Iron Knights. Add friends and find recommendors

Discussion in 'MMO Codes and 'Add Me' Requests' started by dbagga84, Aug 3, 2014.

  1. dbagga84

    dbagga84 Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
    Hello everyone, I didn't see a post for Iron Knights so I'm making one . It's a fun action RPG and it's free to play. It's kind of like that new game Kritika but better in my opinion. There's an invite friends tab and inside there, there's a green button where you can add someome as your recommendor. I'm asking everyone who reads this and plays to please add me as their recommendor. If I get 10 then I receive a 5 star fighting unit to add to my party, when you add me you receive a ticket that gives you a random fighter unit for your party as well so we both win. Please. Try the game then add me as your recommendor. My name in the game is DBagga. I appreciate your time and efforts, thank you.
  2. dbagga84

    dbagga84 Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
    Come on , someone's gotta be playing this game. I'm gonna keep posting random messages to keep this topic at the top!
  3. Riffvomit

    Riffvomit New Member

    Jun 23, 2014
    ADD ME!!! RiffVomit


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