iPhone Venice Mystery

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by goiMot, Aug 24, 2010.

  1. BazookaTime

    BazookaTime Well-Known Member

    Really polished game with excellent touch controls. Very fun.
  2. gamgo

    gamgo Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2010
    Just a quick info:

    We submited a Venice Mystery FREE LITE Version to the AppStore. Status is Waiting for Review. Will keep you updated. Stay tuned.

    The Lite version has 4 normal levels, 1 secret passage, one painting to solve and one clock puzzle to solve to unlock the secret passage.

    We think its a good way to check out the game. :)
  3. silent genius

    silent genius Well-Known Member

    Good news as I've been tempted to buy the game but couldn't be sure I'd like it in the long run. ^^
  4. pluto6

    pluto6 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2009
    For anyone that has been playing this - I have a question.

    The combo system - how does it work? Is from rapid matching? THe help screen seems to indicate either rapid tapping of tiles within your pick pile, or perhaps rapid tapping of the same tile design within your pick pile.

    I have tried all ways of getting combos- maybe I am just being slow, it is certainly possible, but I can't figure out what I need to do, or am doing wrong.

    Lastly - what is the "Lion Combo" that is on the scoring screen? I always have a 0 in that column, and I can't find any reference to it.

  5. ataloss

    ataloss Well-Known Member

    Took me some time to work this one out as the instructions are not so clear. Choose a tile from your row at the bottom, and then quickly tap all the matching tiles in the game area. Let me know if this works out. :)

    As for the Lion combo, well, I think it comes from matching a large number of tiles but I've not really had the time I want with this game. Damn shame because it plays wonderfully and hands down beats anything that could have come from Dan Brown's imagination ;)
  6. gamgo

    gamgo Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2010
    Thanks @ataloss for explaining - here are more details on the combo lions:

    You habe to tab on the same tile that you picked from your dock. So when you picked a red tile with a green pattern. You have to tap on all of those tiles on your playfield fast to get a combo.

    The Lion Combo number is the number of combo lions you collected. Each combo has a different number of combo lions.

    Here is a list of possible Combos:
    4 Tiles taped = 1 Combo Lion collected
    5 Tiles taped = 2 Combo Lions collected
    6 Tiles taped = 3 Combo Lions collected
    7 Tiles taped = 4 Combo Lions collected
    8 Tiles taped = 5 Combo Lions collected
    9 Tiles taped = 6 Combo Lions collected
    10 Tiles taped = 7 Combo Lions collected

    Each Lion gives you 50 points extra.

    Hope this helps
  7. gamgo

    gamgo Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2010
    Btw. we would be really happy if you can write a short review and rate the game on the AppStore! :)

    If there is anyone outside and want to review the game on their website/blog - please let me know and I can send a promo code for the US-AppStore.

    Thanks for your support!
  8. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
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    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    Oh, I know these!

    Combos are hitting several of the same patterned tile out in the field. Counter to intuition, once you've chosen a tile in your hand, you can match several same patterned tiles if done quickly (like tapping on the next match before the currently matched tile has flown back to the rack). So, ideally, try to setup a situation where SEVERAL of the same patterned tiles are free and once that tile comes up in your hand, select that tile in your hand and now as quickly as possible tap all of the matching free tiles of that pattern on the layout. I've had many a run cut short by unknown means (not calling it a bug since I really am not entirely sure how it should work) but most of the time, if I hit them quickly and don't mis tap, I'm all good.

    Those Lion Coins are just another way to reward you for big combos! Basically every step of your combo chain beyond the first three (I think it starts there) earns you an end of level bonus coin. This is in addition to the huge points made by combos to begin with (matching a tile is worth 25, but each successive tile hit in that same match then becomes 50, 75, 100, etc.).
  9. ataloss

    ataloss Well-Known Member

    A review is coming, along with a few others... soon, promise! Oh, and just managed to get 7 Combo lions... those jokers are very useful... ;)

    A quick thought, will this game get any form of endless mode, or global scoring system? I'm just worried that this beautiful game will end one day... :(
  10. gamgo

    gamgo Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2010
    @atalos: Thanks :)
    We are planning a puzzle only mode. So you can bypass the storymode and play all puzzles in one rush. Also an idea -> Maybe with new level sets via InApp Purchase. And Apple Game Center / Facebook Connect integration.
  11. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    Oh thank you thank you thank you!

    I know many love the storylines and can see how that is pretty essential for PC Shareware selling in places like Big Fish Studios, but when playing a highscore game on the iPhone, just give me the straight puzzley action.

    While I see the game supports multiple difficulty levels, how do these different difficulty levels show up on the scoreboard? Do we get to see our best score in each difficulty or do they all share one board? How can Easy and Hard share the same board as I'd assume all of the Easy Mode scores would crowd out the Hard scores (unless the points are appropriately scaled).
  12. pluto6

    pluto6 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2009
    Thanks for everyone for all the help with this. I'll give it a go. I am guessing that the timer starts once you touch a playfield tile, not when you touch a dock tile, but I guess I'll do some play testing.

    That sounds awesome, although I am loving the story mode right now. Once I am done, then having the ability to just play puzzles becomes much nicer as you can have radomization rather than repeating everything.

    New Level sets are always welcome, although I am a small but passionate voice that dislikes IAP. If you are going to do IAP, please do it subtly as it seems that most IAP these days is like Donkey in the opening screen of Shrek DVD - "Pick Me, Pick Me"....
  13. songbird

    songbird Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2009
    LOL, nicely phrased and 1+ :)
  14. ataloss

    ataloss Well-Known Member

    Think “The Da Vinci Code”. Think “Angels & Demons”. Think Dan Brown, and then think about how much better they could have been. Okay, now you’re there, you have about the right frame of mind to play Venice Mystery. Now, many have played the PC/MAC version but not me... so I don’t know how well it compares against these versions and... I don’t care! I’m so much loving the iPad version and although I’ve only managed to get through a few levels, I’m already fearful of reaching the end... :(

    ...yes... that’s right... I’ve finally met a game that needs to be “rationed”. Or, should I be a puzzle glut and just finish it all off in one satisfying and guilt-inducing frenzy? You know that feeling, the final slice of pie or pizza, those last tasty morsels of food on the plate that could be used for tomorrow’s dinner, but... deep inside you, you’re thinking “what the hell, I need it, now”.

    It’s a beautiful game and I’m a little surprised that this thread is as quiet as it is. Wake up iPad owners!!!! Why isn’t this game on your device? You’re waiting for an invitation? Sheesh. Recently I reviewed Mahjong Elements by FDG and loved it (and STILL loving it), but if you want something that’s a little more purposeful and sprinkled liberally with minigames, accompanied with a certain mystique... you need this game. Period.

    In fact these two seem to complement each other - if you have one, you need the other, too!

    Okay... the game revolves around you, being “persuaded” by a secret and ancient organisation, named the Illuminati, to travel around the ancient streets of Venice (via a map), playing through tile-based levels, mingled with hidden-picture style minigames and decoding illustrations to activate a clock. Why a clock? This part got me... apparently the pieces of the clock you gain from finishing key stages of the game are all part of a “Doomsday Machine” that will save Venice from sinking...

    ...seriously though, who was the bright spark that suggested building a city on the water anyway? That’s ain’t Waterworld, y’know...

    ...you’ll be spending the majority of your time with the tiles and the aim is to remove enough of them to get access to a number of keys that signifies the end of a level. To help you, you’ll be given various power-ups that can be found hidden amongst the tiles and to hinder you, you have a time limit which can add a real sense of urgency to the game.

    Scoring is a bit deeper than the regular tiles game - once you select a tile from the dock at the bottom of the screen, then you can tap as many tiles as possible that have the same pattern and colour... do it faster, match more, and you’ll get a higher score. Resulting in “combos” and some form of congratulatory message. But... I think the developer could do much more with this... (see below). As the game progresses, you’re presented with more complex layouts, “tile-locks” that need a matching tile to allow access to what’s below. Very nice.

    What strikes me is that although the game play is a little simple, the presentation of is absolutely stunning - the richness and depth of the colouring on the tiles, the feeling of the entire package as it’s presented to you on the iPad’s screen. Imagine all that imagery from the Dan Brown movies, and then magnify it! You’re part way there... This is another of those games that just screams out quality and should be mandatory on every person’s device. The sound effects are well-implemented, appropriate and give you that sense of old and ancient locks sliding after centuries of neglect, deep and resounding “clicks and clunks” (ala The Mummy and others of this type) ... Once you don a pair of good headphones, bring the screen closer to your eyes, turn off the lights... you get whisked away to some time that is only accessible within dreams or VERY expensive Hollywood effects. Great job - and I can see why many rave about it on more mainstream platforms.
    Also, it’s a game that’s clearly going to be played by many people so you can set up your own profile and avoid messing up someone else’s progress (ahem... sorry baby! that was my fault... :eek: )...

    All in all, it’s a first class game that has a lot, seriously, a LOT of hardwork put into it... wonderful gameplay that just begs out “one more level”... a story that helps to bolster this. Graphically and aurally stunning. What’s not to like? Well, actually a few thoughts came to mind after 5/6 days of playing...

    - Some kind of signal if a level can’t be completed. Right now, whenever my fiancee runs out of possible moves, there’s no message saying this. Nothing. Zip. Zero. Nada...Would be nice to add this finishing touch. Unless it’s just not appearing for us?
    - It’s a very anti-social game, lacking in any form of online scoring that I can find. It’s a shame as once you’ve finished, there’s no real reason to go back. But if this could be implemented and IF the player was allowed to go back and play a prior level, it would expand the game’s lifespan greatly. Please developers, consider this one seriously as I want to play this game F O R E V E R (subtle as a brick, sorry)
    - Music. Great, deep, stirring, mystical, ancient, and after some time, really really annoying. Now, I’m not sure if it’s because the loop is too short (for me) or perhaps there should be a few tracks here and not just the one - but it would be nice to have more!
    - Levels, as briefly mentioned above... unless I’m missing something, there seems no way to go back and try a previous level? Shame, really...

    Some games come and go from people’s devices as they drift on to the next “hot” thing, but this is another of that rare genre; “Keepers”, and for that reason, as well as all I stated above, and for $2.99? I can do nothing less than say...

  15. gamgo

    gamgo Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2010
    Thanks a lot for your great review! Also thanks for your suggestions. I hope we can add some of them to an update soon.
  16. pluto6

    pluto6 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2009

    I was going to quote you, but figured I would only be allowed a few letters if I did. :D Really great review and I agree with you on almost everything. It is a great complement to mahjong solitaire, and even
    makes it fun to skip back and forth between these games. As a comletionist / perfectionist I heartily second having the ability to replay levels. I think Gamgo talked about a puzzle only mode and that would work well also. But, I am thoroughly enjoying this and think it is a great game.
  17. gamgo

    gamgo Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2010
    Good news: Apple requested additional art assets for promoting Venice Mystery on the AppStore. I hope they will feature it.
  18. songbird

    songbird Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2009
    Thats awesome, congrats and well deserved ;)
  19. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    I would hope, otherwise it is a pretty weird request.
  20. ataloss

    ataloss Well-Known Member

    Update - version 1.1

    For those who care, including myself, there's an update :)

    ...and for those who haven't yet bought this game... why not? :p

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