iPhone 4 programming

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by MHMZS, Jul 27, 2011.

  1. MHMZS

    MHMZS New Member

    Jul 27, 2011
    Hello people,
    I am a new user here.

    I am interesting in iPhone programming ,

    I bought iMac , iPone 4 and a book which called "Beginning
    iPhone 4 Development"

    also, I watched some videos and projects. I have a background in C#

    who can guide me ? I am really need someone to help me.

  2. Aztlan.Games

    Aztlan.Games Well-Known Member

    Hi there,

    this is great! I am sure that you will have a lot of fun!

    You need two things: 1. an idea for a small project to get started, and 2. while implementing that small project learn to do the programming.

    While I cannot help you with 1. I can give you a pointer for 2. This could be very useful:

    This contains everything you need for a game, assuming that you are into games :D
  3. LyboTech

    LyboTech Member

    Jul 28, 2011
    When I first started learning Xcode programming I bought a book on Amazon which was very useful for basics - and understanding tools, expressions etc. But really, I found it more interesting and I learned a lot more.

    Basically what I am trying to say : Watch Youtube videos, and other videos anywhere, tutorials, tips & tricks etc. It helps alot :)

    Good luck with you programming :D
    Best Regards,
  4. baris

    baris Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2010
    http://www.71squared.com is great, and I would recommend their book also.
    I especially like how the game engine they use completely separates the update / render routines, which had helped make things a lot clearer in my head.
    Cocos2d and UIKit are great for doing common things quickly, but when I was first learning, each one of them confused me about how a game should be structured.
  5. Aztlan.Games

    Aztlan.Games Well-Known Member

    I remember that Apple's developer resources were also very helpful. I did not consume all of them and just used them firstly to get started and grasp the whole idea behind iOS programming and later for the sporadical look up.

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