What happened to foxtube video player?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Koalachlamydia77, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. Koalachlamydia77

    Koalachlamydia77 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2012
    I was meaning to re download foxtube video player but found that a tab reading "not available in U.S. AppStore" popped up. Does anyone know what happened to it?
  2. Greyskull

    Greyskull Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2009
    Photographer/Social Sciences adjunct/sweet sweet l
    Fort Lauderdale
    Don't know, but it usually means it's still available under the same name in another appstore. This is something Apple has got to fix. Seriously. With all of the problems I've been having, between iTunes, the Appstore, Apple's unwillingness to up the storage space/add a microSD slot/reduce the price of storage increments, and developer/publisher hijinks, I'm getting awfully tempted to change platforms when my contract is up. Sure, I have a massive app collection...I would keep my legacy devices. Maybe buy a Nintendo handheld or a Vita.

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