Blog for your amazing apps that didn't quite make it

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by ObstaBall, Jul 26, 2011.

  1. ObstaBall

    ObstaBall Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2011
    Hi guys,

    As you all well know, there are loads of apps available, some very good, some very bad, and it can be hard to get exposure a lot of the time. I want to try to help do what I can in exposing the very good apps that for whatever reason never really took off.

    I've created a website called One Month Bump (starting life as a free blog) where developers can have their apps posted after having been released for 1 month or more. The post displays an image of the app (a screenshot most likely), a link to buy it and some information on the app. I've created some rules for having apps posted which I hope will mean the best and most deserving apps will be picked. The rules may well need amending over time.

    I know at first that this blog won't offer much exposure, but hopefully over time it will become popular to some degree and be a place were people can find a good app that they may have otherwise missed out on. I intend to publicize the blog as much as I can in every way I think of.

    I am going to try to keep to 1 post a day and 7 posts on the front page, so that each app gets a decent time on the front screen (again this may change as the blog evolves). I will also put a link on the blog's twitter account (and I'll try to add a Facebook account when I get time).

    This is a link to the blog:

    I have posted ObstaBall as an example posting so you can get an idea of what I intend to do. (I know my game doesn't actually meet the rules).

    If any of you guys would like to have you app on the site feel free to use the submission form. Please check that you meet the submission rules (or pretty much meet the rules as I adjust them to optimise the site). Also, I know if your app gets posted at this stage it's not really going to receive all that much exposure to start with, so if the site takes off, I will try to repost the early submissions.
  2. kohjingyu

    kohjingyu Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2009
    Great idea, hope it gets more traffic! :)
  3. ObstaBall

    ObstaBall Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2011
    Thanks kohjingyu.

    It's early days but hopefully it will grow over time and I'll get developers submitting their great games. It only takes 2 minutes to fill in the submission form :)
  4. Photics

    Photics Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2010
    For about $200, you can get a .com domain and two years of web hosting. That might make your project more successful... at least more professional than just a blogspot site.

    It is neat idea and is currently available.
  5. Hercule

    Hercule Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2010
    for even less than 200$, but everybody need to start somewhere.
  6. ObstaBall

    ObstaBall Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2011
    Thanks for the comments and suggestions Photics and Hercule. I agree that a proper website would help and make it look professional and all. I would like to do that. I have done a free blog for now to get some feedback from people/developers like you guys to get some idea about how feasible/worthwhile doing this would be. So far people think it's a good idea though some people on other forums have said it will do little to help.
  7. Arashi541

    Arashi541 Well-Known Member

    My blog is doing pretty good and is quite visible in search engines if you submit it to different search engines.
  8. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2010
    college student, ENG/WGS major
    Lexington, KY
    There are quite a few free hosting services out there. I recommend x10Hosting...they have a very generous free package, including cPanel and Wordpress support. So you can easily get your own site for only the cost of a domain (about $10 a year).

    Or you could just redirect your blogspot, tumblr, wordpress, or other free blog site to a domain. No need to be independently hosted.
  9. ObstaBall

    ObstaBall Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2011
    Your blog looks nice Arashi541. It matches the style of the games you are reviewing. How would I go about submitting mine to different search engines? Do you get a decent number of hits, like enough to keep you pleased with your progress?

    Thanks for the suggestion SkyMuffin. I've noticed that for $10 a year, with blogger, you can have the .blogspot bit removed. Maybe that, and making it look less like a personal blog could work.

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