All VersusPad iPhone/ iPad games free for the moment!

Discussion in 'Price Drops, Must-Have Freebies, and Deals' started by Philipp, Jan 12, 2012.

  1. Philipp

    Philipp Well-Known Member

    All Versus Pad iPad and iPhone games are made temporarily free! Enjoy, and if you like a game, please help spread the word and also add a review! Grab them at:

  2. CygnetSeven

    CygnetSeven Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2010
    I wish some more of your games like Spikeball, Roswell, and City Bucks were available for iPhone. They look awesome.
  3. Philipp

    Philipp Well-Known Member

    Thanks Cygnet. I figured the smaller screen of the iPhone isn't very suitable for two-player games... I made these specifically for the iPad. Do you think it's possible to do a two-player-one-iPhone game that's lots of fun, perhaps even better than an iPad version?
  4. CygnetSeven

    CygnetSeven Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2010
    I see your point, I've tried a few, some work and some end up like Twister. Any chance of a one player vs. AI or two player via bluetooth?
  5. Philipp

    Philipp Well-Known Member

    Having terrific AI would be cool, well, I've included a "Training" mode in a couple of the two-player game, but it's just meant to be a small add-on, because I really have to focus on doing one thing right... being just one person responsible for coding/ graphics/ making the music.

    Competing against others via Wifi could be an option, I looked into doing that with the framework I used and may consider that for the future, for all those cases where you don't have a friend around but still want to play.

    But, all my latest projects were single-player games/ apps actually (like Karate Girl Destruction Run), so I'm definitely trying to offer that too. Well, you know, you gave great comments about Karate Girl in the past (thanks again!).

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