Universal Rewind - A game about going back to the beginning

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by digikhel, Jul 10, 2014.

  1. digikhel

    digikhel Active Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Design, Dev, and marketing
    Bangalore, India
    Take a sneak peek at our latest labour of love. A game about starting at the end, and ending at the start. A game that allows you to choose if you want to play it the easy way or toughen it up.

    Here - we all get to the same destination, we just choose different paths to get there.

    Ladies and gentlemen, I give you - Rewind: http://digikhel.com/games/rewind

    The opening screen

    In-game action

    Sneak peek
  2. copaeci

    copaeci Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2012
    student, writer, reviewer, beta tester
    i wish you can make this different from usual endless runner game, not just different side from side scrolling runner only. I mean usually, the player move from left to right, and you made this from right to left. hope there's something interesting aspect more than that :)
  3. digikhel

    digikhel Active Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Design, Dev, and marketing
    Bangalore, India
    Hey copaeci, it IS quite different - in fact, it's not an endless runner! ;)

    There are a few things we're doing in this game that makes it different. We should be putting out a demo up soon. That should clear things up - hoping that the demo could be used for crowdfunding, unless a publisher wants to pick it up sooner.

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