Advertise your game cheap!

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by Getprogames, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. Getprogames

    Getprogames Member

    Oct 4, 2012
    #1 Getprogames, Jan 6, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2013
    mod remove this thanks.
  2. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    I keep seeing these 'send me some money and i'll somehow get your game viewed tons' type posts.

    Firstly theres a typo on your website, not very professional. Then doing a google search for your 'company' theres hardly any mention of it anywhere, so surely anyone sending you money via paypal to yourself, thats a risk ?

    Getting 5 star reviews means nothing, theres tons of companies out there who will give you lots of scam 5 star reviews for not much money at all.
  3. Getprogames

    Getprogames Member

    Oct 4, 2012

    your judging something you have not tried I'm offering a service that i know works your pointing out any error you see i never said I'm a professional and I'm not a massive company I'm offering people more downloads onto there game or application there is no risk if someone pays for a service and it does not work i will issue them with a full refund or they can clearly make a dispute

    im offering this because i have done it myself and for a few others this works so stop judging things you have no idea about.
  4. tofusoup

    tofusoup Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2010
    Game Designer
    San Francisco
    It's hard to believe you because anyone can look at appannie and see the rank of your games.

    Can I guess your strategy? You take the $150, cross promote their game by setting yours to free in hopes of getting downloads for everyone.
  5. Getprogames

    Getprogames Member

    Oct 4, 2012

    the method i use is nothing to do with adverts like i said i have a big attention of audiences with twitter Instagram, youtube and Facebook I'm not going to expose it obviously.
  6. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Its a forum, you'll get different views on things specially if we see another 'give me $50 and i promise you tons of sales....' threads. If you want to run a 'company' you have to take positive and negative criticism. You dont hear devs here getting upset the second some kid moans about their 69p game.

    I could set up a quick website, post on forums saying 'my app had 1000000000 million downloads...., give me $100 and yours can do the same' type of thing.

    I just dont see any evidence of what you can do apart from a few lines of text anyone can add. Talk is cheap, back it up

    If you listed several games with actual credible results showing how much you've improved them then fair enough.

    How do you get 5 star reviews ? I would like to know so you can prove me wrong that theyre not all fake 5 star reviews you pay people to do.

    Looking at your history here you're spamming threads with this 'service' and also bumping your own game thread constantly.
  7. Getprogames

    Getprogames Member

    Oct 4, 2012

    i totally understand what your saying i will get round to this and show some proof thanks for the feedback.
  8. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Dont get me wrong, iOS is exciting, you've done well creating two games yourself so top marks for that, but as for getting money from people to market their games, thats something else altogether.

    Clicking on your youtube channels shows LOTS of comments on other videos which you've spammed about your iOS game. Thats not exactly top marketing is it ? On twitter you have one follower, on the itunes store you have several 5/5 star reviews which look quite suspicious (one guy has given you 5/5 stsar for both games). Along with several 'bump' posts here its not very professional.

    I dont mean to pick on you just we've had a few 'give me money and i can get you 5 star reviews/downloads' etc

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