When you buy a app does the money go directly to the developer or Apple?

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by skeletonlord, Jul 26, 2012.

  1. skeletonlord

    skeletonlord Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2012
    United Kingdom
    As your buying an app, does your money go to Apple or the developer?

    I am wondering this, as I am often buying apps, where does my money go to?
  2. Varking

    Varking Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2010
    Stand Up Comedian
    North Carolina
    Developer gets 70%
    Apple gets 30%.
  3. skeletonlord

    skeletonlord Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2012
    United Kingdom
    So basically, it all goes to the developer? That's good to hear.
  4. JBRUU

    JBRUU Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    A large percentage of it.
  5. Varking

    Varking Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2010
    Stand Up Comedian
    North Carolina
    When Square get you to buy a 15 dollar game, Apple gets 4 dollars and 50 cents, or so. Square gets 10.50.

    On a one dollar game, Apple gets 30 cents. Same goes for IAP.
  6. Rubicon

    Rubicon Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2011
    Lead Programmer, Chief Bottlewasher
    Isle of Wight, UK
    The money actually goes to Apple, who then pay us out once a month at 70% of whatever they took in.

    (That's why the developers can't do refunds directly, we don't have the tools to do it.)
  7. klarence

    klarence Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    I guess even developer itself has no idea how many copies are sold due to Apple control everything?
  8. klarence

    klarence Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    I think Apple got too much, so bad.
    May it's a lot cheaper than tranditional game platform, but IOS device is far from a pure gaming system. They'd already make a lot from the hardware to be the biggest company in the world.
    The company shouldn't grab money from developers any more.:mad:
  9. Tannorexic

    Tannorexic Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2011
    Somewhere in the spiritual realm
    Apple have money overflowing from their anuses. Or is it AnI

    They have no right taking such a considerable slice of developers hard earned money. Developers struggle enough as it is.

    Developers are what makes apple desirable.

    If it wasn't for apps, I probably would have saved myself the money and bought an android.

    Apps and games are probably the number one selling point to apple.
    Apple should not sh*t where they eat.
    Without devs, they wouldn't be as successful.

    Every time they hold an event to announce a new apple product they ALWAYS say "we have this many apps on the AppStore" then compares it to google, etc. It's one of their biggest marketing points, devs are doing them a favor and apple still needs to rob them.
    Alot of devs make one game, then never return, they run far from the hills when they realize how hard it is to even make enough money to cover your basic expenses and game development costs.
    If apple continues the way it is, one day there probably won't be indie devs, the market will only consist of chillingo, game loft, rovio etc pumping out mindless clones yet still getting rich because with enough PR they could sell ice to eskimoes. It's all about PR these days, unique concepts go un-noticed

    Since apple have hoards of cash that even if every employee of apple had unlimited access to apple funds to buy whatever their hearts desire, mansions and boats, lamborginis and Shetland ponies, the money woud never run out, (within reason, ie an employee can't just transfer a trillion dollars into the bank, it has to be spent and you cant be multiples of the same item like hundred mansions etc) even if they bought hundreds of mansions each they'd still probably be an abundance of money.

    Apple should make it's own developer team, made up of the best game concept artists, graphic designers, coders, etc from past big companies like nintendo etc. They should have a team of like 200 people just working on iOS games every day, after a few months of starting a bunch of projects and splitting into teams, they could probably start releasing a game weekly, it'll get heaps of exposure as the official apple game of the week, and they could make high quality, lasting games that would actually attract hardcore gamers to use apple. It'd be hugely beneficial but apple are racist against gamers, they don't give a crap anyway, they'd rather take every other devs money instead.
  10. Varking

    Varking Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2010
    Stand Up Comedian
    North Carolina
    Apple isn't the bad guy...And developers, if they think Apple is evil, can choose to develop a game for another platform. It is the same percentage on Android as well so I guess that makes Google evil, too?
  11. tim240

    tim240 Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2012
    Well said. *Clap clap clap*
  12. SamF1sh

    SamF1sh Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2012
    New Zealand
    No, AFAIK, google doesn't take a percentage out of the devs money.
  13. Hercule

    Hercule Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2010
    Well I find Apple pretty cheap.
    for 30% (+100$ annual subscriptionh) they handle the transaction fee, the customer support, the validation process and the server. They also developp the software for it.
    And when you make a free app, it probably cost them money.

    The problem is that they accept too much crappy/spam app now.
    When user search an app with keywords, they find +99% of crappy app, and 1% good app.
    Of course developper spending at least 2 or 3 month to make an app (more than 12 months for me) are in competition with app made in one day with misleading screenshot...

    Apple still fighting with numbers against google, that's why they accept all types of app, even bad one.

    Until they made a more restrictive selection of app (at least forbide the ones made in one day), and improved discoverability (don't always show the same top 25), the applestore will stay the kingdom of spamer and big corporate.
  14. Hercule

    Hercule Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2010
    Who say google is not evil ?
  15. Rubicon

    Rubicon Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2011
    Lead Programmer, Chief Bottlewasher
    Isle of Wight, UK
    They take 70% of mine.

    (Although their subsystems are so pirate friendly it's probably fairer to say they largely give my games away.)
  16. Jaeff

    Jaeff Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    Selfemployed gamedeveloper
    I never thought about this before but how does apple/google handle currency conversion?
  17. Varking

    Varking Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2010
    Stand Up Comedian
    North Carolina
    Yes they do.
  18. Varking

    Varking Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2010
    Stand Up Comedian
    North Carolina
    On the point about Apple robbing the developers... If Apple didn't make iOS, the developers wouldn't have this market of millions of users to sell a product to. Developers should be thanking Apple.
  19. ednan

    ednan Well-Known Member

    Read this: http://mikamobile.blogspot.com.br/2011/06/android.html
    BTW, nobody forces one to develop for iOS.
  20. plasticcow

    plasticcow Active Member

    before the app store most of us little mobile developers used to have to go through publishers who would take your pants down and spank you for 60%.
    I'm eternally grateful to apple for giving us smaller guys a fighting chance at making a living doing something we love.

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