Character Selection and World Instantiation - Unity Engine

Discussion in 'Public Game Developers Forum' started by fatboxsoftware, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. fatboxsoftware

    fatboxsoftware Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2011
    iPhone Multimedia
    Ormond Beach

    This is an in depth tutorial on setting up selectable characters in a menu, saving the selected character data to a mobile phone or PC/Mac (via PlayerPrefs) and then instantiating that selected character into your first game level or environment. Covers PlayerPref settings, deleting save data for testing purposes, and using save data to disable or enable characters in our worlds. The Mousebutton functionality on collider hits will also work on mobile devices. It is also worth noting that this functionality is not true instantiation, but more similar to an object pooling method (which can be more efficient).

    Download Unity Source Project: (via Dropbox)

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