Grid autosport coming to iOS - Feral Interactive

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by stelph, Mar 7, 2017.

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  1. Boardumb

    Boardumb Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 14, 2009
    Sacramento, CA
    Well you're going to have to keep waiting I'm afraid. Games with cutting edge visuals are expensive to create, and more importantly than that, are not practical on a mobile device with extremely limited battery.

    With an audience who complains about prices even as low as $5 and with no major battery technology breakthroughs on the horizon it makes absolutely no sense to make a game pushing the hardware limits of an iOS device. If graphics are the most important thing to you then you should be gaming on console or PC.

    P.S: You have posted 35 times in the past year, fyi.
  2. Jamesrooney27

    Jamesrooney27 Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2014
    You answered the troll thought by now you give up with them lol ;) he must be trolling as there too many good games
  3. fulcizombie

    fulcizombie Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2011
    And 1, 36. That makes it three per month. Oh and there were tons of games up until 2013 , that emulated console games on iOS very well on much lower specced iOS devices than the ones we have today .
  4. stelph

    stelph Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 16, 2016
    I also don’t agree that serious gaming is dead on iOS, I don’t think of serious gaming as just having top quality graphics it has to be an excellent game – look at Zelda: Breath of wild for example which is universally praised (and remember that iOS is getting Oceanhorn 2 which has a similar look!)

    The Total war games may not be a photo realisitic as the more recent games on PC, but its an amazing achievement that a game that needed a fairly hefty PC back in the day is now available on a handheld – GRID is even more impressive since its basically an Xbox 360/PS3 game that you can carry with you.

    I do agree that AAA gaming has lost its way somewhat after it had started well with Xcom and the like, and I would like to see more AAA games ported across (particularly a FPS like Black for example) – but its crazy to say no good games are released, perhaps no games you are interested in?
  5. tide

    tide Active Member

    Oct 19, 2014
    "are not practical on a mobile device with extremely limited battery" not on some android devices like huawei mate series and xiaomi's Mi max Nintendo's switch has proven battery life isn't a major con for portable gaming devices and its harder to find power packs for the switch as compared to android and iOS devices
  6. stelph

    stelph Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 16, 2016
    Agree - the ipad can run rings around the switch in terms of battery life so theres not really any reason why high quality graphics wouldn't work - plus remenber that games coded for one mobile device can be coded for others, I have already seen several ex iOS high quality games go to switch and do quite well which will have opened up even more revenue streams without a huge amount of work.

    Back on topic, is there any news on autosport?
  7. ellie_feral

    ellie_feral Well-Known Member

    Nothing new to share just yet. We want to show you something cool from an iPhone or iPad, but... the devices keep being snagged by our game design team, for some reason. ;P
  8. lva

    lva Active Member

    May 25, 2017
    sad thing
  9. lva

    lva Active Member

    May 25, 2017
    i hear about real racing will bring F-e and New York racing track.hope the grid willrelease soon and surprised me.
  10. Boardumb

    Boardumb Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 14, 2009
    Sacramento, CA
    Well building your game around two very specific types of Android devices is a sure fire way to have your game fail.

    Yes, high quality graphics can and do happen on iOS devices. I'm not saying they don't. I'm saying it's not practical. The Switch gets 3 hours of battery life running a game like Zelda or Mario Kart, full 3D high end games. That MIGHT be acceptable for certain people who only use their iOS device as a gaming machine, and can plan for that situation. Unfortunately, iOS devices aren't just gaming machines, they're designed for hundreds and thousands of tasks and are meant to meet the needs of millions and even BILLIONS of people. Someone who uses their iOS device for work, or for personal use outside of gaming, isn't going to be stoked that a game they played for 30 min just tapped out half their battery and they're out and about and won't be near a power source for the rest of the day. Situations like that are extremely common. When you buy a Switch, you know that it's designed first and foremost for playing games, so even if it dies while you're out it's not like you can't make calls or texts or look up directions or do the millions of things people need their devices to do.

    Again, I'm not saying iOS hardware isn't perfectly capable of great visuals, or that some games don't go for that approach. But "hardcore" gamers are just a tiny sliver of the overall market iOS devices are aiming for, so putting all your resources and betting it all that there's enough people inside that tiny sliver who are going to be ok enough with getting really shitty battery life that they'll fork over money for your game is a very bad business plan.
  11. stelph

    stelph Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 16, 2016
    Well if its for more game development then that's no bad thing, with the Rome:Total war expansions and GRID coming you're up to some good stuff at the moment - keep it coming!
  12. stelph

    stelph Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 16, 2016
    Totally agree with all your comments, but interesting that I come to a different conclusion - there are the drawbacks that there are for using your smartphone as a gaming device but there are ways to resolve them (i.e. a bettery pack), and games consoles have their own drawbacks (cost, having to carry another device) etc.

    I agree that the hardcore market is slim but then remember that's a slim % of a colossal market - iOS is thought to be around 1 Billion around the world, with 30% phones being older than 3 years - if only 1% of that market was "hardcore" that's still 7 million, almost 3x the number of switch devices sold
  13. F34R

    F34R Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2012
    Very interested to see how the visuals and performance scales depending on devices. I'd really like my iPad Pro 10.5 to be pushed.
  14. ellie_feral

    ellie_feral Well-Known Member

    Cheers. :]
  15. Admiral Bison

    Admiral Bison Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2016
    Take your time Feral, no pressure to rush (from a gamers perspective anyway)
    Your games are done well, ooze quality/value and always help tide mobile gamers over for the next games.

    My iPad + Gamevice is ready.
  16. ellie_feral

    ellie_feral Well-Known Member

    Thank you. :]

    Also, a few folk on TouchArcade have requested cockpit view in the game. We can confirm that this is happening; here's a tweet with a GIF.
  17. Karl Schmidt

    Karl Schmidt Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2011

    Will grid also support ipod touch?
  18. ellie_feral

    ellie_feral Well-Known Member

    We don't have any info on that right now!
  19. redribbon

    redribbon Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2010
    looking great! wish you can share more every week while we are waiting :)
  20. ellie_feral

    ellie_feral Well-Known Member

    No promises on every week, but we'll see what we can do! Stay tuned.

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