Why you like iPhone?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by vinapen, Oct 17, 2012.

  1. Because of the smart outlook, the powerful function? Or just because many others use it?
    I like it for its idea. It always has new ideas that we never think about but we really like
    and need. App Store for instance, this is a new world which detonated the app market.

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  2. Good games, good web browsing, and number of apps.
  3. dombracher

    dombracher Member

    Jul 2, 2012
    App Marketing Consultant
    The fact that you get a product which you know will last 2 years of a contract. When you buy a Samsung, you are desperate for an update at the end of a 24 month contract. With an iPhone, you are still perfectly comfortable with your device's capabilities at the end of the 2 years. I have the iPhone 4 at the moment and am due for an upgrade in a few months, but could easily use this phone for another year or so yet!
  4. Snozberry

    Snozberry Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2012
    I prefer apple handheld devices over competing products solely for the apps, and slightly because of the customization options (there's like unlimited cases and designnyour own cases, more cases than any other phone on the market)
    Also I guess a small part is ease of access.. The little short cuts and stuff ..it's so easy to use..and it's basically the only phone I can actually type on fast, I'm so slow on blackberry but I'm speeding Gonzales on iPhone. But it's mainly then apps.. 85% apps, 5% cases and other products like Bluetooth keyboards etc, 5% easy use, 5% may be social pressure to jizz over apple like the rest of society.

    With my MacBook though i don't use apps, so for that it's probably 60% social pressure/style, and 40% easy to use. (the light up keys are magical, the gestures on touchpad are also brilliant..) it's just all the little things built to help you out and make the price justify-able.
  5. LOLavi

    LOLavi Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2011
    iPhone gamer
    Well I don't have an iPod, but the number of the quality apps, the easy to use UI and the overall satisfaction level I have with it just makes me wanna buy an iPhone
  6. lovegameflash

    lovegameflash New Member

    Oct 17, 2012
    Good camera, good apps, easy and compatible...

    And for me

    iPhone > Android > Windows Phone > Dumb Phone

    I work with them all.
  7. Olga_R

    Olga_R New Member

    Sep 25, 2012
    Marketing Manager
    Omsk, Russia
    I used to think that iPhone is just a toy before I got it. Now I realize that I was wrong: iPhone is a kind of a pocket assistant for me :)
    I use task planners, shopping lists, GPS, social networks, read books, watch Youtube videos, play games, ... and do lots of other things.
    And needless to say, I like its design and interface as it is very easy to use.
  8. nuggetman

    nuggetman Member

    Jul 3, 2012
    Apple doesn't do everything right but what it does do is create a cohesive interface and high quality user experience plus they do a great job packaging everything together into a pretty product.

    When I try to setup Androids, there's always a learning curve as to where configuration settings are between HTC, Samsung, Motorola, Google, and other companies' products.
  9. zeonmx

    zeonmx Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2011
    I have no affection towards phones. They are just necessary things, like TV or internet. I tend to get iphone just because the game developers tend to make exclusive iphone games.

    That's the only reason.
  10. EfratBarTal

    EfratBarTal Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    i like the appstore and the endless stream of new games. :)

    without the Appstore, i'd choose an android device any day.
  11. LuisKey

    LuisKey Member

    Oct 19, 2012
    well,honestly,I don't know the why I like it,I bought the iPhone4s just because all the around friends have one,and all of them told me the machine is excellent .......So I bought it .Before I bought this iPhone4s,I owned a Lenovo android smartphone,honestly,no too much feeling about the iPhone,now my friends are all going to update to iPhone5.........I am confused now....:(
  12. That's ok, haha, a lot of people buy iphones for that exact reason. If it's the hot thing to have, more power to it, until something better comes along.

    Look at the blackberry, it was like crack for a while. And now where is it? :p
  13. JBRUU

    JBRUU Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Me like I-fone because it is cool.
  14. k1lljoy_89

    k1lljoy_89 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    Look out your window.
  15. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Do love my iphone as it has everything i want on it. Dont get me wrong i love my ipod touch (64 gig) but i have to install fewer items on my 16 gb iphone.

    But its so handy having a device with me all the time which...

    a) Is my phone
    b) can use the map feature if i get lost somewhere or need directions
    c) can play soooo many great apps
    d) can read books on it
    e) can read graphic novels on it
    f) listen to podcasts
    g) listen to music
    h) watch videos

    I managed to pick up an iphone second hand as i didnt want to have a huge crazy monthly contract, i know some friends they pay £35 a month (£55) which seems crazy. I've got a low contract as i dont tend to use my phone that much (Just in case i break down in my car or contact friends at the weekend). So i pay £20 a month inc internet which isnt bad

    But the device is still a dream, the ability to do so much, i have a few emulators on it which still amazes me, if you told me as a kid i could have this small handheld device with 1000's of games on it i would be amazed and i still am !

    I'm not an Apple addict as in i dont have to have the latest version, quite happy to be one or two models behind.
  16. oblivionrpg

    oblivionrpg Active Member

    Nov 29, 2010
    Because it is well built, reliable and simple to use. Although I could use at least some customization...
  17. MystikSun

    MystikSun Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2009
    I like iOS for its games and reliability.

    Everything else is Android. Customization <3 I also don't really see the difference between the apps, since they are pretty much the same. The only reason I use a device is for videos, showing off customizations, internet (unlimited data FTW. I can use as much data I want without Verizon slowing my connection :p), email, texting, emulators, Minecraft, and stuff like that.

    However, iOS beats Android in games department, although Android is catching up :p
  18. Som yung gai

    Som yung gai Well-Known Member

  19. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    We don't need iPhones or the App Store, they just make some things easier... but probably also result in billions of man hours of wasted time.
  20. angelia88

    angelia88 New Member

    Nov 7, 2012
    I like iPhone games :p
    Current playing MetalStorm

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