Universal Galaxy of Trian - tile-based strategy sci-fi board game

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Grey Wizard Innovative, Jun 26, 2016.

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  1. Grey Wizard Innovative

    Grey Wizard Innovative Active Member

    Jun 26, 2016

    We want to brag a little about our game, Galaxy of Trian. It is a digital adaptation of table top board game.

    It is coming out next week - 30th of June!


    In Galaxy of Trian players face a series of battles, competing for galactic supremacy. The single player game mode includes custom matches against AI and a full campaign mode. In multiplayer gamers can engage hot-seat mode, where players all take turns sharing one device. Online play is also available via server mode in which players battle against friends or use matchmaking to challenge other players of a similar level at random to see who is the best strategist!

    Here is a "mood trailer" for a board game

    And here is a short "gameplay" video we prepared for the AppStore

    Some of the features we managed to include with this release:

    * 10-mission campaign
    * Custom Game mode where you can face off against up to 3 AI
    * Network multiplayer
    * Challenge players and be challenged
    * Play in hot seat mode by passing the device around
    * Leaderboard for the best challengers!
    * Achievements to make things more interesting
    * Beautiful hand-drawn tiles
    * Cloud save to allow you to continue on another device any time you need to
    * Asynchronous network mode so you can play even if you don’t have much time
    * Push notifications to let you know when it is your turn
    * Play several games at once if you want to
    * Official Galaxy of Trian game with original artwork

    We are already planning several updates and DLCs! So stay tuned and let us know what are your thoughts!

    Attached Files:

  2. ZS77

    ZS77 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2015
    This looks intriguing, will keep my eye on it once it's released. Coincidently, I just found an article on BGG about its release - it appears they know very little about it.

    Perhaps one criticism I would make is with your App Store gameplay video - it's a bit barebones and doesn't convey the nature of the game very well. Considering there is so little information out there about how the game plays (whether there's any combat, trading, exploring etc), it might be worth spending a bit more time on your video to give potential buyers a better idea of what it's like or at the very least, a bit more encouragement to take the plunge and buy the game. Just a suggestion.
  3. Grey Wizard Innovative

    Grey Wizard Innovative Active Member

    Jun 26, 2016
    Hi ZS77 Thank you for your comment.

    Could you maybe find any link to this article? Google doesn't help much here (or maybe it is just late hour ;))

    Regarding video - yep, we see your point. However there is an issue of time restrictions - we have to fit in 30s... But we are already working on something better ;)

    And also we are working on some serious Launch trailer - a bit longer and bit more explanatory. Hope you will like it :)

    Thank you once again for your interest :)
  4. Grey Wizard Innovative

    Grey Wizard Innovative Active Member

    Jun 26, 2016
    Thank you - we posted response and we will follow it closely :)

    Let us know if you have any more comments or any other feedback :)
  5. Grey Wizard Innovative

    Grey Wizard Innovative Active Member

    Jun 26, 2016
    Beta Tests

    If you like this game and would like to help us in development before the release and later (we still plan to release game on Android and other devices) please sign up to our beta program

    We are looking forward to your comments and feedback - we plan to release new version for Android and iOS even before the official release on Thurdsday :)
  6. Grey Wizard Innovative

    Grey Wizard Innovative Active Member

    Jun 26, 2016
    We are coming out tomorrow, so I guess this is our last post here :)

    See you on the other side :)
  7. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    It's out! While I am enjoying it, I've already experienced a crash or 2 in the tutorial if I didn't follow the instructions properly. I'll try to get more precise next time it occurs.

    Other than a couple of crashes in the tutorial, a very interesting take on Carcassonne in space with a few original tweaks thrown in like the tiles are triangles and double sided so you're free to use either side on your turn (assuming there is a legal spot to put it).
  8. Grey Wizard Innovative

    Grey Wizard Innovative Active Member

    Jun 26, 2016
    Thank you Lord Gek for the nice endorsment. You were faster than us with the announcement.

    Regarding those ugly crashes - there is already update waiting in the Apple review pipeline - it fixes it. Hopefully we will have it out before the weekend.
  9. Misguided

    Misguided Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009

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