Universal Heroes Call (by Defiant Development) [Universal]

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by klicktock, May 30, 2012.

  1. Vovin

    Vovin 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Nov 28, 2009
    #61 Vovin, May 31, 2012
    Last edited: May 31, 2012

    Look around on the internet, dozens of statistics prove that the freemium model spills more cash in the devs wallets than a regulary priced game without IAP. Mostly you need only the payment of 5-10% of the freemium app users to be more successful than selling it only one time. Pocket Frogs was another successful freemium game which earned lots of cash.
    That's why more and more people go for freemium.
    Most touchArcaders might be resistant to this freemium model - but the regular or casual user simply doesn't care. Look in the Mon Towers thread - some people have no problems to put out 25$ at once for in-game goods. Applies to lots of other games, too.
    Zynga's online poker is another good example. Thousands of people spend 10$ on a regular monthly base to play. That means heaps of cash for Zynga, just for providing service and selling virtual money.
    It's also partly the fault of the cheapskates who refuse to pay more than 1-2 bucks for a good game.
    Yesterday, I read in the forums the post of one guy who was happy that he has a free game now and is 'hoping that he can have a lot of fun without buying anything'... well, any further comment on this is just a waste of time.
    Just don't always blame the devs for using freemium, blame the people for being cheapskates. At the moment, freemium is what fills the devs fridges.
  2. Alex DeLargest

    Alex DeLargest Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2010
    No, stating one's principles is not a waste of time. Also, your comment served simply to illustrate Gabrien's point.

    Premium games are designed to encourage players to want to spend money to experience the game. Freemium games are designed to encourage real money expenditures in order for the player to spend less time in the game. This perversion is destroying traditional game mechanics and making fools of those who literally buy into freemium.

    Why would you invest time playing something designed not for escapism or mastery, but for cynical exploitation? Why would you pay to have less time invested into something that is ostensibly a recreational pursuit to begin with?

    That these questions even need to be asked illustrate Gabrien's comments regarding integrity, self-respect, intelligence, and principles being in short supply.
  3. RecoZG

    RecoZG Member

    May 17, 2012
    The game is out in the US iTunes store. Have fun. :)
  4. chaos_envoys

    chaos_envoys Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2011
    Medical Doctor
    Pokke Village, Indonesia
    even the appraisal needs time? OMG..
    I'm really enjoying playing the game, but the design feels too restricted..
    level up by clearing quest is a BAD thing, because the quest needs time to unlock.. really annoying..

  5. badmanj

    badmanj Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2009
    Software developer
    Reading, England
    I would prefer Freemium didn't exist but it's here to stay so I guess we live with it or boycott games in the hope we will spark a revolution!

    For me, I can live with some of it... But not with the time delay to accomplish things unless you pay money. For me, I hit this and I'm told I have to wait or pay, I just close the app, move on to another game and get addicted to that one instead. No DEV will hook me on their game by encouraging me, with their Freemium model, to go off and do something else instead!

  6. aceyprime

    aceyprime Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
    Really enjoy the gameplay itself - very well executed overall though the overall speed could use a little boost. However...

    Defiant: please, please consider a one-time IAP to remove wait times. I would GLADLY pay $5 to be able to enjoy the game without waiting. Triple Town had a similar IAP to remove the wait needed to get more turns and I think that turned out well for them.
  7. chaos_envoys

    chaos_envoys Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2011
    Medical Doctor
    Pokke Village, Indonesia
    I would pay $9.99 to remove all the waiting!!
    really a good game without the waiting!
  8. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    I spent most of my youth playing games designed for cynical exploitation: they were called "arcade games.". Yes, every single one of your faves, every single game that you remember fondly, was designed to extract as many quarters out of you as possible. (Don't believe me? Listen to Miyamoto speak about his career at Nintendo before consoles -- even the freaking saint of gaming wanted to rip you off ;).)

    And, of course, the console busines is rife with cynical manipulation, from preorder bonuses to yearly sequels to console exclusivity to pre-release DLC to silly-content-to-justify-$60-for-a-6-hour-campaign, monthly subscription fees, real-money auction houses, etc. Video games didn't become a huge industry by playing nice: they did so by extracting as much cash as possible from 15 year olds. Call it reprehensible. call it capitalism: it's the nature of this all consuming hobby that we know and love.

    The real question is whether you are getting enough value for your money. Games like FarmVille and Mafia Wars are compulsion machines that provide no joy whatsoever. A game like War of Warcraft (which exploits some of the same psychology as Zynga) provide you with enough content and invention to justify its insidious business model). As far as I'm concerned, Heroes Call has provided me with great value for the amount of money I've spent on it ($0). Am I annoyed by the wait-time system? Absolutely. Do I wish that the developer allowed me to circumvent it with a one-time payment? Of course. But to make this a moral issue or "a matter of principle" is very silly, not to mention tiresome and, frankly, annoying. And I have to say, as much as I appreciate Gabrien's contributions to this site (and I do), the way that he and other anti-IAP ideologues keep derailing these forum threads is getting really, really old.

    Now, I'm not saying that a game's business model does not merit discussion. But a productive conversation should focus, IMHO, on value, not knee-jerk reactions or ideological posturing.
  9. Gabrien

    Gabrien Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2009
    This might surprise you, but I can actually see your point. I will take issue with "posturing," but have readily admitted to being an idealist in the past. (I don't see it as a shortcoming.) Even as far as posturing goes, I only take issue with it being used as a blanket statement, as I am sure the shoe fits on some occasions.

    I do want to say though, that there is a very specific purpose to my anti-IAP statements, aside from whatever moral forces cause me to speak out: it is the only way I know to facilitate change. I want developers to be aware that a decision to include IAP in their titles will lose them a percentage of sales. That it is not a risk free decision to be made lightly with no consequence. The more people speak out (and follow through) the more significant the impact will be. That isn't complicated at all. I've noticed a significant rise in the last few months in the numbers of people speaking out against the worst kinds of IAP, and, I don't believe coincidentally, a significant swing away from these kinds of IAP from many developers.
  10. Card

    Card Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    Toronto Canada
    Agree, a "no wait-time" IAP is much needed.
  11. sladeums

    sladeums Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2012
    Omaha, NE
    This looks really good !
    From the sound of things though, I won't bother to download it.

    Devs, please consider a one-time purchase to do away with the timer and I'll be there.

    Passing on this for now...but will keep it on my watchlist.
  12. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    I think that the more we can speak out about specific issues -- rather than blanket indictments -- the more impact we will have with developers and publishers.

    And I agree: "posturing" was pretty harsh. My apologies.
  13. awp69

    awp69 Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2009
    Greenville, SC
    To add to the IAP discussion, I'm one of the people on this board who frequently posts anti-IAP sentiment. I HATE IAPs. I'd much rather pay for a game upfront.

    So, maybe I'm a bit of a hypocryte for playing this game, but it is a really good game. While the wait-time thing is extremely annoying, I'd rather deal with that than the many games with consumable IAPs (the worst of the offenders IMO).

    In actuality, unless they come up with a one-time non-wait IAP, I'm going to be one of the this dev's worst customers because I refuse to continually spend IAPs just to reduce wait-times. I'm just going to play and put it aside. So in some ways I'm sticking to my "principle" and do wish this was a premium on-time investment.

    Still, it's a great game and one that I've been wanting for -- a Diablo-esque game on my iPhone. So I'm going to suffer through the wait times (have plenty of other games to play) unless they make a decision to add some kind of unlock IAP to get rid of them.
  14. jeffyg3

    jeffyg3 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2010
    #74 jeffyg3, May 31, 2012
    Last edited: May 31, 2012
    It's a good game. I actually don't mind waiting for the next quest. I just play this game in between my other games so this game doesn't get as stale as it might have been if i kept on playing it. I'll never support this kind of IAP model though.

    Kind of sad a lot of devs can't make enough on games they have to resort to this kind of model to try to make money.
  15. sakinnuso

    sakinnuso Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2010
    This is everything that needs to be said. Well done, sir.

    Back to biz model: a premium priced 10.00 IAP-free alternate version would be fantastic. Giving people the option should be- financially - the best of both worlds for the dev, right?

    Also, A speed boost in animation wouldn't hurt either.
  16. GeekyDad

    GeekyDad Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2012
    Games Journalist
    Hmm...well, only played a little bit thus far, but I love the controls, love the gameplay, love the loot. Not sure it's the Diablo clone I've been looking for, but I'll definitely be spending more time with it to find out.
  17. awp69

    awp69 Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2009
    Greenville, SC
    #77 awp69, May 31, 2012
    Last edited: May 31, 2012
    Hope morganj returns to the thread (and hasn't been scared away). Be nice to hear one of the dev's thoughts on whether something like an IAP for getting rid of the wait times would be a possibility.

    For those wondering, again I haven't played a lot yet, the game's difficulty does go up quickly by quest 4. I found the first three quests very easy. But by time you get to the four people you're supposed to kill in the fourth one, it's not easy anymore.
  18. callmericardo

    callmericardo Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2011
    Can you replay old missions and grind for gold while you wait for the new one to unlock? That doesn't seem so unfair if that's the case. Bullet Time is a grindfest and I enjoy that.
  19. frisbee10461

    frisbee10461 Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2012
    Fantastic Game + One Suggestion

    Hello, all!

    I think Heroes Call is a fantastic game. It has many elements of which I am a huge fan, and it definitely takes me back to my Diablo days.

    However, the time lag is a bit much, especially as you ascend to higher levels. As an example, I am a level 7 character, and now, my wait time between dungeons is one hour.

    What about capping the maximum wait time at 15 minutes? This gives the player enough time to purchase and swap equipment.

    Aside from that, the game is terrific. Also, for the person who wrote that the game is too easy, wait until you get to the ogres. They are tough :)

    Just my two cents,
  20. GeekyDad

    GeekyDad Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2012
    Games Journalist
    Yeah, you can replay quests through the guild.

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