Spending hours trying to find a quality platform game like Swordigo

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by usskyblue, May 23, 2012.

  1. usskyblue

    usskyblue Member

    May 23, 2012
    ...and failing.

    Is Lostwinds a contender?

    ....or do you have a better suggestion

  2. Royce

    Royce Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2011
    Afaik, there is nothing quite like it. You'll either wind up playing a grindy IAP driven krpg or a decent platformer without the rpg elements. The closest things in my opinion are all really 2.5D or top down action RPGs, but they don't really satisfy that platformer itch that Swordigo does.
  3. injuwarrior

    injuwarrior Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2011
    If you do not need RPG elements, then Lost winds is great (much slower paced,less content, and only one boss fight, but still an excellent game) and you have to look no further than Soosiz also by touch foo and right up there with Swordigo. Also, Crazy Hedgy is an excellent 3d platformer and in my opinion better than Swordigo (exceptionally polished for any platform).
  4. usskyblue

    usskyblue Member

    May 23, 2012
    Thank you for the insight...
  5. Bytebrain

    Bytebrain Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2010
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    I bought Crazy Hedgy on your recommendation, but was a bit disappointed..
    It may very well be a good game, but it's as far from Swordigo as can be, while still being a platformer.

    It's seen behind the character, Swordigo is a side scrolling platformer, which I like much better, but the biggie is that while Swordigo has great on screen controls, Crazy Hedgy only have tilt as an option, which just doesn't work for me as I'm playing all my games on the iPad.

    It's too unwieldy, especially since I have my iPad in a cover with in-built stand.
    Essentially, I play all my games "hands free", never holding the iPad, mostly it's resting on my lap or stands on a table.
    I suspect a lot of people have similar setups.
    Tilt doesn't work with a setup like that, and tilt only rarely works good on the iPad due to its size and weight. It's just not very comfortable.

    If Crazy Hedgy had on screen controls, I would have given it a chance, as it is, it's deleted after five minutes.

    I realize that the game may be excellent, I haven't given it a chance at all, but it just can't compare to Swordigo, they're just too different in premise, controls and viewpoint.
  6. krautboy

    krautboy Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2011
    A really good platformer is Cordy. It's free to try with an unlock from within the game. You might wanna give that a shot,it's just a platformer though,no rpg elements.
  7. usskyblue

    usskyblue Member

    May 23, 2012
    Tried it....didn't like it that much. The controls are way too over sensitive...
  8. usskyblue

    usskyblue Member

    May 23, 2012
    Totally agree. Installed and uninstalled particularly because of the controls. Plus a far inferior game to Swordigo in my opinion...
  9. Habakuk

    Habakuk Well-Known Member

    #9 Habakuk, May 25, 2012
    Last edited: May 25, 2012
    For me the first playable platformer altogether.

    It's simply old. 3D is modern. (Just kidding. Swordigo is great as well.)

    I'm too playing almost all games on iPads and I have NO probs with tilt controls. Racers like Asphalt 6 for HOURS. And I am not a too much athletic type.

    It depends what app I run. But at home it's always naked.

    Lazy people. iPad is not a notebook. Take it, move it, hold it, tap on it, put it here and there, pass it to your buddy, change orientation all the time. Get flexible with your computer. I know it's a new feeling but get used to it and make use of it. Tilt controls are a big new gaming experience with iOS devices. For 3D racers better than consoles if you ask me, esp. the local multiplayer modes.

    I have no such complaints. Works perfectly.

    Okay after four or five hours playing Asphalt (later I stand up from the sofa for using a chair with arm rests) I can feel my arms a bit the next day. But it seems to be kind of healthy.

    Wait for the retina update and you'll can't put it down promised. It's at least as good as Swordigo for me. And I am not alone with this opinion.

    Different and new is not always bad. You are too conservative caro mio.
  10. Royce

    Royce Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2011
    I bought it a long time ago based on a positive response to its release. I played for maybe 10 minutes, realized it would not get better, and deleted. The controls are just some of the worst ever. Tilt only for a platformer? Ridiculous...
  11. DodgerBlue016

    DodgerBlue016 Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2011
    I create awesome paper airplanes that I will sell
    They're the finest tilt-controls I've ever seen on iOS. They work perfectly, especially on an iPhone (haven't tried it on an iPad as I don't own one, but I'd assume it controls just as easily), and let me spin on a dime. On screen controls don't let you spin on a dime with that accuracy, without leaving the spot if I choose to. As far as tilt controls go, they're probly the best out there, and your issue is with tilt controls(which it appears you must hate in all forms) not Crazy Hedgy.

    Now to the OP:
    LostWinds (1/2, though I haven't bought 2 yet) and Terra Noctis for long platformers. [As well as Swordigo, but I'm assuming you own i already]

    League of Evil 2 for a shorter one.

    Crazy Hedgy if you like 3D at all.
  12. Royce

    Royce Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2011
    On screen controls can allow literally everything to be done with more precision. Turn buttons would spin on a dime too ;)
    In a sense my issue is with tilt controls because they are almost universally inferior to other methods, but my issue in a more specific sense was with crazy hedgy for making that it's only option. A lot of games with tilt controls that are as good as they get still offer other options. I can appreciate the graphics and so forth are good but I would disagree that the tilt controls are perfect. I found them a bit counterintuitive.
  13. jjjmedia

    jjjmedia Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2009
    Los Angeles, CA
    Great tilt controls: Tilt To Live and the Dark Nebula games
  14. Bytebrain

    Bytebrain Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2010
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    I realize tilt is a great option for some games, and I love games like Tilt To Live and Real Racing 2 using tilt steering, but platformers, no. At least, a platformer needs to have different control schemes, most games do. Lots of people prefer on screen controls for Real Racing 2, and it's a good thing the option is there.

    As to Habakuk's comment on me being lazy.. :D
    I just like laying on my couch, relaxing and playing a game, without having to move my iPad back and forth and side to side, when I could just as easily used on screen controls, had the developers thought to add those.
    Laziness doesn't come into it, which I'm sure you'll agree with, as I'm suspecting you were joking.. :)

    My point with the post was mostly to warn people who were looking for a game comparable with Swordigo to think twice, and read a few reviews before buying Crazy Hedgy, because it's really nothing at all like Swordigo..

    At all...
  15. usskyblue

    usskyblue Member

    May 23, 2012
    Totally agree.

    While I prefer the D pad control on Swordigo, it was the depth of the game, and the graphics that I liked. I'm not a fan of the retro look games or the crude feel of most role playing games out there. 3d games don't satisfy the platform fan... and the tilt controls on this style of game annoy the c-rap out of me...
  16. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    This conversation has little to do with the OP, so let's either move on or I'll close the thread.
  17. usskyblue

    usskyblue Member

    May 23, 2012
    Close it kill joy
  18. klarence

    klarence Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    You bought Crazy Hedgy and then you deleted it? Oh,you're rich, man.
    For usskyblue, swordigo is pretty meaty, you finished it and now want another one?
    You guys are interesting.:p
  19. klarence

    klarence Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    I'd agree with you, games need different contorl schemes at least.
    I'd ever expect for a controller connect to IOS devices which should be published or supported by Apple.
    But with more good games came out and I then realised touch control is better than what I thought.
    I can play games in the couch and bed without to worry about find a position to stablize my Ipad.
    And if there is a buttoned controller, the multiplayer mode in games would be unfair, because some people use the controller and not everyone does all the time.
  20. russianvoodoo

    russianvoodoo New Member

    May 28, 2012
    #20 russianvoodoo, May 28, 2012
    Last edited: May 28, 2012
    There are only few good platformers on ios.
    I've just found a game that you may find pretty cool.
    Jazz: trump's journey. This game is amazing. It was my number one before i found swordigo.
    There are few other good games in platform genre. Giana Sisters, Soozies, Storm in a teacup, Bean's quest. Try jazz!

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