Tiny Tower - Tips & Strategies Thread

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by KiddToKmart, Jun 23, 2011.

  1. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    You'd think so, but judging by some of the posts on here it's driving people crazy. I suppose on the same token one might say that putting apartments at the bottom would drive me crazy, 'cause what kind of tower block does that?! ;)
  2. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    Well, there is another factor to consider: staying power. This is a game that will be "finished" over months, most likely several months, and maybe not even then. Getting hung up on min-maxing so many little things is bound to drive most people away that much faster whereas those who just keep at it, not letting a 38 coin difference get under their skin, will perform much better over time.

    As far as a strategy goes, whatever keeps you putting in the most time with the game over the long haul is the best one. You can min-max power game the first 60 floors all you want, but that sort of attack is going to fall flat when you reach the point where even with, quite literally, continuous playing it takes 12 hours just to earn enough to buy another floor.
  3. willb2107

    willb2107 New Member

    Jul 3, 2011
    #203 willb2107, Jul 3, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2011
    Things I Have Noticed, Tips&Tricks

    Hey guys, first time poster here, and I got TinyTower today and loving it (playing two games, one on iPhone one on iPad)

    Anyway, here are a few things I have noticed:


    VIP's to my knowledge have arrived (in a 1hr period that I tested) once every 7-10 mins, or if continuously playing the game (ie. not multitasking) every 8-15 elevator rides (after 8-15 times a VIP should appear).

    Edit: If you accidentally press no when delivering a VIP, then you have to go to another floor, click no, then try to come back. This should work.

    Once you click on a VIP you cannot exit and must deliver them to a floor. So, if you see a deliveryman or celeb, or whatever, do the appropriate action first.

    Find the Bitizen

    These appear around 4 times every 1/2 hour. These are great for easy bux.

    My strategy is NOT to evict people if they don't have a dream job that you have in your tower. Keep them. I tried to evict people without dream jobs in my tower and it didnt work too well. Just keep on using the elevator for people, and stocking up on the biggest stock in each store. (the 3rd one).

    Thats all for now, cya! Feel free to add me. I'm willb2107 on gamecenter.
  4. HLW

    HLW Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2010
    Not true - if you accidentally click NO, just take them to another floor, choose NO, then take them back to the original floor and you will be able to select YES.
  5. gunxsword

    gunxsword Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010
    #205 gunxsword, Jul 3, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2011
    Thanks a bunch for this tip! Will try to confirm this ASAP.

    *Edit: confirmed. I sent a VIP to one floor, clicked no, tried to return and no luck. Sent to another floor, clicked not, checked that he could not return to the 2nd floor, went back the previous floor and the VIP could be dropped off. Repeated this process a few times on various floors.
  6. willb2107

    willb2107 New Member

    Jul 3, 2011
    Okay thanks, I edited my post.

    Also, on another note, which does anyone recommend. I currently have 12 floors and $10K coins, with 30Bux. Should I get the first elevator upgrade? Im currently trying to get a lot of bitizens also, because I removed a bunch.


    *btw I havent done the 50bux for 100K before in the game either. I use to spend it all on hurrying up restocking
  7. Wolfplayer

    Wolfplayer Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2011
    I'm currently at 84 Dream Jobs, 55 Floors, no IAP...

    If you're trying to maximize your income, you should definitely be evicting for dream jobs as its a HUGE source of coins. Don't bother evicting if you're just starting off and only have a few floors, but after a short time it quickly becomes very profitable. You want to be matching dream jobbers not only because of the Dream Job bonus, but because of the 3 bux bonus. Once your tower gets larger, you will be matching more and more frequently.

    Try to keep only 4/5 in your apartment, and have an open space for new tenants as they come. If the new tenant is not a dream jobber, evict him. I only have 5/5 if they are all dream jobbers, and even then if I get a duplicate dream jobber in a less populated apartment, I will evict someone from the 5/5 apt to free up a space.
  8. iPhD

    iPhD Member

    Oct 15, 2010
    Bitizens or Shops?

    What is the driving characteristic when choosing what to build: the skills of the bitizens you have or the job openings available?

    I am by no means a power-user of this game but I am trying to maximize coinage to build faster. I have a few apt openings for bitizens that happen along. I've taken to evicting anyone whose highest skill is a 6. I understand the strategy of moving some bitizens around to restock with three staff and selling that stock with fewer staff.

    But I get hesitant when I have enough coins to build. Should I build an apt and have a few unemployed bitizens with 8s and 9s with no job waiting around for me to build again? Or should I build a shop and then see what skills I need and then build an apt?

    How do you decide what to build?
  9. HLW

    HLW Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2010
    If I have less than 3 unemployed Bitzens I build a new apartment, if I have 3 or more unemployed I'll build a shop, one of the types I have fewer of.
  10. New England Gamer

    New England Gamer Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 30, 2009
    I am sure someone with more experience in calculating out the numbers can answer in a more informed manner than I, but I have a simple formula:

    1 residential floor to 2 shops. In the beginning you will max out on residents but as you progress in levels it will catch up and you will actually need to juggle residents from business to business. Each residence holds 5 while 2 businesses employ 6 so in the beginning you will have empty business openings but higher levels I soon found full residences but open business spots.

    At some point I might have to put an extra residence in there but for now it is working fine - I am in no rush to complete the tower or calculate maximum earnings or anything, so if that is your goal you might want to do the opposite of me!

    As for what categories to choose to build I alternate so that there eventually becomes equal demand across the board.

    Just my way of playing and of course 1 of a 1000 different ways. My advice would be to experiment and find the best way that works for your enjoyment.
  11. iPhD

    iPhD Member

    Oct 15, 2010
    I have 25 floors and only one job opening. The types of shops are balanced. Oh, what to build?

    I am trying to figure out why I like the game. I like restocking and actively engaging, i.e., playing god, with the bitizens. However, when meatspace calls and I have to engage in my own dimension, I want at least a few shops to have enough stock to avoid going dark.

    I think I'll continue trying to balance job openings with apt openings. I'm not looking to finish the game--in fact, I have no idea what that means.
  12. willb2107

    willb2107 New Member

    Jul 3, 2011
    #212 willb2107, Jul 3, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2011
    Elevator VS 100K

    Hey guys, I was wondering, which should i get, the elevator or the 100K cash.

    I currently have:

    12 Floors
    10K Cash
    45 Towerbux

    So is the first elevator upgrade worth it?

  13. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    First, see my explanation of the value of the elevator upgrades here: http://forums.toucharcade.com/showpost.php?p=1810145&postcount=1230

    Then, consider that $100,000 in the long run of playing this game is NOTHING.

    Neither is the 225 towerbux to fully upgrade the elevators.

    If you are playing this game a lot, the elevator will reduce tedium, the cash will buy you a few floors.
  14. Jengajam

    Jengajam Member

    Aug 1, 2009
    Game Reviewer/Creative Lead
    Find that Bitizen!

    Extremely obvious, this one, but here's a helpful way to identify your Bitizens. Dress them up. Give them uniforms at the place they're working at. They do cost a coin each, a lot more if you want colour coordination.

    I gave my Racquetball Bitizens matching green shirts, purple in the tech store, dark red for the game store, glasses on my optometrists and of course, blue shirts on my Mapple Geniuses.

    Made them much easier to find.
  15. Fantastic thread, loads of awesome tips here!

    I never actually thought to evict people if they don't have a dream job. I have about 30 Bitizens I think and not many of them are in their dream job; I just keep adding floors in the hope the right business will appear :D

    Clearly that doesn't seem to be working, but I couldn't possibly kick out the poor little guys. That's just mean! I'm getting a lot of income though, so it's not too bad.
  16. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    Unless you spend ages waiting on the elevator and getting annoyed with how slow it moves, give yourself a floor bump. The second one doesn't exactly move at lightspeed anyway.
  17. Dazarath

    Dazarath Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
    Just to clarify, if you're going to go the route of evicting to find those with dream jobs, you don't need to insta-evict all of them. You only need to evict 1 guy from the apartments which have 5 bitizens. If you have an apartment with only 4 bitizens, but none of them have the proper dream jobs, it's not going to benefit you to evict them all and empty the apartment. Especially early in the game, where you're likely to have very few of the correct jobs, having a non-dream-job employee is still loads better than leaving the spot empty.
  18. The Embo

    The Embo New Member

    Jul 4, 2011
    Some Stats and Tips...woot!

    I'm a fairly new Tiny Tower-er, but, since finding this thread (yesterday), I must admit I've become a pretty awesome one!! :cool: Ha.
    Anyway, my interest was really peeked by the "geeks" sweet enough to chart their gameplay – so I decided to join them in that, and work out a few stats, myself... Hope you find them useful!

    First off, my tower is:
    35 floors, 53/56 dream jobbers, IAP-free, and I'm running a 75 bux elevator. Wahooo!

    The Results
    **Elevator Travelers/Time: Almost exactly 20 passengers per each 10 minutes (over 2hrs). Really almost always 20.
    **Floors Visited: Agreed. It is apparently random. However my stats showed consistent spikes on floors 10 and 30, as well as on 3, 9, and 18... weird. But I only charted this for 1.5hrs (unlike the other info) because I felt fairly convinced, by then, of its randomness.
    __1) Find-That-Bitizen: During active play (i.e., when tapping the screen every few seconds w/out logging out, etc) the mini game launches every 6 minutes. No joke, you can set your clock by this thing.
    However, even if your game is up/running, if you're not interacting with the screen then the mini game can be delayed by 2-3 minutes (or longer, since I didn't sit around to see).
    USE: If one of those precious construction workers should turn up just when you're a few Bux shy of your next 50Bs-for-100,000Cs you can confidently know what the longest possible wait time will be before you can afford that next floor. Just keep fiddling with the screen and you're golden... sweet.
    __2)TowerBux Tippers: A lot has been said about elevator tippers on this forum, so I decided to run two separate tests on the subject (for 2hrs each). For the first test I left one vacancy in the majority of my residential properties (9 of 12), and, for the second, I left most apts completely full (10 of 12). One thing both tests showed was that these tippers always come in groups – meaning, for instance, that if I haven't been tipped in a long time (more than 15 min), but then finally DO get a tip, I will always be tipped again within the next 7 minutes...however, it is usually a shorter bit of time than that: usually 2-4 minutes.
    What DID vary though, was the number of tippers that each 'group' held. When most of my apts. had vacancies, I rarely saw 'tipper groups' larger than 2. However, when my apartments were full, these groups averaged 3 tippers... I once even got a group as large as 5 tippers (but just once, and each was 2m apart). Additionally, there was an average of 26 minutes between groups of tippers...in case you wanted to know ;)
    USE: Having vacancies likely DOES effect your Bux count – but only by an average of 1 Bux per 26 minutes... which is easily eclipsed by getting a single dream-jobber. Another use: if you've just gotten 'tipped' wait around a little before signing out of the game... chances are good that you'll get another Bux, and it will pay off.
    __3)VIPs: These guys are similar to Tippers in that they, oddly enough, also come in groups. However, they only come in groups of twos (at least during my 4hr 'research' on this). During that time, only 1 of the 19 that I charted came alone – groupless – but that may have been a clerical error on my part... :eek: my apologies if that's so... I was charting a bit too many things at times.
    Anyway, with these guys what you basically get is a group of two VIPs (of random type, it seems) every 18-26 minutes, so about every 22m... a variation which could be due to elevator use, I don't know (honestly, this and the Tipper stat could be influenced by my elevator speed--somehow) but, for me, it was reliably within the aforementioned time frame.
    Also, the largest gap I ever had between VIPs in a 'VIP group' was 8 minutes, but the average time was 3m between grouped VIPs... VIP...VIP. ha (sorry)
    USE: As with the Tippers, if you've just gotten your first VIP in awhile, wait for the second one before logging off or (even worse) taking matters into your own hands! They come in twos!!

    Happy to join the geeks... heck, I made mad bux doing this research... :D

    Best All!
  19. andsoitgoes

    andsoitgoes Well-Known Member

    Later in the game I don't think this works as well, at least not for me at 50+ floors.

    What does work better, however, is dressing based on the floor type. Orange for creative, yellowish for recreation, etc. Once I did that, my find the bitizen search was cut down so darn much.

    If they're not in the job, I flip to my aparments and I am done. So darn easy. Maybe not as exciting, but when you've got 100+ bitizens you have to make life easier.

    I still am not sure the purpose of demand. I haven't yet heard anyone confirm what impact it has.

  20. toochunky

    toochunky Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2011
    I assume that it relates to the rate of sales in the affected businesses. If you have 6 Food biz and 5 of the rest, you experience an 80% rate of sales in the Food businesses, until you start evening out the businesses.

    Very difficult to confirm the exact mechanic, but it seems straightforward that this is what is meant by demand. I'm not sure what else it could refer to.

    At higher levels, it's possible that the best strategy is to basically save up enough for all five businesses and build them all at once to avoid the sales penalty. Even at the low levels, I believe it makes sense to build your three residences at once, then your five businesses in a row.

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