How do you get your game reviewed?

Discussion in 'Public Game Developers Forum' started by Edge, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. Jacky

    Jacky Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2013
    Hi Sir, I have sent you an email, please have a look at your early convenient. Thank you so much.
  2. metekamil

    metekamil Active Member

    Feb 22, 2013
    Your welcome! :)
    Please try sending your e-mail again and mark the subject as "App review".

  3. There are many site providing blogs, were you can write article about the releasing game and we get reviewed from the game lovers or else you can submit to your game to the popular site were you get lot of views...
  4. ScotDamn

    ScotDamn Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 8, 2013
    Wireless Sales
    Happy Daddy
    Some really good advice here, guys!

    Here is my take:

    I've listened to pretty much every podcast by TA in the last year and I've heard on more than one occasion that Eli wants to be emailed in order to be considered for a review.

    That being said, I believe it all starts with making a good game. If it isn't good, the best contacts in the world won't help, I don't care if you're best friends with Eli or other review sites. Once you have a good solid game, post it in the forums here. You can either offer promo codes or not, but if the game is compelling, or engaging, or just worth peoples time, the thread WILL catch steam and snowball. The reviewers here take notice when threads become large or engaging. It also becomes one of the "Hot Games" once you get a certain amount of activity and that doesn't mean it has to be a ton of replies, I think it's more about frequency of replies once it hits maybe 5 or 10 total but this is only based off from what I have seen.

    Remember that (especially in the forums) gamers are always on the lookout for good games to play. If you fail to get attention here or anywhere while making a reasonable effort, chances are your game just isn't clicking, is too generic, or just plain sucks.

    It's tougher to get feedback for a potential winner of a game but just isn't clicking because people tend to quickly move on thanks to the nature of the App Store and sheer volume of games available. It's like ADD with App Store games. :)
  5. artcue

    artcue Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2011
    Gamedeveloper, Co-Founder of Artcue
    Vienna, Austria
  6. punk567punk

    punk567punk Member

    Oct 11, 2013
    I used one paid-review site to promote my new-released app.that is quite good.
  7. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    #27 psj3809, Oct 11, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2013
    I avoid any pay review sites as i simply dont trust them. If you pay a site money to review your game i'm positive you'll get a much higher score than you would normally. They want your money, if they give your game 1/10 you wont go back there. Give your game a good score and you'll want to use them again.

    Theres certain sites i trust, many i just like reading and dont take that seriously. I tend to look at youtube videos and make my own mind up or judge peoples opinions on a thread for the game

    But pay review sites ? Hell no. They're about as believable as itunes reviews where so many seem fake

    I've also started deleting apps which start nagging me for reviews. The worst are twitter/facebook nags. Why do i want to do your marketing for free and annoy my friends/family with some cheesy line about a game ? Weird.

    WHATEVER you do dont create fake accounts to praise your own game, we see that all the time, some new game appears, must have taken them some time to create it as it looks great etc, but then they ruin it all seconds later by creating a new account, posting a shill post saying 'hey great game looks great' and they both get banned or put in time-out here. Unbelievable !
  8. punk567punk

    punk567punk Member

    Oct 11, 2013
    will that cost a lot of money>???
  9. punk567punk

    punk567punk Member

    Oct 11, 2013
    I am just curious whether you are a developer or reviewer?

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