Be like Echoseven, said the TouchArcade Bot.
  6. cloudpuff

    cloudpuff Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    lazy layabout
    In the app, if you search for a game using the magnifier thing above the logo, when the game info comes up you can go to the thread by clicking on the comments section, if the comments are zero and you click on it then the a new thread gets started and it shows the first poster as the bot.

    In the past I've accidently done it by tapping in the wrong place when I've been searching for older games and wanting to read reviews but not for a few months now. Also if the comments show zero it would indicate that a thread does not already exists , which isn't always the case as when you search the forums there are threads for games but that arnt linked to the database thing, hope that made sense.

    It'll be a mixture of people clicking by accident and users thinking a thread doesn't already exist. It's just a theory but Could it be possible there's a lot of new users who have come to ios over Christmas and then joined this forum and could be searching around to read about older games, I personally don't mind cos I've found loads that I dont already have as I only got my fist device 6months ago so these old games are new to me, but I get how it be annoying if you've been here for a while. Is there a cut off for the age of a game before a thread can be started?

    Wonder if it's possible for to lock threads being started on games once they reach a certain age, so if you click on the zero comments a pop up will appear or something.
  7. Thanks for the explanation Cloudpuff!

    Wow, this post seems to have helped a little, instead of 15 new threads of old games the other day, and 5 new threads of old games yesterday, today there is only one made by Vovin of Sleeping Beauty X.

    Old thread

    So at least there seems to be some improvement already.

    What you mentioned about having a general guideline of not being allowed to make threads older than a month after release maybe a good idea for the toucharcade bot or fixing the app so people don't accidentally make new threads of old games.

    It just seems lately the iphone forum has been flooded with old games, and also a trend to post every single new listing regardless if they are junk or not. Not trying to discourage people from listing new threads, but there are countless releases of junk games everyday especially freemium ones now. Maybe people can take the effort to try the games before posting or doing searches to make sure there are no duplicate threads already.

    Sure, it takes a little more effort, but I do think it will increase the readability and interest in the iphone gaming forum, rather than it just having alot of threads with zero or hardly no responses.

    Plus it takes alot of effort for the mods and users to delete the duplicate threads, so try generally to do searches to make sure there are not old threads. Thanks.
  8. PeteOzzy

    PeteOzzy Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2013
    Norwich, England
    There is nothing against the rules about posting for games that are old Connector. Otherwise, we'd have all missed out on some great games, most recently that happened with Flappy Bird.

    Plus trust me, not every new release had been posted - there are hundreds every day that don't get threads, just because you aren't interested in them doesn't mean someone else isn't. You also can't assume people haven't played the games they're posting.

    I agree with your sentiment but some of the points you're making are a little skewed towards your own opinions. People make mistakes, we should be encouraging anyone willing to add to the community
  9. Sorry, I know you were the one who posted about 10 old threads the other day, and I am not trying to discourage you from posting old games. My comments are a little more global in nature, in that the iphone forum is just getting flooded with duplicates, old games, tons of threads that have no activity, developer shills, etc.

    This is not aimed at anyone in particular or trying to mandate only new games for threads. But please consider what effect it is having on the forum for so many threads with little activity or duplicate threads from the past. I realize too there seems to be some issues with the toucharcade bot, which probably can't be changed. And the TA forum search function is very difficult to use.

    I realize the effort it takes, I used to be one of the main starters of new threads in the price reduction forums and realize the time and effort it takes. I am not trying to discourage members from posting new threads, just to take the effort to search for old threads before they post, if it is an old game to post a note that it is and why it is worthy of consideration now, that developers don't shill by constantly reposting the same game, and if a game is freemium, maybe downloading it first to see if it is worthy of the time to make a thread.

    Anyway, there are other options for getting attention for old games. There are many threads in the general gaming forum that can be used first to see if there is any interest on a game before starting a new thread that may not get a single response.

    It also creates alot of work for older members and moderators alike to report and delete alot of the duplicate threads. Also, it just isn't healthy if so many threads are coming up with zero replies and filling up the iphone forum.

    I'm not trying to discourage people from posting new threads, just to try to bring this up to make things better and the forum easier to read on a whole. A thanks do go out to people that are making an effort to post new listings. Thank you. :)
  10. cloudpuff

    cloudpuff Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    lazy layabout
    #10 cloudpuff, Jan 26, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2014
    I mentioned the blocking new threads via the bot for whatever the cut off point is because I was under the impression it wasn't allowed, I don't wanna get in trouble and thought a block would clear any confusion. is there a cut off point? I've not read the rules tbh, I think a month seems to soon in my opinion, a game is still new after a month, games older than a month still get reviewed on the main page. I think if there had to be a stop, 6months is more reasonable.
    I actually don't mind, and even if a game isn't my cup of tea then I still like reading people's excitement and enthusiasm, esp the regulars. I understand the sifting through junk or threads not interesting to indivuals can be tedious but I find it quicker to sift through stuff here than the hundreds of new stuff on the AppStore. There's several members who post stuff I'd never try, but because I respect them I'll try. Flappy bird being one of the most recent examples.

    There needs to be clearer rules on this I think. Everyone uses the forums differently but I just like reading about, discussing and playing games, be they young, old, paid,freemium and good and bad.
  11. No, I don't believe there is any cutoff point. The cutoff was only suggested for the bot to help prevent the accidental listings, not as a general policy.
  12. #12 Connector, Jan 26, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2014
  13. Echoseven

    Echoseven Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 19, 2011
    The red Skittle
    For the record, making posts via the touch arcade bot isn't completely anonymous. If you're reading this, we can find out who you are.

    There won't be any restrictions on the bot because there is no reason to stop people from doing whatever they want. A blanket measure like that would do more harm than good. Just flick us a report if you see the threads and someone will deal with them.
  14. Good job Echoseven and actually everybody, the first 3 pages now are looking alot better, no dupe threads or zero post threads. Looking much better. Thanks all.
  15. Well, maybe I spoke too soon


    Some of these look old, but getting tired looking for their old threads. Sigh. :eek:
  16. New England Gamer

    New England Gamer Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 30, 2009
    Look for the old threads and report them with the link or ignore them. Several mods have told you the same thing.

    And yeah Connector, we got it - you are annoyed. But that's not a reason to get all upset and post all the screenshots.
  17. I'm not that upset, I was just trying to help. The screenshots just showed what has been happening alot lately. But maybe you are right, it is better to just ignore them.

    Please lock this thread per my request. Thank you.
  18. New England Gamer

    New England Gamer Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 30, 2009
    Helping would be reporting the threads that are problematic with a link to the duplicate thread in the report.

    Why lock the thread?
  19. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Agree. Wish people would just report threads. Writing little comments in those threads simply makes them appear at the top!

    Don't reply in threads like that, just report them
  20. Ok, please just close this thread, thank you.

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