Is there any apps that you can build/create your own house?

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by Logbone, Feb 18, 2011.

  1. Logbone

    Logbone New Member

    Feb 18, 2011
    Is there any apps that you can build/create your own house? because I really want to buy one and if one of you can make one that would be great because I'm looking for an app that you can create your own house and move it around add walls change colours of things add fish like sharks, fish, etc. And other accessories you would be able to get like something unique and good and if someone makes an app like this with alot of cool uniqe customs like being able to add huge fish tanks and put turtes sharks and stuff and see how there doing and change dimensions of walls and being able to add or upload animals or pictures from things to add to the game would be amzaing and would make alot of $$$ because there would be no other app like this and this app would be unqie and cool but also if there are apps that you can build your own houses or anything please tell me because im desperate for one.
  2. Rylin

    Rylin Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2009
    Any of the Sims 3 apps

    Aside from that, whatever you find searching on the app store is all that's out there at the moment
  3. STYJ

    STYJ Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011
    What you really want is minecraft for the PC . Trust me . It's worth it :) Look at how many minecraft videos are there on youtube .

    edit : from what i remembered , there isn't any very good home building apps .
  4. jxw245

    jxw245 Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
    There both the graal games..but you just decorate the house i think not build it.

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