Game trailer feeback...

Discussion in 'Public Game Developers Forum' started by SuperRockGames, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. Hi,

    I have made a video for a game I am releasing soon.
    Its a points scoring type game that's based on a colour matching mechanic.

    What do you think of the video?

  2. Sorry! Might have posted twice as my first thread seemed to disappear
  3. Alda Games

    Alda Games Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2014
    Brno, Czech Republic
    I kind a donĀ“t like layout of video. Too large screen showing too small gameplay and I could hardly notice text on the left. It was disturbing to read something on left while screen is aimed to centre.

    But the music and game itself seem to be nice to me :)
  4. @Alda Games - Thanks! Some very good points there. I recorded using reflector and used ipad mini size because that's what i have but as you say a bigger size would have been better for the video. Makes sense text should be centre now you say it!! I copied other game play trailers for that but since your eyes are looking at the centre that's where the text should be.

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