Anyone else tired of in-app purchases?

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by Beatrice, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Beatrice

    Beatrice Member

    Jan 2, 2013
    Los Angeles, CA
    Am I the only one who is annoyed by in-app purchases? I now check to see if apps have them, and then avoid them. I just want to pay for a game and play it without having to pay more! I don't mind if it's several dollars, rather than the old everything-is-99-cents days. I just want to play!

    Am I alone in this annoyance?
  2. AlexsIpad

    AlexsIpad Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2012
    London, England
    You're certainly not alone, most people hate them. You'll find that most paid apps won't have too essential IAPs, it's th free apps that do. Nobody really likes IAPs but I think there is a lot of money to be had out of it, so don't expect it to go away.
  3. bramblett05

    bramblett05 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2012
    What about added levels and more story like DLC? You don't want more?
  4. Beatrice

    Beatrice Member

    Jan 2, 2013
    Los Angeles, CA
    If there is more content and levels, I say make a whole other game for me to download. Don't taunt me with in-app purchases. I hate 'em! Hate 'em, I say!
  5. AlexsIpad

    AlexsIpad Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2012
    London, England
    No more levels and big content are excusable, but they are usually in free updates anyway. IAPs only annoy me when it is to get an extra gun or something like that.
  6. MeanTuna

    MeanTuna Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2012

    The fact that a lot of users expect more levels and content for free is one of the reasons theres iap in almost every game now. In my opinion more content and levels would be a valid reason for iap, more so than getting coins or purchasing an overpowered weapon/armor.
  7. seyoon

    seyoon Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2009
    East Coast
    One of the main reasons why I lost my interest in Gameloft games. Honestly, many kids can just hack those IAPs if they want to cheat on those games anyway. Sigh. I miss the old-school way of having fun. Yes we can still play and enjoy without those IAPs but no one can deny that the IAP system has muddied the waters of this generation in iOS gaming.
  8. ninjackid

    ninjackid Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2010
    Yup, I can't stand 'em as much as the next guy, but sadly, it looks like they'll be here for a while.

    I do appreciate it when developers don't have them in such an in-your-face obtrusive way, and when you can finish the just fine without any IAPs. They don't really affect the gameplay too much, they're just added special features in case you wanna support the dev. Take a look at N.Y.Zombies 2 for example.

    Now Gameloft has an issue with IAP. Like in Wild Blood or TDKR, I remember certain instances where the game was basically saying "Hey you, go buy some IAPs!" Can't stand it.
  9. AlexsIpad

    AlexsIpad Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2012
    London, England
    I don't see how IAPs bring in more money though. I'm much more likely to pay 69p for a game than get a game for free and buy a 69p IAP, who buys IAPs consistently? In fact, I'm more likely to pay £5 for a game than get a game for free and pay 69p for an IAP haha
  10. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Well its a bit crazy, people seem to be put off buying a game (so many people wait for it to be free) but for some bizarre reason they get a 'free' (freemium) game and then seem to enjoy playing it and then buy IAP's

    Its a sad fact but a lot of freemium games make a ton of money. Like you i would rather spend a few dollars for a game (Or £5) for the full game but the likes of you and me must be in the minority.

    Hence freemium, companies make far more money via freemium. You see it here all the time in game threads, 'the games 69p, i'll wait for it to be free....' ?!?!?
  11. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Pfft. You're forgetting the fact that they can hack games without IAP too.
  12. bramblett05

    bramblett05 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2012
    Like the recent dungeon game
  13. rumbl3

    rumbl3 Member

    Dec 23, 2012
    Detroit, MI USA
    Yeah I hate freemium and not because I don't mind spending money in the shop once in a while. I hate the fact that I have to research and find the formula to what I have to spend to play right.

    Like a lot of f2p mmo's first thing I do is research how much does it really cost to play on say a hardcore level. Usually someone always for every game online has figured out what you need to do to stay competitive at the lowest price.

    I'm personally sick of it lately. Some games I really like baseball superstars etc that your basicly stuck with paying or face being destroyed most of the time over and over again.

    It just sucks now a days. I know people that drop close to $100 or more on IAP for games weekly, INSANE.

    So in the end I don't mind it because games have to make money somehow. I just hate having to sit and research to make sure I spend my money wisely. I also hate when they sell weapons etc in multiplayer games so your forced to buy that $20 dollar weapon of face being completely destroyed.
  14. Appletini

    Appletini Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2011
    I suspect that you're in a minority with that position: the number of people around here who claim, "I'd pay $5 for a game with no IAP rather than $1 for a game with no IAP," is suspiciously close to the number of people who can be seen to state, "$5?! Overpriced! I don't care if it doesn't have IAP, I'm waiting for it to drop to $1 or free!" or be seen loitering around the Price Drop/Promo Code forums latching on to sales or codes for games they claimed they'd pay more for.

    Several years of observation have made it clear that for many iOS gamers, not wanting cheap games with IAP doesn't mean they actually want realistically and fairly-priced games without IAP, it just means they expect cheap/free games that don't include any IAP either, which is neither realistic nor fair.

    I don't go in for consumable IAP at all, and as a rule I ignore many of the free games that pop up in the main forums as they're usually "social city/farm/kingdom builder" types, which I don't find at all interesting even before IAP is factored in. However, there's absolutely nothing inherently wrong with the concept of IAP itself, and it certainly isn't "the devil", despite what Mrs. Boucher might have to say on the matter.
  15. bigrand1

    bigrand1 Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
    Geriatric Party Animal
    California, USA
    I hate it too, especially when I'm forced to buy the IAP to even continue the game at all. If it's just an option and I can earn the same through just playing, I don't mind so much. If some people want to just jump in and get it instead right away, that's fine, but I personally won't. I see these freemium games and simply don't bother with them.
  16. touchten

    touchten Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2009
    As a gamer, I totally agree with you, you want to have fun, enjoy the game and make progress, level up, unfold stories and just have fun right?
    I really gets annoyed when the only offered "shortcuts" are IAPs.

    But as a developer, man we got to pay the bills and IAPs are really tempting...

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